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Freshman Faculty Orientation Overview of University Advancement, the UMR Brand Promise & Pillars, and your role as UMR Ambassador Connie Eggert Vice Chancellor,

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Presentation on theme: "Freshman Faculty Orientation Overview of University Advancement, the UMR Brand Promise & Pillars, and your role as UMR Ambassador Connie Eggert Vice Chancellor,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Freshman Faculty Orientation Overview of University Advancement, the UMR Brand Promise & Pillars, and your role as UMR Ambassador Connie Eggert Vice Chancellor, University Advancement X7808

2 The Strength of a Three-Legged Stool The “Advancement” Continuum  Increase Interest (Communications/Marketing Office) Communicate a consistent, relevant image and focused campus priorities through a variety of media.  Encourage Involvement (Alumni & Constituent Relations Office) Connect constituents to today’s UMR and their involve them in achieving our goals of increased enrollment, private giving, research and reputation.  Secure Investment (Development Office) Secure financial resources from interested constituents to propel UMR toward its vision. 75 donors will contribute 75% 1,497 under active cultivation 6,825 potential donors of $50K+ 12,764 alumni are campaign II donors 26,309 alumni are UMR donors 43,987 mailable alumni 49,863 living alumni 88% 60% 29%

3 The UMR Division of University Advancement Connie Eggert Vice Chancellor, University Advancement Andrew Careaga Director of Communications (13 employees) Mary Helen Stoltz Manager, Public Relations Rebecca Frisbee Manager, Publications Cheryl McKay Manager, Electronic Communications Tom Shipley Manager Video Productions Jim Sigler General Manager KUMR Public Radio (7 employees) Marianne Ward Director of Alumni & Constituent Relations (5 employees) Judy Cavender Assistant Vice Chancellor Development (25 employees) Alumni Records & Gift Processing Prospective Donor Research Annual Fund Corporate/Foundation Major Gifts Individual Major Gifts (Current & Deferred)

4 UMR Strategic Goals  We will raise total enrollment to 6,550 students by 2011.  We will increase externally sponsored research and programs to $55 million by 2011.  We will raise $200 million in private funds by 2010 to achieve campus priorities  We will be recognized as one of the top five technological research universities in the nation by 2011.  UMR will differentiate itself as a technological university by the culture of achievement and unique teamwork and leadership experiences it provides to students. UMR will strengthen a campus culture that emphasizes:  Leading edge academic preparation  Practical, hands-on experiences  Relevant career connections  Supportive and engaging communities  Opportunities to participate and lead

5 Campaigns in Context UMR Fundraising History EE Phonathon begins1 st major gift officers hired -Campaign I- Advancing Excellence (Gifts only; No grants included)

6 Campaign Goal & Objectives To become a top five technological research university, we must invest $200M in the following areas: Results 7/01/03 through 6/30/2007 Prepare students for a new world $43M Goal; $24.7 Raised  Teamwork & leadership  Interdisciplinary design  Entrepreneurship & management  Study abroad, culture & communication  Undergraduate research  Diversity  Athletic programs Increase private grants $70M Goal; $38.3 Raised Enable emerging technologies $28M Goal; $10.5 Raised  Biotechnology (environmental, biomaterials, biomedical)  Information technology (computer engineering & science) Enhance UMR’s core strengths $59M Goal; $41.9 Raised  Scholarships  Advanced materials  Advanced manufacturing  Trustworthy systems  Energy  Homeland Security  MAE Complex  Department/Program support

7 Traditional View of the “Uses of Gifts” 7/01/03 through 6/30/2007 Student Support $35M Goal; $24.7M Raised Scholarships/fellowships  To maintain excellence ($15M)  To support diversity ($10M)  To attract students studying biotechnology and emerging technologies ($10M) Private Grants $70M Goal; $38.3M Raised Facility Support $37M Goal; $13.4M Raised  Mechanical/Aerospace Engineering Bldg ($7M)  Athletic facilities ($10M)  Biotechnology facilities ($6M)  Student design & freshman studies ($5M)  Information technology equipment ($5M)  Laboratories ($4M) Faculty Support $26M Goal; $6.4M Raised Fully endowed chairs ($3M each):  Energy (2)  Entrepreneurship and management  Advanced materials  Advanced manufacturing  Homeland security/critical infrastructure protection Endowed chairs & professorships  Trustworthy systems ($2M)  Biomedical engineering ($2M)  Environmental science & engineering ($1M)  Information technology ($1M) Faculty support programs  To attract women & minorities ($1M)  To support areas of greatest opportunity ($1M) Program Support $32M Goal; $32.6M Raised  Academic department support ($19M)  Entrepreneurship and management ($6M)  Leadership & learning communities ($3M)  Pre-college/summer programs ($1M)  Interdisciplinary design ($1M)  Study abroad ($1M)  Undergraduate research ($1M)

8 The Fundraising Process  Work with those of capacity then determine or develop interest:  Tell the UMR story & the dept/program vision  Connect them to/involve them with UMR  Ask for investment of 5% net worth over 5 years  Each of the seven fundraisers work with ~200 alumni in a geographic region who are capable of a $100K+ contribution  All fundraisers tell your department’s story and seek support  They focus on the ~1,500 $100K+ prospective donors then the ~5,000 alumni capable of $50K gifts in their region Sources of Gifts, 7/03 – 6/07

9 Serving as an Ambassador: Please Assist in Involving Your Alumni  Speaking opportunities  Class, professional society, lecture series, banquets  Personal Interactions  Homecoming, alumni group mtgs when you travel  Advisory capacity  Dept advisory board, academies, informal chair’s council, student projects, capstone course liaison  Recognition  Dept newsletter article, awards, professional degree  Corporate Connections  Many exist and many more are needed. Please contact Judy Cavender, AVC of Development (x6090)

10 Serving as an Ambassador: Please Assist in Telling the UMR Story  Tell of your experience with education and research  Tell of your department’s strengths and aspirations  Talk with UMR communications professionals and UMR fundraisers so we can tell your story and your department’s story on a larger, multi-media scale  Be open to talking with the media. Training is available and encouraged.

11 UMR Brand Pillars In order to deliver on the promise to “prepare students to meet society’s technological challenges,” what experiences must we provide, what resources must be made available, what daily actions by every member of the campus community can make the biggest impact to achieve our mission and vision? Promise/position: To prepare students to meet society ’ s technological challenges PILLARPILLAR Leading edge academic preparation Practical, hands-on experiences Relevant career connections Supportive and engaging communities Opportunities to participate and lead

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