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Learning Principles and Approaches
Chapter 2 presentation by Erika Liebel
Principles and Approaches
Behavioral Psychology Approaches Cognitive Psychology Principles Constructivist Psychology Principles Objectivist – Instructivist Approach
Behavioral Psychology Principles
Basic Behavioral Rules Positive Reinforcement – Increases Frequency Remove Negative Reinforcement – Increases Frequency Negative Reinforcement – Decreases Frequency Remove Positive Reinforcement – Decreases Frequency (extinction)
Behavioral Psychologists
Edward Thorndike Ivan Pavlov B.F. Skinner
Instructional Systems Design (ISD)
Primarily for adult learners Teaching to specific levels of learner performance Measurement of observable target behaviors Emphasis on: Specifying behavior objectives Analyzing learning tasks Introduction to ISD
Cognitive Psychology Principles
Places emphasis on the observable constructs of: Mind Memory Attitudes Motivation Thinking Reflection
Cognitive Psychology 2 Early Theories
Semantic Networks Schema Theory Developed by Sir Frederic Bartlett
Cognitive Psychology Considerations for Multimedia Design and Evaluation
Perception and Attention Encoding Memory Comprehension Active Learning Motivation Locus of Control Mental Models Metacognition Transfer of Learning Individual Differences
Cognitive Psychology Perception & Attention
Information must be easy to receive. Position of information affects our attention to it and perception of it. Differences and changes attract and maintain our attention
Cognitive Psychology Encoding
Format of information in environment Medium of information Interrelationship of different informational elements Mayer’s Multimedia Effect Example: Verbal - English or Spanish Visual or Aural Dual coding theory - leaning is enhanced when complimentary information codes are received simultaneously
Cognitive Psychology Memory
Principle of Organization Information is remembered better and longer when: information is organized, when organization is imposed on it, when learner is made aware of it. More powerful than the repetition principle Principle of Repetition The more information is practiced and used, the better and longer it is remembered. Use when organization principle is impossible
Cognitive Psychology Comprehension
More than definition Learner has ability to: Apply knowledge Classify information Evaluate Discuss it Manipulate it Teach it to others Verbal Comprehension – restate in your own words Comprehension of Concepts – distinguish between examples and non-examples Comprehension of Rules and Principles – when to apply, demonstrate correct application
Cognitive Psychology Active Learning
Learn by doing – not observing Actions to facilitate learner goals: Human to computer Human to human Human to computer to human Human to paper Human to equipment Design interaction strategies Are actions mental or physical How much mental or physical effort action requires Mental or physical action is automatic or intentional Extent to which actions support tasks
Cognitive Psychology Motivation
Malone’s Motivation Theory Keller’s ARCS Motivation Theory Attention Relevance Confidence Satisfaction
Cognitive Psychology Locus of Control
Whether control of sequence, content, methodology, an other instructional factors are determined by the learner, the program or a combination of the two. High achieving learners = greater control Low achieving learners = less control
Cognitive Psychology Mental Models
Representations in working memory that can be run by the learner to understand a system, solve a problem or predict events. Conceptual models develop good mental models.
Cognitive Psychology Metacognition
Awareness of one’s cognition Metamemory – awareness of how well one remembers Metacomprehension – awareness of how well one understands Good Learners Poor Learners Cognition High Low Metacognition High or Low
Cognitive Psychology Transfer of Learning
Extent to which performance in one situation is reflected in another Near transfer – applying info in similar situations Far transfer - use info in very different situations
Cognitive Psychology Individual Differences
Capability to individualize learning style and cognitive style.
Cognitive Influence on Interactive Multimedia Design
Designers must address: Screen design and presentation strategies Theories of attention and perception Incorporate motivational principles
Constructivist Psychology Principles
Knowledge is constructed in our heads. Emphasizes: Learning not teaching Actions & thinking of learners, not teachers Active learning Learner choice Negotiation of goals, strategies & evaluation Discovery or guided discovery methods Learner construction of info Personal autonomy Accept & reflect on complexity of the world Situated cognition & anchored instruction Cooperative & collaborative activities Purposeful authentic activities Learner reflection Ownership of learning and activities Authentic – relevant activities
Constructivist Psychology Learning vs. Teaching
Downplay teacher presentation Stress learner activity
Constructivist Psychology Discovery Learning
Learner explores, experiments, researches, questions & seeks answers Guided or structured discovery environments Teachers & learners as partners in the research experience
Constructivist Psychology Situated Learning & Anchored Instruction
Learning always occurs in some context Context significantly affects learning Anchored Instruction Learning environment should be embedded in real world context with real imagery, goals, problems and activities
Constructivist Psychology Cooperative & Collaborative Learning
Cooperative Learning Learners help each other Different projects Different goals Collaborative Learning Learners work on a shared project Same goals
Constructivist Psychology Autonomy, Choice & Negotiation
Learners given choices in their activities Learners are autonomous in their actions Learners & instructors negotiate goals and activities
Constructivist Psychology Reflection & Strategic Thinking
Environment should foster learning and learning how to learn
Constructivist Psychology Reflecting on the Complexity of the World
Knowledge and skills taught should be: Transferable to other environments Relevant to the learner Real world situations
Constructivist Influence on Interactive Multimedia Design
Traditional methods – Tutorial, drills Hypermedia, simulations, virtual reality, open-ended learning environments Explore, apply their own learning style & use software as a resource Poor for developing life long learners More benefit to learner Learner not the teacher
Criticisms of Behaviorism
Not appropriate for multimedia design ISD Learner responses Does not include Learner Satisfaction Self worth Creativity Social Values Attention only to observable learner behavior Non-motivating & non-transferable Reactive not proactive
Criticisms of Cognitivism
Strayed too far from active learning Educational software has too much reading, watching & listening Undervalue the principles of reinforcement
Criticisms of Objectivism or Instructivism
Does not promote collaboration, self autonomy, active learning or transfer of information Does support the “Banking Method” (Freire, 1970).
Criticisms of Constructivism
They feel that tutorial & drill activities are never appropriate Constructivist methods work better for learners with well developed metacognitive skills Good for individual activities – not whole school Advocates replacing current system through revolution not evolution
People to Know Constructivists Behaviorists Hannafin Bransford Reeves
Bereiter Behaviorists Dick Rieber Reigeluth Jacobson & Spiro
Questions for Discussion
What are the implications for the use of computers/multimedia in each theory, Behaviorism, Cognitivism & Constructivism? Which psychological principles (behaviorist, cognitivist or constructivist) do you use in your classrooms and why?
References Alessi, S.M. & Trollip, S.R. (2001). Learning
principles and approaches. In Multimedia for learning; methods and development (pp ). Boston: Allyn & Bacon. Freire, P. (1970). Pedagogy of the Oppressed (p. 53). New York: Continuum.
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