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Sensation and Perception Sensation: your window to the world Perception: interpreting what comes in your window.

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Presentation on theme: "Sensation and Perception Sensation: your window to the world Perception: interpreting what comes in your window."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sensation and Perception Sensation: your window to the world Perception: interpreting what comes in your window.

2 Weber’s Law Computes the Just Noticeable Difference. The change needed is proportional to the original intensity of the stimulus. The more intense the stimulus the more change is needed to notice the difference. 8% for vision.

3 Absolute Threshold The minimum stimulation needed to detect a stimulus 50% of the time.

4 (Just Notable Difference) Difference Threshold The smallest amount of change needed to detect in a stimulus before we detect a change

5 Subliminal Messages Stimuli below our absolute threshold. Backmasking Do subliminal messages work? Probably a placebo effect? Do you hear “In the Middle of the night, just to hear them say?” Or…”Satan he hears this. He had me believe in him?” Do you hear “…tell you it’s fair, so beat it?” Or…”I believe it was Satan in me?” Do you hear “Treasures there?” Or…“I am Satan?”

6 Not Just Auditory…Also Visual! In print advertising…..

7 And in Commercials Too… Did you see it???

8 Does It Really Work? Darren Brown – the Illusionist, hypnotist, mentalist, painter, writer and skeptic You will see more of him this year “Trick of the Mind,” “Trick or Treat” and “Mind Control” He states that he achieves through, “magic, suggestion, psychology, misdirection and showmanship.” Watch this clip, do more research and tomorrow turn in a reaction telling me if you think subliminal messaging works and why/why not?

9 End Day 1 Today you were introduced to the following words/people/concepts: – Proprioception – Transduction – Psychophysics – Absolute threshold – Difference threshold – Signal detection (theory) – Subliminal – Just noticeable difference (JND) – Weber’s Law – Sensory adaptation – Selective attention – Fechner – Weber You should KNOW the ones in green

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