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What is Flipped Learning?. Blended Learning F ocus on L earners by I nvolving them in the P rocess.

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Presentation on theme: "What is Flipped Learning?. Blended Learning F ocus on L earners by I nvolving them in the P rocess."— Presentation transcript:

1 What is Flipped Learning?

2 Blended Learning F ocus on L earners by I nvolving them in the P rocess

3 The flipped classroom... Pedagogical model in which the the typical lecture or an element of the content and homework elements are reversed Short videos In-class is spent on investigations, differentiated practice, projects, discussions Videos: created by teacher or selected from online sources Class time becomes a workshop: teachers are coaches inquiring inquiry and collaboration

4 Significance and Power Traditional delivery of content: students try to capture what is being said at the moment the speaker is presenting the content. In the Flipped Learning environment... The pace is under the control of the student: stop, replay, reflect Students are often more likely to share their questions and thinking. The student can select the time and location of learning. Questions, misconceptions, and extensions are generated through follow up activities (WSQCCPIs; blogging) Places more responsibility on the students. students.

5 Challenges Careful preparation Recording content takes training and time. Video content and in-class investigations must be integrated. Technology needs Face to face time (more of an issue in secondary)

6 Planning What do students need to learn? Identify learning objectives. Lower level learning objectives (Bloom’s Revised Taxonomy and DOK)...understand, define, relate, label... online videos Higher level learning...apply, build, develop,organize,analyze, evaluate... in class investigations

7 Planning the Video Teacher created video or online source Questions What are the content standards? What are the big ideas? What are the essential inquiry questions? What evidence will demonstrate learning?

8 Teacher Created Videos Hook: related to in-class activities or learning; students like seeing/hearing their teacher; students are used to and comfortable with the teacher’s style or approach Effectiveness: teacher is aware of what the students have been doing, their level of understanding and interests Wow Factor: students are positive about their teacher’s effort and presentations Community Learning: the teacher and student are learning together at school and off site.

9 Existing Videos Positives Effective and varied Plentiful Easy to access Negatives Advertisements Quality of video

10 Accountability Check for understanding Online quizzes or activities can be embedded in the video WSQCCPIs Blogging In-class Activities Discussions: using comments from blogs or WSQCCPIs Practice and Extension Investigations Differentiated instructional groups/projects Collaboration Online quizzes or activities can be embedded in the video

11 Technology Screencasting Camtasia Educreations Sketchbook Pro/Wacom tablet Screen-Cast-O-Matic Blogging kidblog blog feature via scasd webpage

12 Flippable Moment The moment when the teacher stops “talking at” the learners The moment when the work is flipped to the learners The moment when the learner is allowed to struggle, ask questions, solve problems, and work through the process with the guidance and facilitation of the teacher

13 Considering Flipping...What is next? Start small. Begin with an existing, reliable video. Select a content area or learning objective that lends itself to being flipped. Seek feedback from your students: what worked? what didn’t? Collaborate!

14 Accountability

15 Students Love Flipping!

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