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Chair, Department of Mathematical Sciences: Kyle Swanson Interim Developmental Mathematics Coordinator: Kelly Kohlmetz

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Presentation on theme: "Chair, Department of Mathematical Sciences: Kyle Swanson Interim Developmental Mathematics Coordinator: Kelly Kohlmetz"— Presentation transcript:

1 Chair, Department of Mathematical Sciences: Kyle Swanson ( Interim Developmental Mathematics Coordinator: Kelly Kohlmetz (

2  Based on research  Looked at national trends and successful programs  Well-known link between recruitment, retention and remediation  Analysis of data here at UWM  Developmental mathematics was stumbling block for too many students at UWM

3  For those who pass Math 090, losing about 20% in transition from Math 090 to Math 095  For those who pass Math 095, losing 20% in transition from Math 095 to credit bearing math (Math 103, Math 105, or Math 175)  About 20% more never complete credit bearing math course

4  Credit bearing math courses will remain the same  Math 103, Math 105 and Math 175 will still exist  Students will be able to test directly into these courses as before  Changes are only to developmental mathematics (zero-credit courses)

5  Basic Math (Math 090) and Beginning Algebra (Math 095) will not exist for Fall 2014  The course numbers will still exist for transfer students and on transcripts  We are NOT eliminating developmental mathematics…  … we are redesigning it!  Two new pathways will exist: ◦ Mathematical Literacy (Math Lit) Pathway: Math 092 -> Math 102 for non-STEM ◦ Algebra Pathway: Math 098 -> Math 108 for STEM

6  For those who would have normally placed into Math 090, advisor must now consider math ACT subscore as well: ◦ ACT < 16 means students will take Math 094: Preparation for College Mathematics ◦ ACT ≥ 16 means students can take Math 092: ◦ Mathematical Literacy I (for non-STEM majors) OR Math 094 (STEM majors may want to take Math 094 so they can take Math 105 the second semester)

7  These students would have placed into Beginning Algebra but will now have a choice depending on their major/interest: ◦ Math 092: Mathematical Literacy I (for non-STEM) ◦ Math 098: Algebra I (for STEM)

8  Called a pathway: Math 092 -> Math 102  Students will satisfy GER Quant A in two semesters  Designed for non-STEM majors  Group work, class discussions, explaining reasoning, evaluating answers (does it make sense), spiral curriculum, college success skills integrated, taught in active learning classrooms  One main instructor with 1-2 GTAs (about 18 students per instructor)  Coordinator: Kelly Kohlmetz, PhD (current Math 095 coordinator)

9  MW or TR sections  Cannot test into Math 102  Only students who complete Math 092 with C or better can take Math 102  Use one textbook for both semester  One-year ALEKS license for online homework  Math 092 is 0-cr. course (3 cr. for financial aid)  Math 102 is 3-cr. course, which satisfies Quantitative Literacy Part A grad requirement

10  Called a pathway: Math 098 -> Math 108  Students will satisfy GER Quant A in two semesters  Designed for STEM majors  Mini-lectures, group work, worksheets in class, traditional curriculum, experienced lecturers will mentor 4-5 GTAs, taught with Smart-Boards  Coordinator: Xianwei Van Harpen, PhD (current Math 105 coordinator)

11  MW or TR sections  Cannot test into Math 108  Only students who complete Math 098 with C or better can take Math 108  Use one textbook for both semester  One-year ALEKS license for online homework  Math 098 is 0-cr. course (3 cr. for financial aid)  Math 108 is 3-cr. course, which satisfies Quantitative Literacy Part A grad requirement  After completing Math 108, students are eligible to take any course for which Math 105 is prerequisite (e.g. Chem 100 or Math 211)

12  Similar to Math 094 course now: 0-cr. but counts as 6-cr. for financial aid  Students would take Math 103, Math 105 or Math 175 after completing Math 094 with C or better  Similar to pathways, students will satisfy GER Quant A in two semesters  Flipped classroom model where students will watch lecture BEFORE coming to class and class time will be spent working problems, class discussions, demonstrating solutions, taught with Smart-Boards, manipulatives and lots of board work  Coordinator: Leah Rineck (experienced UWM combination instructor)

13  MWTR in classroom with F in computer lab  Currently no textbook but may have study skills book  One-semester ALEKS license for online homework  Math 094 is 0-cr. course (6 cr. for fin. aid)  After completing Math 094, students are eligible to take any course for which Math 095 is prerequisite (e.g. Math 105)

14 Semester 1Semester 2 Placement Level 0 (Math 090) Math ACT < 16 Preparation for College Math (Math 094) Math 103, 105 OR Math 175 PLUS Check ACT math subscore Math ACT ≥ 16 Non-STEM Majors Math Literacy I (Math 092) Non-STEM Majors Math Literacy II (Math 102) Math ACT ≥ 16 STEM Majors Preparation for College Math (Math 094) STEM Majors Math 105

15 Semester 1Semester 2 Non-STEM Majors Math Literacy I (Math 092) Non-STEM Majors Math Literacy II (Math 102) Placement Level 10 (Math 095) STEM Majors Algebra Literacy I (Math 098) STEM Majors Algebra Literacy II (Math 108)

16  Same placement as currently  Students may take Math 103, Math 105, Math 175 depending on major/interest

17  UW-System test  Practice available online with information about scoring (need developmental or not)  Changed some cutoffs  Only expect 200 students in Math 094  Expect 200 more students to place directly into credit-bearing math courses

18  Official version of the website is now live!   Tab with guidelines for advisors  Tabs with information about each developmental math pathway

19  Kyle Swanson: Chair of Dept. of Math Sci.  Kelly Kohlmetz: Math Lit Pathways (092 & 102) Coordinator  Xianwei Van Harpen: Algebra Pathways (098 & 108) Coordinator  Leah Rineck: Preparation for College Mathematics (094) Coordinator

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