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Chapter 4 Demand Contents CHAPTER INTRODUCTION SECTION 1What Is Demand? SECTION 2Factors Affecting Demand SECTION 3Elasticity of Demand CHAPTER SUMMARY.

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2 Chapter 4 Demand

3 Contents CHAPTER INTRODUCTION SECTION 1What Is Demand? SECTION 2Factors Affecting Demand SECTION 3Elasticity of Demand CHAPTER SUMMARY CHAPTER ASSESSMENT Click a hyperlink to go to the corresponding section. Press the ESC key at any time to exit the presentation.

4 Chapter Introduction 1 In Chapter 4, you will learn that demand is more than a desire to buy something: it is the ability and willingness to actually buy it. Click the Speaker button to listen to Economics and You.

5 Key Terms –microeconomics  –demand schedule  –demand curve  –Law of Demand  –market demand curve  –marginal utility  –diminishing marginal utility –demand  Click the mouse button or press the Space Bar to display the information. Section 1 begins on page 89 of your textbook.

6 People sometimes think of demand as the desire to have or to own a certain product.  In this sense, anyone who would like to own a swimming pool could be said to “demand” one.  Click the mouse button or press the Space Bar to display the information. In order for demand to be counted in the marketplace, however, desire is not enough; it must coincide with the ability and willingness to pay for it.

7 Only those people with demand—the desire, ability, and willingness to buy a product-can compete with others who have similar demands.  Demand, like many other topics in Unit 2 is a microeconomic concept.  Microeconomics is the area of economics that deals with behavior and decision making by small units, such as individuals and firms.

8 Collectively, these concepts of microeconomics help explain how prices are determined and how individual economic decisions are made.

9 Click the mouse button or press the Space Bar to display the information. Demand is the desire, ability, and willingness to buy a product.  An individual demand curve illustrates now the quantity that a person will demand varies depending on the price of a good or service.  Economists analyze demand by listing prices and desired quantities in a demand schedule (chart). When the demand data is graphed, it forms a demand curve with a downward slope.



12 Click the mouse button or press the Space Bar to display the information. The Law of Demand states that the quantity demanded of a good or service varies inversely with its price. When price goes up, the quantity demanded goes down; when price goes down, the quantity demanded goes up.  A market demand curve illustrates how the quantity that all interested persons (the market) will demand varies depending on the price of a good or service.

13 Why is price a consumer’s obstacle to buying? Answers will vary, but may include that a consumer’s money is limited, and the price of a product forces the consumer to determine how much his or her demand is for the product. Click the mouse button or press the Space Bar to display the answer.

14 The Law of Demand (cont.)

15 Click the mouse button or press the Space Bar to display the information. Marginal utility is the extra usefulness or satisfaction a person receives from getting or using one more unit of a product.  The principle of diminishing marginal utility states that the satisfaction we gain from buying a product lessens as we buy more of the same product.

16 Describe the relationship between the demand schedule and demand curve. Both provide information about demand–the schedule in the form of a table and the curve in the form of a graph. Click the mouse button or press the Space Bar to display the answer.

17 Describe how the slope of the demand curve can be explained by the principle of diminishing marginal utility. Diminishing marginal utility says that as we use more of a product, we are not willing to pay as much for it. Therefore, the demand curve is downward sloping. People will not pay as much for the second and third product as they will for the first. Click the mouse button or press the Space Bar to display the answer.

18 Click the mouse button to return to the Contents slide.

19 Key Terms –income effect  –substitution effect  –change in demand  –substitutes  –complements –change in quantity demanded  Click the mouse button or press the Space Bar to display the information. Section 2 begins on page 95 of your textbook.

20 The demand curve is a graphical representation of the quantities that people are willing to purchase at all possible prices that might prevail in the market.  Occasionally something happens to change people’s willingness and ability to buy.  These changes are usually of two types: a change in the quantity demanded, and a change in demand. Click the mouse button or press the Space Bar to display the information.

21 In 1983, the first audio compact discs were introduce to U.S. consumers. Within five years, record companies had begun to phase out the vinyl albums on which music was traditionally played because sales figures had shown that consumers preferred CD technology. Click the mouse button or press the Space Bar to display the information.

22 The change in quantity demanded shows a change in the amount of the product purchased when there is a change in price.  The income effect means that as prices drop, consumers are left with extra real income.  The substitution effect means that price can cause consumers to substitute one product with another similar but cheaper item.

23 Figure 4.3

24 Imagine you have a weekly budget for groceries. When you shop one week, certain items you needed were on sale, and after you paid the cashier, you had $20 left. What would you do with the extra money? Answers will vary. Students should explain how their responses illustrate the income effect. Click the mouse button or press the Space Bar to display the answer.

25 Click the mouse button or press the Space Bar to display the information. A change in demand can be caused by a change in income, tastes, a price change in a related product (either because it is a substitute or complement), consumer expectations, and the number of buyers. A change in demand is when people buy different amounts of the product at the same prices. 

26 Change in Demand (cont.) Section

27 Main Idea How does the income effect explain the change in quantity demanded that takes place when the price goes down? Because of the decrease in price, consumers have more real income, leading to an increase in the quantity demanded of a product. Click the mouse button or press the Space Bar to display the answer.

28 Describe the difference between a change in quantity demanded and a change in demand. A change in quantity demanded reflects a change in the quantity of the product purchased in response to a change in price. A change in demand reflects a willingness to buy different amounts of the product at the same price. Click the mouse button or press the Space Bar to display the answer.

29 Click the mouse button to return to the Contents slide.

30 Key Terms –demand elasticity  –elastic  –elasticity  Click the mouse button or press the Space Bar to display the information. Section 3 begins on page 101 of your textbook. Objectives After studying this section, you will be able to:  –Explain why elasticity is a measure of responsiveness.  –Analyze the elasticity of demand for a product.  –Understand the factors that determine demand elasticity. –inelastic  –unit elastic 

31 Cause-and-effect relationships are important in the study of economics.  An important cause-and-effect relationship in economics is elasticity, a measure of responsiveness that tells us how a dependent variable such as quantity responds to a change in an independent variable such as price. Click the mouse button or press the Space Bar to display the information. For example, we often ask, “if one thing happens, how will it affect something else?” 

32 Elasticity is also a very general concept that can be applied to income, the quantity of a product supplied by a firm, or to demand. Click the mouse button or press the Space Bar to display the information.

33 Elasticity measures how sensitive consumers are to price changes.  Demand is elastic when a change in price causes a large change in demand.  Demand is inelastic when a change in price causes a small change in demand.  Demand is unit elastic when a change in price causes a proportional change in demand.

34 Click the mouse button or press the Space Bar to display the information. Price times quantity demanded equals total expenditures.  Changes in expenditures depend on the elasticity of a demand curve—if the change in price and expenditures move in opposite directions on the curve, the demand is elastic, if they move in the same direction, the demand is inelastic; if there is no change in expenditures, demand is unit elastic.  Understanding the relationship between elasticity and profits can help producers effectively price their products.

35 The Total Expenditures Test (cont.)

36 Click the mouse button or press the Space Bar to display the information. Demand is elastic if the answer to the following questions are “yes”.  –Can the purchase be delayed? Some purchases cannot be delayed, regardless of price changes.  –Are adequate substitutes available? Price changes can cause consumers to substitute on product for a similar product.  –Does the purchase use a large portion of income? Demand elasticity can increase when a product commands a large portion of a consumer’s income.

37 Determinants of Demand Elasticity (cont.)

38 Describe the three determinants of demand elasticity. Can the purchase be delayed? Are adequate substitutes available? Does the purchase use a large portion of income? Click the mouse button or press the Space Bar to display the answer.

39 Continued on next slide.

40 Explain why the demand for insulin is inelastic. There is a lack of adequate substitutes for insulin. Click the mouse button or press the Space Bar to display the answer.

41 Click the mouse button to return to the Contents slide.

42 Section 1: What Is Demand? Click the mouse button or press the Space Bar to display the information. Microeconomics is the area of economic study that deals with individual units in an economy, such as households, business firms, labor unions, and workers.  You express demand for a product when you are both willing and able to purchase it.  Demand can be summarized in a demand schedule, which shows the various quantities that would be purchased at all possible prices that might prevail in the market.  Demand can also be shown graphically as a downward sloping demand curve.

43 Chapter Summary 2 Click the mouse button or press the Space Bar to display the information. The Law of Demand refers to the inverse relationship between price and quantity demanded.  Individual demand curves for a particular product can be added up to get the market demand curve.  Marginal utility is the amount of satisfaction an individual receives from consuming one additional unit of a particular good or service.  Diminishing marginal utility means that with each succeeding unit, satisfaction decreases.

44 Chapter Summary 3 Click the mouse button or press the Space Bar to display the information. Demand can change in two ways–a change in quantity demanded or a change in demand.  A change in quantity demanded means people buy a different quantity of a product if that product’s price changes, appearing as a movement along the demand curve.  A change in demand means that people have changed their minds about the amount they would buy at each and every price. It is represented as a shift of the demand curve to the right or left.  A change in consumer incomes, tastes and expectations, and the price of related goods causes a change in demand.

45 Chapter Summary 4 Click the mouse button or press the Space Bar to display the information. Related goods include substitutes and complements. A substitute is a product that is interchangeable in use with another product. A complement is a product that is used in conjunction with another product.  The market demand curve changes whenever consumers enter or leave the market, or whenever an individual’s demand curve changes.

46 Chapter Summary 5 Click the mouse button or press the Space Bar to display the information. Elasticity is a general measure of responsiveness that relates changes of a dependent variable such as quantity to changes in an independent variable such as price.  Demand elasticity relates changes in the quantity demanded to changes in price.  If a change in price causes a relatively larger change in the quantity demanded, demand is elastic.  If a change in price causes a relatively smaller change in the quantity demanded, demand is inelastic.

47 Chapter Summary 6 Click the mouse button or press the Space Bar to display the information. When demand is elastic, it stretches as price changes. Inelastic demand means that price changes have little impact on quantity demanded.  Demand is unit elastic if a change in price causes a proportional change in quantity demanded.  The total expenditures test can be used to estimate demand elasticity.  Demand elasticity is influenced by the ability to postpone a purchase, by the substitutes available, and by the proportion of income required for the purchase.

48 Click the mouse button to return to the Contents slide.

49 ___the desire, ability, and willingness to buy a product ___a movement along the demand curve showing that a different quantity is purchased in response to a change in price ___a statement that more will be demanded at lower prices and less at higher prices Click the mouse button or press the Space Bar to display the answer. The Chapter Assessment is on pages 110–111. Chapter Assessment 1 Match the letter of the term best described by each statement. B F G A.demand scheduleE.demand curve B.demand F.change in quantity demanded C.microeconomicsG.Law of Demand D.change in demandH.elastic demand

50 Chapter Assessment 2 Click the mouse button or press the Space Bar to display the answer. Match the letter of the term best described by each statement. ___a listing in a table that shows the quantity demanded at all possible prices in the market at a given time ___a principle illustrating that consumers demand different amounts at every price, causing the demand curve to shift to the left or the right ___the field of economics that deals with behavior and decision making by individuals and firms A.demand scheduleE.demand curve B.demand F.change in quantity demanded C.microeconomicsG.Law of Demand D.change in demandH.elastic demand A D C

51 Chapter Assessment 3 Click the mouse button or press the Space Bar to display the answer. Match the letter of the term best described by each statement. ___a principle illustrating that a relatively small change in price causes a relatively large change in the quantity demanded ___a graph that shows the quantity demanded at all possible prices in the market at a given time H E A.demand scheduleE.demand curve B.demand F.change in quantity demanded C.microeconomicsG.Law of Demand D.change in demandH.elastic demand

52 Chapter Assessment 7 Click the mouse button or press the Space Bar to display the answer. Identify the five factors that can cause a change in market demand. The five factors that can cause a change in market demand are: –consumer income –consumer tastes –substitutes and complements –change in expectations –number of consumers

53 Chapter Assessment 8 Click the mouse button or press the Space Bar to display the answer. Describe the difference between elastic demand and inelastic demand. When demand is elastic, there is a relatively large change in quantity demanded when the price changes, giving the demand curve a flat slope. The change in quantity demanded is much smaller for inelastic demand, making the slope of the demand curve steeper.

54 Click the mouse button to return to the Contents slide.

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