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Mrs. Carol Rychlik and Dr. Evan Glazer

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1 Mrs. Carol Rychlik and Dr. Evan Glazer

2 25% F to B- 50% B, B+, A- 25% A Pacing is too fast Pace is just rightPacing is too slow Class is too difficult Class is appropriately challenging Class is too easy

3  Support students transition to a learning environment with higher expectations  Engage students in inquiry and problem solving activities  Help students develop metacognitive skills  Foster self-directed and time management skills

4  What do we want students to know and be able to do?  How will we know they have achieved these objectives?  What will we do if students don’t achieve the objectives with our pacing?  What will do for students if they achieve objectives faster than our pacing?

5  Education to the masses – “spray and pray”  Heavy emphasis helping the struggling students or the eager students rather than all students  Little one-on-one time  Limited formative assessment  Challenging work given at night


7  Encourage dialogue among students  Monitor student problem solving  Question/help one-on-one  Obtain regular understanding of student progress

8  Grouping based on readiness  Fill in Notes  Review homework  Progressively challenging problems or inquiry based explorations  Check for understanding at end of block lessons 1 3 3 2 2 2

9 LevelChallengeDescription OneBasicthe starting point for confused students TwoIntermediatethe starting point for most students ThreeMasterythe optional starting point for “A” students FourExpertvery high challenge/proof *Alternate approach = Complete an inquiry-based lab

10  Students are not expected to complete any specific level  Classwork submitted at the end of period  Grade based on effort (2 for class, 1 for HW)  Students realize assessments tend to be Level 2/3

11  Encouraged more time at Levels 1 and 2  Invited parents for conversations (below B-)  Used preassessment data  Asked students to reflect on metacognitive strategies (particularly checking their work)

12  Post pencasts and other videos  Post classroom fill-in notes  Post answers to Levels problems  Pencast FAQs

13 What’s worked for us What’s challenging for students  Developed capacity to challenge all students  Learning environment is student-centered  Assessing and feedback regularly  Students have access to materials if they forget or are absent  Providing supplementary resources  Viewing pencasts  Not asking questions from home  Notetaking  Discomfort with uncertainty  Pacing – some too fast and some too slow

14 PositivesNegatives  Spend time with struggling students while providing enrichment for advanced learners  Talk with students about problem solving  Student awareness  Some students really enjoy direct instruction  Lots of resource development for teacher  Some students “get by,” doing the least amount necessary

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