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Flipped classroom Flips----no flops Mary Lou Duffy College of Education Exceptional Student Education- Jupiter.

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Presentation on theme: "Flipped classroom Flips----no flops Mary Lou Duffy College of Education Exceptional Student Education- Jupiter."— Presentation transcript:

1 Flipped classroom Flips----no flops Mary Lou Duffy College of Education Exceptional Student Education- Jupiter

2 What is does flipping mean?  Buzz word in Higher Education  Reversing what happens in and out of the classroom  Watch videos/podcasts of lectures outside of class  Do problem solving “homework” activities inside of class

3 What does it really mean?  Shifting of the responsibility for learning from the instructor to the students  Encourages active participation  Increasing interaction between teachers and students around content learning

4 Basis for Flipped classrooms  Science of pedagogy and learning  Foundation in factual knowledge  Grasp of context  Organizing info for retrieval  Metacognitive skills for monitoring  How People Learn (Bransford, Brown & Cocking, 2004)

5 When I flip Before class Listen to a pod cast Read chapters View recorded lecture and PP Watch videos I do During class Take a quick quiz via Collaborate Work on a case related to the reading & lecture We do After class Complete an activity or assignment to show individual understanding You do

6 Some topics are better than others for flipping 3 general categories for flipping

7 When to FLIP  Looking at the semester’s topics. When do the students seem to have the most difficulty?  Spending more time on the tough stuff  Giving “think time”

8 When to FLIP  Look for the fundamentals  If it is essential to the course; to the discipline  Does it deserve more time?

9 When to FLIP  Are you/they bored  Switch it up; ROAD TRIP!  They do, not you do

10 Other ways to FLIP  Create a syllabus scavenger hunt  Group note taking  Begin class with a case based discussion from the readings.  Give guiding questions with the chapter assignments  Go beyond the typical resources for info  Community interviews (crowd sourcing)  Internet trends

11 This too is flipping Keep in mind, the goal is engagement; not grading  Read a chapter and assign short quizzes to be taken right before class begins  Have students donate 2 questions on the chapter they want to see on the next quiz/test when they come to class.

12 Tools for Flipping  “Jing” 5 minute tutorials or mini lectures  “Screencast-o-matic” 15 min videos upload to YouTube channel through FAU Google Apps  Echo360  Blackboard Collaborate recorded sessions  Audacity podcasting  Narrated PowerPoints  iPad/iPhone movies  Google Apps (Docs, Sites)

13 If you are interested in continuing the conversation…

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