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Parent Info About Flipping the Classroom Let’s Find Out More!

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2 Parent Info About Flipping the Classroom Let’s Find Out More!

3 Setting Our Objectives O We will be occasionally flipping our Math classroom to make it engaging and relevant to each student’s learning style.

4 The following video is a quick look at a flipped classroom. Quick Look at a Flipped Classroom

5 As teachers, we have high expectations of your students. Research shows that parental expectations are one of the strongest predictors… of student achievement!

6 We have lots of students in our classrooms and want each to learn the best way that they can.

7 We want to communicate with you in whatever way is best for you… O Email O Notes home from school O Telephone calls O Texting O Twitter O Facebook

8 We want you to be engaged with us and your students each and every day !

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