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FLIPPED OUT!! AP Psych Students Train Teachers. Welcome to the Flipped Classroom You will join ONE of four possible groups that will focus on a specific.

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Presentation on theme: "FLIPPED OUT!! AP Psych Students Train Teachers. Welcome to the Flipped Classroom You will join ONE of four possible groups that will focus on a specific."— Presentation transcript:

1 FLIPPED OUT!! AP Psych Students Train Teachers

2 Welcome to the Flipped Classroom You will join ONE of four possible groups that will focus on a specific segment of our unit on Cognition, Memory, Thinking and Language –1. Cognition –2. Heuristics –3. Language –4. Memory 2

3 Products The final product will be a presentation to the class and to our staff development experts. There will be other checks along the way: –1. LECTURE & ACTIVITY on topic – created for audience – TEST GRADE –2. ASSESSMENT – Socrative – QUIZ GRADE –3. CORNELL NOTES – all 4 sets – QUIZ GRADE –4. Vocabulary List – NO QUIZ – turned in for 7pts (all/nothing) added to test 3

4 DEBRIEF AT the end of the project you will debrief the experience. At this time you will turn in a set of notes that include your contribution to the project and at which time you grade your team members. This will be included in your individual overall test score 4

5 RESOURCES There are a number of resources at your disposal that you can use: –Web based staff development resources –Education books –Teacher versions of the unit notes –Teacher power points –Sky’s the limit!!! You find it and we’ll approve it –Additionally… there are videos (see next slide) Garrett, Sampling5

6 VIDEO LINKS Memory Cognition Heuristics Language 6

7 Materials You should bring in books, articles, and all other materials that you need to create your presentation each day in class. Each day of preparation that you do not have materials we will deduct 10 points from your overall test grade. 7

8 HAVE FUN!! Be creative! Remember who your audience is. This is your chance to tell teachers what you really want and what will help you learn (supported by the content) Back up your project/data often! Don’t be a social loafer!!! All students are expected to be a part of the presentation. 8

9 Garrett, Sampling9

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