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Distance Education in Theory and Approach Tuesday, December 03, 2013 | 10:00 am –11:30 am.

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Presentation on theme: "Distance Education in Theory and Approach Tuesday, December 03, 2013 | 10:00 am –11:30 am."— Presentation transcript:

1 Distance Education in Theory and Approach Tuesday, December 03, 2013 | 10:00 am –11:30 am

2 Sevaughn Banks, Training and EBP Specialist, CalSWEC Tim Wohltmann, Distance Education Specialist, CalSWEC

3 This webinar is designed for people considering the use of web-based modes of training and education delivery. The webinar will take a critical approach to examining fundamental concepts associated with teaching and learning in a distance education paradigm.

4  Describe the history of distance education and its impact on current practice  Highlight theories underpinning distance education, a taxonomy of theory and illustrate their impact on contemporary practice  Define key terms in distance education history and practice  Outline common delivery methods

5  Macro ◦ Distance Education ◦ eLearning ◦ mLearning ◦ Modality  Mezzo ◦ Information Communications Technology (ICT) ◦ Pedagogy vs Andragogy ◦ Synchronous vs Asynchronous ◦ Hybrid vs Blended vs Flipped Classroom model  Micro ◦ Course authoring software ◦ Learning Management System (LMS) ◦ Course Management System (CMS) or Content Management System ◦ Virtual Learning Environment (VLE)

6  What is Distance Education?  What is the impact of “Distance” alter the nature of “Education”?  How does “Learning” feel about that?

7 If you could define “distance education” in a picture, what would it look like?

8 In a very basic iteration, distance education is a paradigm in which a learner is physically separated from the source of instruction by time, distance, space.

9 The gap existing between an instructional resource (ex: a teacher to whom you might ask questions) and the student is central to building a conceptual framework for distance education.  Multiple elements present in an educational paradigm  Multiple elements influence learning outcomes  Distance alters the elements present ? Correct? Incorrect? How do I…? Incorrect! Have you..?

10 (Moore 1972)

11 Distance creates a relational gap between learner and instructor, creating varying amounts of learner autonomy and “transactional distance” (Moore 1972)


13  How can deeper, higher-order learning be achieved?  How much guidance, structure, dialog, interaction are needed between learner and teacher?

14  How can we distinguish the phases of evolution of Distance Education as a field or practice?  What is the relationship between the phases of evolution, the theories and the approaches to distance education?

15 Text + courier courses, “correspondence” (1700-mid 1900) Radio, Telephone (1910 – current) Television (1948 - current) Computer (1960 – current) Mobile devices (2000 – current)




19 TheoryComponent TheoriesInstructional Impacts Behavioral Learning TheoryConnectionism & Conditioning Task Analysis; behavioral objectives; practice and feedback Cognitive Learning TheoryGestalt, information processing & schema message design; rehearsal; chunking; organizers Social Learning TheorySocial cognitive theoryModeling; self-efficacy Constructivist Theory (philosophy) Personal interpretation of experience, relevant learning, exploring multiple perspectives, learning domains & styles Learning facilitation; Active learning; Contextualized learning; Collaborative learning; Scaffolding; Problem-based learning; Cognitive apprenticeship


21  What is a “modality” or “mode” in the distance education context?  How do they differ from one another?  Why are some chosen over others?

22 A Modality typically refers to the way in which distance education course or content is delivered. It might also be referred to as:  Delivery or distribution method  Programmatic “approach” or structure  Type of content There may be a single, or multiple, modality(ies) used in a given distance learning paradigm or program.

23 The terms ‘modality’ or ‘mode’ may sometimes be used interchangeably to refer to different levels of analysis or activity

24 (eLearning Guild 2008)


26  Macro level descriptors are most common  Context / Industry-specific  Tool-based Like an abstract piece of art, there are many ways to look at and describe delivery methods or modalities.

27  Concern larger program-level considerations ◦ Will there be an instructor? ◦ Will it be asynchronous, synchronous, both? ◦ Will there be in-person elements? ◦ What percentage of instruction will be online? ◦ If in-person elements are present, do the online elements only supplement that? Or, are the online elements essential to in-person instruction? (South West Oklahoma University)

28 Picture of announcement board from Instructor-led fully online course inside LMS

29 Picture of user interface and content slide from self-guided fully online course

30 Picture of a web conferencing session in a synchronous fully online course

31 Picture of disscussion forum from an asynchronous instructor-led fully online course

32 Picture of a self assessment activity from a self-guided asynchronous fully online course




36 Wikis / blogs Group collaboration spaces ePublishing of course materials

37 In a ‘Flipped’ or inverted classroom model, the more passive learning elements (such as lectures or readings) are moved online and completed prior to in-person elements.

38 (


40 Paradigms in which the main source of instruction occurs in- person and where access to supporting resources or learning tools is provided additionally outside of the classroom. Allows learners to: Receive Announcements Read Syllabus Electronic access to materials Submit Assignments Complete formative assessments Use tools like course calendar or grade book to manage performace

41 Distance Education programs may also be grouped, analyzed and understood by modalities common to particular types of organizations or via approaches focusing on particular tools / combinations of tools. For example:  Education vs Training  Non-profit organizations vs Technology-based initiatives  High vs Low bandwidth  Mobile vs Fixed desktop  New vs established media

42  Mezzo: Learning context, sector or organization type ◦ Education (K-12, Higher Ed) ◦ Professional (Corporate Training or Continuing Ed) ◦ Non-profit / research institute ◦ Open Access (MOOC / Open Educational Resource)  Micro: specific technology used to distribute content (hardware / software) ◦ Mobile (podcasts, games, apps, web 2.0, augmented reality, ePublishing) ◦ Audio/ Video (ITV, interactive video, web conferencing, screencasting, lecture capture, gaming / simulation, interactive rich media) ◦ Audio (podcast, IRI) ◦ Text (eBooks, interactive ePublishing platforms, discussion forums, blog, wiki, knowledge base forums, web 2.0)

43 The rise of “localness” = access to learning, all the time, everywhere Blurring of lines between traditional education, online education and variants in between Popular modularization of technology and learning Interplay between Education and Technology spurring innovation on both sides

44  History & Theory?  Modality / Delivery Method?

45 Webinar 2 will examine Hybrid / Blended modalities and, specifically, the ‘Flipped Classroom’ approach Questions to be answered: - How does one flip their classroom? - What do they look like in practice? - Do they work? What is the impact? - Where to start? - Myths and FAQs + Mark February date on calendars!

46 Sevaughn Banks Tim Wohltmann

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