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Welcome to Ms. Woods’ 7 th Grade Math My My classroom phone number is 940-369-4814.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Ms. Woods’ 7 th Grade Math My My classroom phone number is 940-369-4814."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Ms. Woods’ 7 th Grade Math My email: My classroom phone number is 940-369-4814

2 Bell Work  Covers concepts previously learned.  Reminds students of concepts needed for current lesson.

3 Lessons  Focus on one TEK a week with supporting others. (They are on my webpage)

4 Homework  Assigned almost daily.  Will be reflected on HAC  1- the assignment was completed  0-the assignment was not completed  PROOF OF COMPLETED HOMEWORK IS REQUIRED TO REASSES

5 Quizzes  Taken weekly and timed.  Review concepts found in homework.  Will be put into the gradebook as a Minor Summative  Cannot reassess- will be reassessed on the following major

6 Test/Projects/Common Assessments  These will be recorded as Major Summatives in the gradebook.  Students can come in for tutoring to retake common assessment after completing remediation. (10 day window)  Reassessment days will be announced

7 Flipped Videos (Regular)  Each time I introduce a new topic, there will be a video posted to Edmodo that reviews this topic prior to the lesson.  Students can watch these videos to get a “head start” on the next concept or go back and review the videos later for help at home.  Watching these videos will give your child a significant advantage when tackling homework.

8 Flipped Videos (Advanced)  Advanced Math is a flipped classroom  Students will be assigned a video that teaches a concept as homework and then we will complete the homework assignments in class.  If your student does not watch the videos, he or she will be at a disadvantage in class.

9 Math Resources  Tutoring with me: Monday & Tuesday 3:20-4:00 Friday 7:45-8:15  Retesting Wednesady 3:20-4:00 Thursday 7:45-8:15 My website  Edmodo  Instagram and Twitter: @mathwithwoods

10 Technology  We use technology at least once per week.  It allows students to receive immediate feedback.  Teaches students appropriate use of technology.  Prepares students for a future that is filled with technology  Levels the playing field for less fortunate students.

11 How Can You Help?  Check HAC often  Look at my calendar and ask about what is being taught.  Require your student to complete homework on time  Discuss the Quizzes

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