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COURSE BRIEFING PATRICIA FORREST. Blending In – course outline  Six week course  Starts 18 th May and finishes 28 th June  You will need to have a.

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Presentation on theme: "COURSE BRIEFING PATRICIA FORREST. Blending In – course outline  Six week course  Starts 18 th May and finishes 28 th June  You will need to have a."— Presentation transcript:


2 Blending In – course outline  Six week course  Starts 18 th May and finishes 28 th June  You will need to have a course or unit/module of a course to work on  Approximately 6 hours (but may be more depending on how much time you spend developing your own course)  Dates specified are when activities must be completed – can be sooner

3 Blending In – Week One (18/05) Course information and course tools  Read course handbook  Complete the introductory activity to introduce yourself and to indicate which course you will be working on  Complete your own course audit  Familiarise yourself with the other course tools  Weekly webinar  Start blogging! Short weekly reflection on your experience

4 Blending In – Week Two (25/05) Topic - Blended Learning general concepts  There are a number of videos that you'll need to watch and then you'll be asked to contribute to a discussion forum  Weekly webinar  Continue blogging

5 Blending In – Week Three (02/06) Topic - The Flipped Classroom - what it is and what it is not  There are a number of videos that you'll need to watch and then you'll be asked to contribute to a discussion forum  Weekly webinar  Continue blogging

6 Blending In – Week Four (09/06) Topic - The Blended Learning Experience - what makes a good blended learning experience for your students?  Work through the three activities: ◦What should you blend? ◦Signposting ◦Tracking, Monitoring, Motivating  Analyse your course for Blended Learning opportunities  Start applying the changes to your own course / unit / module  Weekly webinar  Continue blogging

7 Blending In – Week Five (16/06) Assignment – Blending your own course  This a Moodle Assignment. There are two things to submit ◦A copy of the template that you completed when you analysed your own course ◦A link to your own course which will be re-audited by the course tutor using the original audit questions Feedback will be provided based on what you said you would do in your analysis of your own course and the tools that you have used  Weekly webinar

8 Blending In – Week Six (23/06)  Receive feedback on your assignment  Complete course evaluation  Weekly webinar  Claim your certificate!

9 Next steps  Course starts on 18 th May  Email Beverley Owens to register for the course – you will be sent an email containing the following:  a pre-course Individual Skills Audit to complete (you will also be asked to complete this again post course)  joining instructions

10 Questions?

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