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English Learner Path to College Readiness Michelle Mullen.

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Presentation on theme: "English Learner Path to College Readiness Michelle Mullen."— Presentation transcript:

1 English Learner Path to College Readiness Michelle Mullen

2 AVID’s ELL Initiative AVID Mission ELL Mission To ensure that English language learner students, especially long- term ELL’s, have full access to AVID and college-preparatory coursework.

3 AVID Elective ELL Support ELL support strategies for AVID elective teachers and tutors. Core Content Area ELL Support  Current ELL Write Path book and training for ELD and ELA teachers  Write Path: infusion of key ELL strategies as books/training are revised  ADD SI strand, Path training, and ToT for math, science, and social science content teachers on ELL support strategies. Curriculum & Instructional Support Support for teachers to meet the needs of their English language learners in college preparatory courses

4 AVID’s ELL Initiative AVID Mission ELL Mission To ensure that English language learner students, especially long- term ELL’s, have full access to AVID and college-preparatory coursework.

5 Summer & Yearlong Course Sequence Language development courses with AVID “overlay” starting summer between 6 th & 7 th grades and continuing through summer between 8 th & 9th, including 7 th grade year-long elective & 8 th grade year-long elective ELCR Team Content area and ELCR course teachers work together to plan instruction and support students. Spanish for Spanish Speakers Courses available starting in middle school as pathway to AP Spanish in high school. English Learner Path to College Readiness (ELCR) Middle school “Pre-AVID” English language development courses for intermediate ELLs to accelerate academic language acquisition and entrance to AVID and college preparatory high school course work. Page 5

6 English Learner Path to College Readiness Pilot KEY FOCUS: Academic language building with AVID strategies for support

7 What It’s Not: An AVID class for ELL students Is not part of certification Primary focus is LANGUAGE first

8 English Learner Path to College Readiness Pilot Goal: Interrupt the path to long-term ELL status, accelerate academic language acquisition, and put on path to AVID and college preparatory coursework

9 English Learner Path to College Readiness Pilot  Garden Grove Unified School District (CA)  Called “College Success Path” (CSP) in GG  1 st cohort of students: 103 students at 4 intermediate schools (8 th grade now)  2 nd cohort at three of the four schools started in August; ~90 students (7 th grade)

10 Who are the students?  US schools: 4 years or more (as of 6 th grade)  CELDT: Overall intermediate with a couple early advanced  CST ELA: Lower band of basic and mid-upper band of below basic  District benchmarks: Below proficient  First language: Mostly Spanish  College: When asked, interested in going to college; some had had prior discussions with parents, most had not

11 Who are the teachers?  2 teachers are science and social studies as well as AVID teachers; 4 teachers are English and social science teachers but not AVID  Each site has a CSP content team comprised of the 7 th and 8 th grade ELA, science, social science, and math teachers who have the CSP students

12 How are we researching pilot?  Larry Guthrie (CREATE) developed first year research proposal beginning Jan. 2009  Research questions:  What are outcomes for students?  How is CSP implemented at each school site?  What professional development was provided for teachers and what was the impact on their instruction?  Quantitative and qualitative data collected




16 ELA 2008: Basic = 300; Proficient = 350; Advanced = 394 ELA 2009: Basic = 300; Proficient = 350; Advanced = 401 Math 2008: Basic = 300; Proficient = 350; Advanced = 415 Math 2009: Basic = 300; Proficient = 350; Advanced = 414

17 ELA 2008: Basic = 300; Proficient = 350; Advanced = 394 ELA 2009: Basic = 300; Proficient = 350; Advanced = 401 Math 2008: Basic = 300; Proficient = 350; Advanced = 415 Math 2009: Basic = 300; Proficient = 350; Advanced = 414

18 CELDT 2007-08: Intermediate = 492; Early advanced = 552; Advanced = 602 CELDT 2008-09: Intermediate = 502; Early advanced = 556; Advanced = 610

19 Pilot Expansion  Getting feedback from critical friends: Poway, Fresno, Albuquerque, Plano  Considering 1-2 additional districts in and outside of CA.  Osceola, FL grant application includes ELCR

20 What are the ELCR (CSP) courses students are taking?  Summer between 6 th & 7 th : 2 week CSP summer course with 1 week at Tiger Woods Learning Center (TWLC)  7 th grade year-long CSP elective  2 week CSP summer course with one full day at TWLC starting leadership course (to continue 1 day per quarter in 8 th grade)  8 th grade year-long CSP elective  1 week combined CSP/AVID summer leadership course bridging to high school

21 What is included in the courses?  7 strands  Reading: preview/review text processing for content-area texts; reading routines: CN, narrative “movie”, KWO, socratic; hot topic readings; summer reading  Writing: targeted focus lessons for “bugs” and style; language frames; academic summary; infusion of academic language—content and AWL  Oral Language: appropriate language register; academic language scripts; elaboration and accuracy; public speaking skills (speech & debate)

22 What is included in the courses?  Strands continued  Academic vocabulary: history of English; word analysis/word parts study; AWL; word relationship chart; idioms & figurative language  Study skills: tutorials, Cornell notes, Costa’s levels, binders, time management, goal setting, test prep  Self-determination/leadership: successful class interactions (teambuilding, SLANT, conflict resolution, I messages, etc); dealing with issues; personal responsibility; motivation; college & career activities (research, field trips, debate, etc.)

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