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Narrative reporting 13-14 August 2013 Rezekne. …allows marketing the project to the external environment (Programme, monitoring experts, audit, EC, etc.)

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1 Narrative reporting 13-14 August 2013 Rezekne

2 …allows marketing the project to the external environment (Programme, monitoring experts, audit, EC, etc.) …is an easy way to prove that your project is a leaving being rather than a bunch of papers and accounts. 2 Narrative Report…

3 3 Timeline of reporting. Option 1 Time Project implementation period Final Report GC signing START (services, supplies, works, events, etc.) Grant Contract FINISH (preliminary acceptance of works/services /supplies) Interim Report (upon request) Reports, wrap up of activities, warranties (supplies, works), etc. 3 months Ineligible costs Final payment and/or final acceptance (works and supplies)

4 4 Timeline of reporting. Option 2 Time Implementation Period Final Report Grant Contract Interim Report 2 Interim Report … Ineligible costs Interim Report 1 N of months GC signing START (services, supplies, works, activities, etc.) FINISH (preliminary acceptance of works and supplies Final payment and/or final acceptance (works and supplies) Reports, wrap-up of activities, warranties (works and supplies), etc. 3 months

5 5 Option 2 Reporting period formulas ≤6 months Interim report can be submitted earlier if further pre-installment is required (6 + 1) months Interim reporting period can be extended in exceptional cases. NB. (1) not applicable to cases when further pre-installment is requested; (2) solid reasons & individual basis 6 monthsDesired standard.

6 NB. NB. After 45 days are expired Beneficiary may deem the interim report approved. However, the JTS informs the project about this fact by e-mail. 6 JTS and Beneficiary: Cooperation scheme 45 days for JTS to comment on report 30 days after reporting period for project to complete interim report Report approved by the JTS Report generated by JTS and sent to Beneficiary by e-mail

7  Once report is generated no changes may apply to current reporting period.  Report in accordance with the latest updated Application Form (i.e. including changes approved in the current reporting period).  Should you have any change after report is generated – plan it for the next reporting period! 7 Report vs. Changes Changes applicable START R1R2 Reporting period Report generated Report generated Changes applicable (t)

8 8 Aspects of narrative reporting Narrative part of report should include the following aspects, BUT not be limited to them.  Description of all activities carried out and all outputs produced during the reporting period.  Reflection of project partners (incl. Beneficiary) on results of activities during the reporting period.  List of all contracts (services, supplies, works) awarded above EUR 10 000,00.  Description of visibility and communication measures backed up by relevant attachments.  Any information, which allows stakeholders to evaluate the project.

9  Use Activity Package logic to report  Distinguish between Outputs and Results  Demonstrate how you measure your planned results!  Report only about actual actions taken and actual partners participated  Do not afraid to report deviations. Complement them with ideas, how to overcome problems  Be precise: put figures, names, dates 9 Section 2.2. Worksheets IV-VIII Activities and results

10 Output is… product event service action deliverable, etc. …directly comes out of planned activity. …as a rule, measured in physical or monetary units. Result is… consequence of the and immediate effect of the output. …what the output/set of outputs led to or allowed achieving....basis for performance indicators to measure the project. 10 Outputs vs. Results

11 11 Measuring the project !!!  Qualitative and quantitative indicators.  Set and use indicators, which are clearly linked to project results.  Indicators are the tool to measure – project results, – achievement of overall and specific objectives of the project.  Indicators are the best way to – report about the progress in the project, – evidence the performance of the project.  How you measure the project is the focal point for evaluation of the project by stakeholders.

12  “ 6 +3” formula: – report for 6 months; – forecast activities for the next 3 months.  Report only about actual – actions carried out – implementing bodies (project partners) involved. NB. NB. Next request for payment is for the next 12 months. 12 Section 2.3. Worksheet IX Activities timetable

13  The list of annexes supplementing report gives the JTS PM a message on how the project is being implemented  Beneficiary and project partners are expected to provide the list of annexes to back up the report. 13 Section 10. Worksheet XIV List of annexes Annexes are documentary of project! Annexes are documentary of project! Beneficiary submits the list of annexes JTS PM revises and tells what to add/delete Beneficiary sends annexes according to finalised list

14 14 Responsibilities… BeneficiaryJTS Project Manager  first consult about extension of reporting period with project partners before applying to JTS;  ensure the interests of all partners are consulted while preparing the consolidated report;  Provide fully completed and sound consolidated report.  provision of pre-filled template of report;  provide exhaustive comments about the report (if any) in 45 days;  inform that the report was approved;  provide timely report-related information.

15  that partnership is a core of your project;  to show in the report, how − partners have been involved in the project implementation, − project implementation was coordinated, − Activities, implemented by different partners, build upon one another to produce joint results;  to make reporting a part of your administrative routine;  to keep JTS regularly informed about project events;  to submit the reports on time;  to regularly monitor project implementation against work plan and logframe indicators;  to make sure your report is easy to read and to understand. Do not forget… 15

16 Joint Technical Secretariat Thank you! 16

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