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Commercial Assignment Guidelines Stay on Task Both partners must use video camera and video program. Videos must be take in the room or just outside the.

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Presentation on theme: "Commercial Assignment Guidelines Stay on Task Both partners must use video camera and video program. Videos must be take in the room or just outside the."— Presentation transcript:

1 Commercial Assignment Guidelines Stay on Task Both partners must use video camera and video program. Videos must be take in the room or just outside the door. Ask the instructor for quiet when you are shooting. You need permission to use the hallway. Any misbehavior or loudness in the hallway will result in you being asked to come inside the room for the rest of the class. REMOVE ALL VIDEOS FROM CAMERA WHEN YOU ARE FINISHED WITH THE CAMERA.

2 Commercial Assignment Step 1 – Original Commercial Erase everything in your Video 1 File except your final video.Erase everything in your Video 1 File except your final video. Find a Commercial on the internet. Get the approval of the Facillitator before going on to step 3. Download the original commercial for comparison using You Tube Downloader. Download original into I-Movie

3 Step 2 - Storyboard 1.Enter each clip on a storyboard and plan how you will tape it. Follow directions on Storyboard. 2.Make sure the clips add up to exactly 30 – 45 – or 60 seconds. (Length of the original commercial). Each clip showuld be the same length as the original. 3.Identify the type of shot and type of angle on the bottom of the storyboard. There must be a minimum of 7 clips in the commercial. 4.WRITE OUT THE SCRIPT on your Storyboard. 5.Get the Storyboard approved by facilitator before continuing with step 3. Get approval for each set of clips you will shoot at one time.

4 Step 3. Videotaping and Editing 1.Videotape the first 3 clips. Make the clips longer than necessary. You will edit them later. Download the clips into I Movie. 2. Add transitions special effects and any other components needed to make it match the original. 3.Use the delete function to shorten or edit any clips that are longer than planned. 4.Continue on until the commercial is completed. The commercial must be exactly 30, 45, or 60 seconds in length depending on original commercial. 5. Remember, take all the clips of one person on the same day unless you want to wear the same clothes each day.

5 Step 4. Finishing Your Commercial 12. Put a title at the beginning and make it run for 15 seconds. Add all of your group’s first and last names. 13.Add credits at the end. 14.Go to Share function and save the video to your desktop as a Quicktime Video.

6 Final Product for Commercial 1.Title with first and last names and the name of the file that the video folder can be found. – 15 seconds 2.Title for “Original Commercial”. 3.Original Commercial – 30 -45-60 exactly 4. Title for Remake 5. Remade Commercial – same length as original. 6. Credits – include the name of the file that it is in.

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