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Search by Address, by Tags, by Order, by date and advanced search ( only pictures, only videos, only spots, only tracks, etc), in Giscover we also consider.

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Presentation on theme: "Search by Address, by Tags, by Order, by date and advanced search ( only pictures, only videos, only spots, only tracks, etc), in Giscover we also consider."— Presentation transcript:


2 Search by Address, by Tags, by Order, by date and advanced search ( only pictures, only videos, only spots, only tracks, etc), in Giscover we also consider using the drill down filters, like something very important, that will help users to a easy and more detailed search. Map The map will show all the results by displaying pushpins of different colors to identify the types, by clicking on a pushpin, the balloon will open displaying the spot, track, map, gisplorer information. On the top part of the map, the users can found three bottoms, one to add a new contact, another one to add a new spot and the last one to add a new track. Blog y Tutoriales Blog. The Home page will always display the recent title news and the possibility to see more tite news from here, by clicking on the title the users will go to the Giscover Blog to read the entire new. Tutorials. Quick access to the video-tutorials to CREATE EXPLORE EDIT DOWNLOAD and GEOBLOGS. Results The search results will appear showing the image, the name, the description and the type (map, track, spots, gisplorers) The user would be able to open the results on Google Earth, as a dynamic link, just clicking on the Google Earth icon on the top, or open each map clicking on the Google Earth icon under the thumbnail as a KML file. Extras (quick acces) GIScover Calendar GIScover Tags Links (soponsors) HOME PAGE Giscover is trying to simplify the searching and navigation for the users, always following the concept that has inspire Giscover to improve, the Google Maps and Google Earth concepts, trying to be as compatible as we could be with them. Also we are looking to give the users quick access to the video tutorials and the last news on our blog.

3 Search and download. Searching by content, Download on Google Earth (KML), Print (only description info) and Download: KML, GPX, CompeGPS, Tom Tom, Mobil devices, etc. Map The map will show all the results by displaying pushpins of different colors to identify the types, by clicking on a pushpin, the balloon will open displaying the spot, track, map, gisplorer information. On the top part of the map, the users can found three bottoms, one to add a new contact, another one to add a new spot and the last one to add a new track. The maps can be open or close, this mean that if a map is open the other users will be able to add content to this map, like pictures, spots, tracks, etc. Results They will be shown ass in Google Earth in a Tree concept, where the users will be able to turn on and off, as well to collapse and expand all the information in order to simplify the map navigation. Description Under the map the users can found the detailed map information, with all the necessary facts about this map such as map name, country, distance, views, etc. and the different codes like URLcode, the EMBEDcode, the GEOcode, and the KMZcode. Under the map description there are also tree more co lapsable and expandable boxes with the detailed description of the pictures, audio, video, spots and tracks. MAP PAGE This is Giscover most important page, because this is the final product, is in here where the users will find the detailed information, the pictures, the videos, the graphics, everything. With the possibility to email, print, download and of course open in Google Earth. This advantage of this page is that the user can add as details as he likes, or leave it with the basic information. Extras (quick access) Related Maps Comments Links (sponsors)

4 Search and download. Searching by content, Download on Google Earth (KML), Print (only description info) and Download: KML, GPX, CompeGPS, Tom Tom, Mobil devices, etc. Map The map will show all the results by displaying pushpins of different colors to identify the types, by clicking on a pushpin, the balloon will open displaying the spot, track, map, gisplorer information. Results In here will appear all the user content, such as the maps, the spots, the tracks, the friends, the sketchup and olny visible for him the contacts. Always using the Google Earth three concept. Description Under the map the user profile will display the personal information such as age, sex, status, birthday, etc. Under the user description there are also tree more colapsable and expandable boxes: User Friends GeoBlogs User Recente Activity Contact To contac this user, you can add him ass a friend, send him a message, add a as contact, call him via skype, but also you can invite him to one of your trips, or envents. In case you don’t like this contact or you think he is giving wrong use to Giscover you can Block or report him USER PAGE The user page or personal blog, where the user can show all the content and share it with their friends. With Giscover the user can also create a Contact Map (GEOagenda), where the user would have all his contacts information (phones, adress, birhtday, email, etc.) localized and private. Extras (quick access) Comments Links (sponsors)

5 Search The same Home page concept searching. Description Under the map the users can found the detailed map information, with all the necessary facts about this map and the unique URLcode ( Under the description there are also two more collapsible and expandable boxes with the recently added maps, spots, tracks and another one showing all the Channels subscribers. Map The map will show all the results by displaying pushpins of different colors to identify the types, by clicking on a pushpin, the balloon will open displaying the spot, track, map, gisplorer information. Results Will appear showing the image, the name, the description and the type (map, track, spots, gisplorers) The user would be able to open the results on Google Earth, as a dynamic link, just clicking on the Google Earth icon on the top, or open each map clicking on the Google Earth icon under the thumbnail as a KML file. Header The user can upload an image of 100px x 790px to be his Channels header, and giscover add the word HOME next to giscover personal menu, this HOME word links to the personal home page website. CHANNELS With the Giscover Channels tries to give the users an easy and personalized way to publish and share their maps with a community with similar interests. Also to use Giscover as a complement to his own website. Extras (quick access) Comments Links (sponsors)

6 Balloons With the finality of simplifying the creation and edition of a new map, spot, track or contact, Giscover will work with two kind of balloons, the EDIT balloons and the DISPLAY As we can see the right image is what we call the Edit Map Balloon, where the user can add and modify everything, on the upload box, the user can enter JPG, KML, GPX, youtube links, flickr links, MP3, Geocodes, etc., this balloon can only be editable by the owner. And the left image, is what we call the Display Map Balloon, this is the one the users sees when clicking on the pushpins.

7 Calendar The calendar gives the user an easy, diferent, quickly and funny way to search for a map, the user can search day by day, month by month and even year by year.

8 Multimedia Gallery With the purpose to affer the user an easy way to share his multimedia content, Giscover has design this gallery that allows the user to play everything from here, from the pictures, to the audio guides or pictures audio comments and videos.

9 SOME OF OUR CLIENTS Via del Brenta Project.

10 SOME OF OUR CLIENTS Via del Brenta Project.

11 RegioMarket - Monte Grappa Screenshots


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