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Welcome to Open Collegiate Prep! 2ND GRADE 2015/2016.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Open Collegiate Prep! 2ND GRADE 2015/2016."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Open House @ Collegiate Prep! 2ND GRADE 2015/2016

2 2 nd Grade Educators  Prof. Herron – Math/Science  Prof. Tyler-Johnson – ELA/S.S.  Prof. Cornuaud – Math/Science  Prof. Henderson – ELA/S.S.

3 Instructional Schedule  7:00 – Breakfast  7:30 – Content Area/morning group  8:53 – Specials (AVID, P.E., Music)  9:55 – 2 nd Content Area/morning group  11:20 - Lunch  11:50 – Content Area/afternoon group  1:30 - Recess  1:45 – 2 nd Content Area/afternoon group  2:15 – Snack  2:50 - 3:00 Pledges/Announcements - Dismissal Procedures

4 Homework Folder  Homework is given on the first day of the school week. Scholars are expected to complete all HW, as practice, though holidays/observances may fall on Monday.  Homework includes Math, Reading Log, Language Arts/Spelling, Social Studies and Science.  If a scholar is missing a HW document, these can be downloaded and printed from both teacher’s webpage. 

5 A.V.I.D. – The Goal of Being Premier!   W riting to learn  I nquiry  C ollaboration  O rganization  R eading to learn

6 Flipped Instruction 

7 Tuesday Folder  Each Tuesday your scholar will come home with the previous week’s graded papers.  Please look over them, sign that they were received,and return the folder on Wednesday.  These grades are a direct reflection of imported grades.

8 Planners/Agendas  Agendas are another form of communication between school and home.  Inside you can note weekly expectations, spelling words, behavior log/notes etc.

9 Technological Devices  Scholars will be notified when to bring devices, as directed by their teacher. Devices, with wireless capabilities, are best used in the classroom. This provides a “computer lab” experience, within the classroom.  Scholars have a username and password, as provided by the district, and will have controlled access to the internet.  Uses for technology may include:  Research within the content area  “Games” to reinforce learning  Collaborative exercises  Video Streaming  Possible vehicle for “Flipped Instruction” Using technology in the classroom helps students to: prepare for the workplace, achieve academic goals, and prepare for future educational plans.

10 Attendance & Tardies  If your child is absent, please submit an excuse/note online (Skyward) or to the office when they return.  Your child is considered tardy after 7:30am. Three tardy passes equal an absence.  Each marking period we will celebrate scholars’ with perfect attendance.

11 Dress Code  Black or red collared shirts (with the Prep Crest) may be worn any day of the week, with khakis or black pants/shorts.  Spirit or college shirts may be worn, on Fridays, with jeans.  Shorts and skirts must reach knees. NO cargo shorts.  Sneakers or shoes appropriate for running, must be worn on days they have PE. No sandals or flip-flops at school.

12 Grading system A = 90-100 * B = 80-89 * C = 70-79 * F = Below 70  Subject: Math  Subject: Social Studies  Subjects: Science  Subjects: Reading/Language Arts Categories: Daily Work 50%, Tests 40%, Homework 10%

13 Behavior Management To manage student’s behavior we have a clip and color coded system. The color system is as follows: blue = GREAT day! green = good day, yellow = warning, red = call/note home. Student’s daily color will be noted by the teacher and may be recorded in their planner. This will determine the student’s citizenship mark each Marking Period on their report card. Reflection sheets (next slide) may be used to give scholars a moment to reconsider.  Excellent (E = no red or yellow days)  Satisfactory (S = no red days)  Needs Improvement (N = one or more than 1 red day)  Unsatisfactory (U = consecutive red days)

14 Recess Rules and Expectations Line up along designated wall. Use entry and exit points of equipment properly. Play nicely with others! Quietly line up after whistle is blown.

15 Assessments  On-going Assessments  Common Assessments  Developmental Reading Assessment (DRA)  Phonics Screener  District Formative Assessments  Professor created

16 Field Trip Information  Fall 2015  Where: Dallas Aquarium  Date: TBD  Tentative Cost: TBD  Spring 2016  Where: Dallas Museum of Arts and Sciences  Date: TBD  Tentative Cost: Free(scholars bring a lunch)

17 Want to volunteer?  If you’re interested in being a volunteer, please let us know. Register online, through the district, under parent portal.  If you’d like to sit in on a lesson or assist, give us a call and we will make an appointment!  Read to your scholar at night and let them read to you!

18 Join PTA! (Parent and Teacher Association)  They do so much for us and our scholars!  The membership fee is $10 for the entire year. Sign Up today!

19 Conferences  Please sign up for a conference with your scholar’s teacher, as needed.  Conferences can cover grades, attendance, behavior, and will be a time for any questions you may have.  Second Grade’s Conference time is from 9:00-9:50a.m..

20 Remind101  Remind101 is a free tool that allows teachers and administrators to quickly and safely keep in contact with their scholars/families via text message. The Professor can instantly broadcast a message to an entire list of addresses, or to a select few. The Professor never has to reveal her own personal phone number, and scholars/families cannot reply to the texts that come from Remind101. Remind101  Ask your scholar’s Professor how you can get connected!

21 Stay in touch…  Email & Extensions  X6326  x6346  x6345  x6311

22 From your Second Grade Professors: Any Questions???

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