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ANNEXURE D 1. Portfolio Committee 1 July 2014 NON-NEGOTIABLES AND THE MTSF 2014 PRIORITIES 2.

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2 Portfolio Committee 1 July 2014 NON-NEGOTIABLES AND THE MTSF 2014 PRIORITIES 2

3 STRUCTURE OF THIS PRESENTATION The focus of this presentation is: 1.Plans for MTSF, and Basis for action in new administration 2.Identification of the non-negotiables 3.Framework is the NDP-aligned updated Action Plan 2019: Towards the realisation of Schooling 2030 4.Documents circulated - alignment confirmed at Lekgotla between NDP, MTSF, Action Plan, new Sector Deliver y Agreement

4 MTSF priorities – BASIC EDUCATION NDP output priorities to achieve the priorities: Following the NDP and building on key sector plans, critical activities are focused on the following outputs in the next five years, as a basis of delivery agreement: 1.Improved quality of teaching and learning through development, supply and effective utilisation of teachers. 2.Improved quality of teaching and learning through provision of adequate, quality infrastructure and Learning and Teaching Support Materials (LTSM). 3.Improving assessment for learning to ensure quality and efficiency in academic achievement 4.Expanded access to Early Childhood Development and improvement of the quality of Grade R, with support for pre-Grade R provision 5.Strengthening accountability and improving management at the school, community and district level. 6.Partnerships for education reform and improved quality.

5 Key themes – BASIC EDUCATION 1.Focus on quality and efficiency of education 2.Communication to communities and all levels critical 3.Prioritise teaching and learning, especially in terms of the fiscal constraints 4.Strengthen more urgent role of all players – entities, QA agencies, unions, parents, partners 5. Strengthened provincial and national mechanisms including intergovernmental mechanisms, interdepartmental mechanisms 6.NEPA – M and E, norms and standards, impact evaluation 7.Provincial, district, school realities factored in Non-negotiables for the sector

6 Non-negotiables for joint sectoral planning and monitoring: Basic Education 1.LTSM – procurement centralisation, norms and standards for retrieval, costs management including Agreement on utility of workbooks Limit titles and price caps to improve value for money and efficiency Production at scale – Task team for developing models Retrieval and top ups value Learner Attainment focus – linked to quality and efficiency drive. ANA use 2 fold – for system quality separately - more rigorous, scientific and specialised study for system performance ANA for improving classroom level practice and local accountability in Grade 3, 6 and 9 2.INFRASTRUCTURE - water and sanitation prioritised, but then progressively provide maintenance, furniture and desks Prioritised provision of sanitation, critical infrastructure norms with progressive implementation possible Communication of maintenance schedule per school improved

7 Non-negotiables for joint sectoral planning and monitoring: Basic Education 3.DISTRICTS district director and management improvement (no funds needed), support of schools, provincial-district coordination norms and standards for interaction, competency and capacity, competency, communication, system for monitoring curriculum and teacher development, STRONG EVALUATION AND IMPACT the critical change 4.TEACHERS PLACEMENT, DEPLOYMENT, and DEVPT Negotiation needs to stabilise – sector wide caps and agreement on costs before negotiation to allow for resources to be freed Teacher development – HEIs and DBE convergence urgent in relation to curriculum standards and needs, reality of African language and Grade R teacher quality strengthening, Better FL placement 5.ICT/ CHILDREN INTO 21st CENTURY - reality Access and resource materials available ICT and IT for drawing down assessment - in which areas, subjects, for what purposes the cloud 6.KRG - improved implementation, evaluation, M and E needed Impact evaluation needed, refocus on youth employment, communication

8 Non-negotiables – BASIC EDUCATION 7. LIBRARY SERVICES – Focus of reading and library resourcing, Madiba day focus –Special programmes support centrally 8. RURAL FOCUS – multi-grade, small, micro, mergers and rationalisation, scholar transport 9. CURRICULUM – ECD, MST (participation and improvement in progression), piloting, reading unit, technical subjects, –IIAL: social cohesion issue vs curriculum intervention – ANA testing – separate the functions of ANA – system quality vs driving classroom reform. Grade 3, 6 and 9 only. –ECD: focus on Grade R quality and preparations for year 2 – Mind The Gap will keep being rolled out – Identify schools which do not offer MST, boost needy schools with potential performing, redirect grants carefully

9 Non-negotiables – BASIC EDUCATION 10.Partnerships and social mobilisation, learner wellbeing and safety –Impact on poverty and societal ills needs to be calibrated – nutrition programmes –Deworming introduction to consolidate nutrition expansion successes –Redirection of grants towards TB testing and health promotion activities 11. Norms and standards for business processes across provinces from school to province for all programmes – Detailed plans on capacity, resourcing, M and E of key programme areas drawing on examples in assessment, audit and recommendations. – Integration into provincial quarterly reports – DPME-DBE extended workshop / Lab and funding of implementation in key areas of norms and standards for next 5 years with a focus on the ideal district SONA Big Fast Results methodology for intensive planning at a practical and detailed level; setting targets which are made public; rigorously monitoring progress with implementation; and making the results public.

10 100 day action Joint planning, monitoring and reporting –Agreement on areas –HEDCOM subcommittees used optimally –CEM process guidance Resource review to free up funds, and conditional grant review initiated Delivery Agreements for the Sector signed with President/ partners 10

11 MTSF 5 year priorities 11

12 Sub outputActivities Indicators Teacher development & competency Implement and monitor implementation of an appropriate framework for teacher development (INSET) The average hours per year spent by teachers on professional development activities - currently around 39% to double to 70 by 2019 Establish teacher knowledge testing system for feedback into training and support Number of teachers self-assessed using knowledge testing system - a third of teachers by 2019 Teachers participate in Professional Development courses in prioritised areas based on ANA/NSC diagnostic reports and diagnostic assessments Percentage of teachers meeting required content knowledge levels after support - from 41% to around 55% Strengthening inclusive educationPercentage of learners in schools with at least one educator with specialist training on inclusion increasing to 95% in 2019 from 70% 12 Sub outputActivities Indicators Teacher development & competency Implement and monitor implementation of an appropriate framework for teacher development (INSET) The average hours per year spent by teachers on professional development activities - currently around 39% to double to 70 by 2019 Establish teacher knowledge testing system for feedback into training and support Number of teachers self-assessed using knowledge testing system - a third of teachers by 2019 Teachers participate in Professional Development courses in prioritised areas based on ANA/NSC diagnostic reports and diagnostic assessments Percentage of teachers meeting required content knowledge levels after support - from 41% to around 55% Strengthening inclusive educationPercentage of learners in schools with at least one educator with specialist training on inclusion increasing to 95% in 2019 from 70% Basic Education: Improved quality of teaching and learning through development, supply and effective utilisation of teachers.

13 Sub outputActivities Indicators Teacher supply Better placement of Funza Lushaka bursary holders Number & percentage of Funza Lushaka bursary holders placed by June of the year after qualifying from 75% to 85% by 2019 Strengthened implementation of strategy for attracting sufficient qualified, young teachers including for Grade R Number of qualified teachers, aged 30 and below, entering the public service as teachers for the first time, also for Grade R from 7 400 to 12 000 Teacher availability & utilisation Ensure availability & utilisation of teachers so that large classes are avoided by developing effective tools for monitoring class size, teacher posting and absences Percentage of learners who are in classes with no more than 45 learners - to increase to 95% Percentage of schools where allocated teaching posts are all filled - to increase to 95% Percentage of teachers absent from school on an average day to decrease from 8% to 5% by 2019 13 Basic Education: Improved quality of teaching and learning through development, supply and effective utilisation of teachers.

14 Sub outputActivitiesIndicators Physical infrastructure and environment of every school meet the required norms and standards and inspire learners to come to school and learn and teachers to teach Eradicate inappropriate school structures, construct new structures and provide infrastructure facilities Number of ASIDI schools built and handed over against the target from annual delivery of 140 to 171 in 2019 A desk per learner provided – env affairs best turnaround Provide schools with infrastructure and facilities in line with agreed norms and standards Establish education infrastructure agency for improved infrastructure procurement and provisioning Percentage of schools complying with of minimum infrastructure norms and standards from 74% to at least 90% in 2019 Every leaner has access to the required minimum set of textbooks and workbooks Provide learners with access to required textbooks/ textbooks Percentage of learners having access to the required textbooks in all grades and in all subjects in class from 61% to 95% in 2019 - delivery rates approximately 100% currently based on orders Library services receives prominence in all events, communication, and activities including infrastructure development Percentage of learners having access to improved library and media resources, provision and infrastructure increases from levels of around 30% currently 14 BASIC EDUCATION: Provision of adequate, quality infrastructure and Learning and Teaching Support Materials (LTSM).

15 Sub outputActivitiesIndicators A world class system of standardised annual national assessments (ANA) for schools Implement a strategy to strengthen and improve the quality of annual national assessments Policy detailing the role of Universal and Verification ANA and analysis published. Create item bank of high quality, valid, and reliable items for use in assessment Improved use of ANA for driving school and district improvement, teacher development, and teaching and learning Better construction of examination tests - ANA tests using strengthened curriculum input Redirection of resources towards Grade 3, 6 and 9 assessment supplemented by better school based assessment District ANA report produced for every district (by DBE) using Universal ANA 15 [JK1] Committee felt that indicators actually activities so could shift to the left[JK1] BASIC EDUCATION: Improving assessment for learning to ensure quality and efficiency in academic achievement

16 Sub outputActivitiesIndicators Access to Grade R Ensure universal Grade R coverage Percentage of Grade 1 learners who have received formal Grade R universal by 2019 Learner support material Distribute resource packs to grade R learners Percentage of targeted learners with access to workbooks: 97% in 2019 Percentage of target schools supplied with improved resource packs: 97% in 2019 Personnel Implement strategy for supply and quality of Grade R practitioners Percentage of GR R practitioners with appropriate qualification: at least 50% in 2019 Quality Implement assessment system for Gr R quality Percentage of Gr 1 entrants who attended Gr R that are school ready at least 75% in 2019 Planning DSD leadership / DBE joint action: Option analysis, policy development & planning for a second year of ECD prior to Grade R Policy, detailed plans & strategies developed by June 2018 & critical preparatory strategies launched 16 BASIC EDUCATION: Expanded access to Early Childhood Development and improvement of the quality of Grade R.

17 Sub outputActivitiesIndicators Strengthen school management and promote functional schools Put in place appropriate school leadership (principals) Proportion of principals appointed based on competency assessment processes - all by 2019 Proportion of principals who have signed performance agreements - 75% by 2019 Principals provide effective instructional leadership Percentage of learners who complete the whole curriculum from 60% to 75% in 2019 Implement a strategy to strengthen school management Percentage of schools producing a minimum set of management documents at a required standard from 52% now to 95% in 2019 Percentage of schools where school governing body meets minimum criteria in terms of effectiveness from 70% now to 90% in 2019 Percentage of learners in schools that are funded at a minimum level - universal by 2019 Percentage of schools with full set of financial management responsibilities on the basis of assessment - target of 95% in 2019 Evaluate the SA SAMS and LURITS system to improve utility in the sector Impact evaluation to assess the performance of the system against intended goals and measure cost- effectiveness - completed in 2016 17 BASIC EDUCATION: Strengthening accountability and improving management at the school, community and district level.

18 Sub outputActivitiesIndicators Strengthen the capacity of district offices Implement a holistic district monitoring, support and improvement strategy : -Using teacher resource centre support, district functions, roles and responsibilities as a matter of urgency - Capacitate district offices -Use NECT to develop cost effective innovations for application Percentage of schools visited at least twice a year by district officials (including subject advisers) for monitoring and support purposes increases from 88% to 95% Percentage of school principals rating the support services of districts as being satisfactory from 50% to 75% Percentage of district managers whose competency has been assessed against criteria (developed below) increases to 95% in 2019 Regulatory and implementation frameworks as required Revise, implement and monitor components of post-provisioning policy and regulations Complete and consistent post-provisioning policy and regulations in place & proceed with implementation and monitoring. Policy completed by December 2015. Clear roles and functions for district offices and minimum competencies for district officials. Competency framework by April 2015 18 BASIC EDUCATION: Strengthening accountability and improving management at the school, community and district level.

19 ActivitiesIndicators National Education Collaboration Trust (NECT) delivery in a whole district approach Cost effective Innovations/approaches identified for incorporating in broader school system on the basis of impact on school and district performance through the NECT activities – 2 a year 19 BASIC EDUCATION: Partnerships for education system strengthening.

20 Impact IndicatorBaseline2019 Target Percentage of learners in grades 3 achieving at the required level in the annual national assessments in literacy and numeracy Literacy: 40% (2013); Numeracy: 50% (2013); Literacy : 75% Numeracy : 75% Percentage of grade 6 learners achieving at the required level in the annual national assessments in first additional language and home language and mathematics Home Language (HL): 68% (2013) FAL (First Additional Language): 41% (2013) Maths: 27% (2013) HL: 75% FAL : 75% Maths: 75% Percentage of grade 9 learners achieving at the required level in the annual national assessments in Home and first additional language HL: 37% (2013) FAL: 17% (2013) Maths: 2% (2013) HL:75% FAL: 75% Maths: 75% Percentage of Grade 12 learners passing at bachelor level 30.6% (or 172 000 in 2013) 34% (or 250 000) Number and percentage of Grade 12 achieving 50% or more in Mathematics 22.6% (143 000 in 2013)50% (270 000) Number and percentage of Grade 12 achieving 50% or more in Physical Science 22.6% %(2012)50% (270 000) 20 BASIC EDUCATION: Impact on learning as in NDP, sector plan and targets.

21 BASIC EDUCATION: Impact on learning as in NDP, sector plan and targets… Impact IndicatorBaseline2019 Target Average score obtained by Grade 6 learners in language in the SACMEQ assessment 495 language (2007) 520 mathematics (2007) Lang: 550 Math: 550 Average score obtained by Grade 8 learners in mathematics in the Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) 352 (2011)401 Percentage of 7 to 15 year olds attending education institutions. 98.9% (2012)100% The percentage of children who turned 9 in the previous year and who are currently enrolled in Grade 4 (or a higher grade). 58% (2012)75% The percentage of children who turned 12 in the previous year and who are currently enrolled in Grade 7 (or a higher grade). 41% (2012)60% The percentage of youths who obtained a National Senior Certificate from a school 50% (2014)60% The percentage of youths who obtained any FET qualification 65% (2014)100%

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