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Chapter 2 The Process
A Layered Technology Software Engineering Software Engineering tools
methods process model a “quality” focus Software engineering has to do with process models which determine the SDLC used, methods or techniques for accomplishing the tasks outlined in the process model, CASE tools which are used to aid in software development and a quality focus to assure that the products are built with quality
A Common Process Framework
Framework activities work tasks work products milestones & deliverables QA checkpoints Umbrella Activities The software development process includes process activities and lower level tasks. An example of an activity might be to analysis data for potential databases. Some lower level tasks would be to define the data needed, construct the conceptual entity relationship diagram, attach attributes to the ERD, put the diagram in first normal form, place the diagram in second normal form, place the diagram in third normal form, determine if data needs to by in Boyce Codd normal form, place data in Boyce Codd normal form, if necessary, put the ERD in ER Win CASE tool, run CASE diagnostics, and resolve inconsistancies. Some milestones might be to obtain approval from a steering committee, obtain funding for development, install hardware for testing. Deliverables might include the ERD, case diagrams, requirements specification document, etc. QA checkpoints would include items such as a review of the requirements documents, review of code, etc. Umbrella activities would include development and maintenance of a project plan, updating estimates, updating risk assessment, etc.
Umbrella Activities Software project management
Formal technical reviews Software quality assurance Software configuration management Document preparation and production Reusability management Measurement Risk management Project management has to do with scheduling the tasks needed to be done for a software engineering project. Formal technical reviews involve the review of deliverables including software products Software quality assurance has to do with the tools and techniques for assuring the quality of a product including technical reviews. Software configuration management has to do with the configuration of software. Suppose you have a piece of software on a satellite and you need to revise one piece of that software. You will need to know what compiler version is needed to compile that specific piece of software, what version of the operating system is needed, what version of the database management system is needed, which version of the communication software is needed, which version of the file management system is needed, and any other software supporting this one piece you need to change. Reusability management allows programmers to reuse software components, entities, classes, use cases, elements, structures, etc. Measurement means keeping metrics on the software product such as mean time between failure, number of failures, types of failures, and keeping metrics on the software process such as how well we do programming and how much time it takes to do that particular part of the software development process. Risk management involves measuring the risks of a project such as the operatability risk, development risks, schedule risks, and maintenance risks.
The Process Model: Adaptability
the framework activities will always be applied on every project ... BUT the tasks (and degree of rigor) for each activity will vary based on: the type of project (an “entry point” to the model) characteristics of the project common sense judgment; concurrence of the project team Not ALL activities in the process model will be used on EVERY project But the activities and task outline all known task that could be done. Each project is different and may vary on the tasks, I believe it was Larry Constatine who said that the process model was not a cookbook. I disagree, it is a cookbook, but you cannot just pick up a cookbook and cook. You will have to know how to cook to use a cookbook. If you do not know how to cream butter the cookbook will not help. The cookbook is just a receipt for success. Only good cooks can use it.
Linear Models There are many linear models of software engineering in which you go through analysis, design, code and test.
SSR - System Software Review PDR - Preliminary Design Review CDR - Critical Design Review TRR - Test Rediness Review FCA - Functional Configuration Audit PCA - Physical Configuration Audit ORR - Operational Rediness Review Software Requirements Analysis Software Design SRS Code and Unit Testing SDS Software Integration and Test STP Software Acceptance Test SIP The waterfall is such a model. A large project may sty in analysis for several years. Imagine how much the requirements may change during that time. Design may last several months for the same project. Coding, testing and implementation may take another several years. SSR PDR CDR TRR FCA PCA CRR
Waterfall - DOD Model NASA Model)
Software Requirements Analysis Detailed Design Code and Unit Testing Integration and Test Acceptance Test SSR PDR CDR TRR FCA PCA System Preliminary SDR Hardware Implementation Operational Timelines PP SRS PDD SDS STP Note the NASA model is very similar to the WM. One big difference is in the LBR SD phase where the project proposal (PP) is created. This allows estimation of the needed software, hardware so the LBR can be written. SIP
Rapid Application Development Model Rapid Throwaway Prototype Model
Software Requirements Analysis Design Code and Unit Testing Integration and Test Acceptance Test SSR PDR CDR TRR CRR FCA PCA Build Prototype PR SRS PDD SDS STP RAD is a technique so that a prototype can be built. Problem, often the design of the prototype follows the software Problem, user thinks the entire system is complete or near completion while the database may not even be working Design may not happen because of the design of the prototype not allowing debate over design decisions or design reviews. Called quick and dirty (dirty design) for a reason. SIP
RAD Characteristics High speed adaptation of the linear model
Based on Component-based construction Has incremental flavor Not well- suited where precision is required, e.g. high risk systems not easily modularized systems Have rigid performance requirements 1. Model the Information Flow 2. Refine the flows into Data elements 3. Model the data transformations 4. Generate the code 4GLs, component reuse, CASE 5. Test and integration It makes th WF model go faster Allows building of some reusable components NOT SUITED FOR software where PRCISION IS REQUIRED precision for timing, money, calculations, etc
Reuse and Automated Development Models/Component Assembly Model
Software Requirements Analysis Design Code and Unit Testing Integration and Test Acceptance Test SSR PDR CDR TRR CRR FCA PCA SRS SDS STP SIP This is no different than a short linear model BUT it has emphasis on REUSE. Here is a GOOD SOFTWARE ENGINEERING RESEARCH PROJECT Note there are reusable components after analysis – called analysis patterns Example: Regardless of the system, if there are inputs and you plan to validate those inputs using a GUI. Hmm there are similar validations techniques such as range validation, discrete validation, alphabetic validation, numeric with length validation, numeric with limited length validation, numeric with 2 dashes, numeric with 2 decimal places, etc…….Do I really want to write all of those OR can I implement a reflective architecture to use these. I specifiy the metadata regarding validation such as the min and max, the code table for discrete values, the length limit for digits with length in a data dictionary. I have a interface or supertype called Validate and sub types which have isValid routines. I use reflection and polymorphism to validate the values. I reflect the needed validation class to validate the values and I polymorphicly call the isValid routine. This is just one analysis pattern there are multiple patterns defined by Joe Yoder in his research and documented in a book called analysis patterns by Martin Fowler In the Design phase, there are reusable components called design patterns and application patterns. Some of these are domain specific many are implementation type specific, others are generic. Example: suppose you are doing a client server which you have 4500 clients using the system. You have an entity class for each of the tables in your system because you used the database pattern. (good choice). You now don’t want 4500 instances of the database open so you decide to use a database pooling pattern to NOT bring down the system by so many database opens, reads and writes waiting. You might also decide on the pattern need to call the servelts if needed./ You might also decide on what pattern you will use for your session management, or perhaps you will use something like .net or webspere. During code and test there are certainly programming patterns Such as iterators, security patterns provided. Many patterns Identify Reusable Components Informal Specification Formal Specifications Code
Component Based Development
Architecture for Software Reuse Based on Object Orientation Classes are stored in a library When requirements are received,the first stop is the library In order to use this paradigm, you must have an architecture allowing this component implementation. An oo language, ability to implement patterns, Classes or components are stored in the library When you begin reading the software requirements, you need to FIRST stop at the library and see if some analysis patterns exist for you to reuse, and this continues at each stage
Linear Model Characteristics
Documentation driven model systematic and requires rigor. Inflexible partitioning of project into distinct stages difficult to respond to changes in customer requirements Model appropriate when requirements are well-understood. Programmers HATE to create documentation. l Users HATE to read documentation. l If users read, they rarely understand documentation. Programmers don't understand other programmers documentations. Standards for documentation not clear although UML ordained. These are the types of linear models popular. Some of their characteristics It represents a systematic method of doing things with some rigor in the types and standards for the deliverables. It requires a partitioning of the project into distinct stages Remember that the stages really get to be multiple projects in various phases once subsystems are defined. The is especially evident when programming is done. A large system may have 4500 programs we certainly are not going to hold up development waiting on coding of all These 4500 may all go thorough the cycle with various schedule times. Difficult to respond to changes as the concurrent partitioned stages get complex and may be tightly coupled with data and processes of another concurrent cluster. \ MUCH documentation required Users don’t always read documentation Standards not clear even with UML
Iterative Models Prototyping
Now we will investigate some of the circular models. One of the most popular is the iterative prototyping model or evolutionary prototyping model. This particular model shown here is used in extreme programming. We listen to customer Build or revise the system evolving Allow user to test this portion and repeat
Evolutionary (Prototype) Model
ONLY A PART OF THE FULL SYSTEM Software Requirements Analysis Design Code and Unit Testing Integration and Test Acceptance Test SSR PDR CDR TRR CRR FCA PCA Build Prototype PR SRS PDD SDS STP A more elaborate version of this model is the evolutionary prototype model in which a portion or part of th system is sliced off and the appropriate stages are traversed. This is more formal with time for reviews, etc unlike the extreme programming model SIP Series of Implementations of each PART
Evolutionary/Prototype Model
Issues Process is not visible--Lack of process visibility Systems are often poorly structured—Change tends to corrupt the structures Special tools and techniques may be required—Special skills (e.g. in languages for rapid prototyping) may be required Applicability For small or medium-size interactive systems For parts of large systems (e.g. the user interface) For short-lifetime systems These type of prototype iterative models work well for small systems, parts of a large system that are clearly defined, and short lived systems. Like extreme programming technique, it is NOT scalable. Heres the rub. If all you want to do is develop a small system, a clearly defined portion of a large system or a short lived system YOU DO NOT need a process model, JUST DO IT. Hmmm so anything would do for these types of systems. The problem is in LARGE Development.
Iterative Models RAD team #3 team #2 team #1 business modeling data
p r c & v b u s i n e m o d l g a t p r c & v team #1 business modeling data process application generation testing & turnover The iterative models may have several teams working on various portions of the system, with different timelines, with different paradigms. These become a project management nightmare. days RAD
The Incremental Model calendar time increment 1 delivery of
s i d e g c o t S m / f r increment 1 delivery of 1st increment a n l y s i d e g c o t delivery of increment 2 2nd increment a n l y s i d e g c o t delivery of increment 3 3rd increment a n l y s i d e g c o t increment 4 Incremental systems are different. They have similarities with iterative models but They usually require an analysis to divide the system into incremental delivery of an operational system. The iterative model may not be anything operational at ech of the iterations and may not have anything until the end. \\ The incremental model has an operational system at the end of each increment. delivery of 4th increment calendar time
Incremental Development Model
ONLY A PART OF THE FULL SYSTEM Software Requirements Analysis Design Code and Unit Testing Integration and Test Acceptance Test SSR PDR CDR TRR CRR FCA PCA SRS SDS STP SIP Can Determine a PART at any phase.
Characteristics of Incremental Model
Same Requirements, specification, maintenance,and requirement phases as in Waterfall The systems is partitioned into builds where each build is independently designed and scheduled "incrementally“ The 1st build gives some "production"functionality Subsequent builds add functionality User perspective Get some results quickly Reduces new system "culture shock"
Characteristics of Incremental Model
Costs easily prorated over the development cycle It employs the systems approach Changes are easier to implement ( of later builds may not start until some phases are complete and all their changes well known). Problems - May degenerate into "Build and Fix“ May result in builds that cannot integrate with one another
Spiral Model Risk Analysis Prototyping Planning Simulation
Operational Prototype Verification for Next Level Developing You begin by planning what you first want to tackle in the system. It may be something operation or not. It usually is the most risky portion of the software. That selected portion of the software is then analyzed for risk and prototyped After the prototype is built, it may be improved to be an operational prototype, OR the selected slice of the system may be simulated for performance issues, OR the slice may be developed You then verify what the next slice or level will be. You then evaluate the current slice. Then the process begins with planning Client Evaluation and Input
An Evolutionary (Spiral) Model
g R i s k A n a l y s i s Prototyping C u s t o m e r C o m m u n i c a t i o n E n g i n e e r i n g C u s t o m e r E v a l i n C o n s t r u c t i o n & R e l e a s e The spiral model is made for risky system this model has a little more detail of the spiral. This model has evolved over time. Note the planning, risk analysis, and prototyping are the same. The engineering phase is added to allow for design decisions to be discussed. The next phase is the construction/simulation/prototype/next level verification The next phase is the customer evaluation The next phase is a high level of customer communication to determine what the planning of the next phase will be.; And input Simulation/ Operational Prototype/Verification for the Next Level/Development
CleanRoom Approach Specification Incremental Development Planning
and Design Statistical Testing Certification Usage Design Here is a unique approach and has MANY open areas for research in behavioral modeling that has been long overlooked
V Model [Pfleeger 98] OPERATION Validate requirements REQUIREMENTS
& MAINTENANCE ANALYSIS ACCEPTANCE TESTING SYSTEM DESIGN SYSTEM Verify design TESTING PROGRAM UNIT & INTE- DESIGN GRATION TESTING While this approach was perhaps understood by most software engineers. But this model clearly showed the relatinship of testing and the other phases CODING [Pfleeger 98]
Operational Specification Model
[Pfleeger 98] Execute and Revise OPERATIONAL TRANSFORMED SPECIFICATION SPECIFICATION TEST (problem-oriented) (implementation- oriented) This is the simplist form used (with iterations) by the extreme programming techniques. DELIVERED SYSTEM SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS (sometimes informal or incomplete)
Still Other Process Models
Concurrent process model—recognizes that different part of the project will be at different places in the process Formal methods—the process to apply when a mathematical specification is to be developed
Formal Method Characteristics
Formal Methods Model Specifications produce proofs Required rigorous notation Enhances accuracy Reduces flexibility Some Formal Methods Petri Nets, Zed, Hoare Logic, CSP, Weakest Preconditions Formal Methods Abstraction Add formality to reduce ambiguity Use graphical representations Describe the possible system states, transitions, and triggers
Capability Maturity Model
Organizations are not born using a mature process model. Most organizations use NO known process model Watts Humphrey wrote a book to lay out a plan for improving the process model within organizations. His book “Managing the Software Process” and other research has greatly improved the software engineering process. The SEI Developed a capability maturity model which proposes a model for maturing an organizations process model.
Capability Maturity Model
Five Process Maturity Levels Level 0: Chaos Level 1: Initial Level 2: Repeatable Level 3: Defined Level 4: Managed Level 5: Optimizing
Level 1: Initial The software process is characterized as ad hoc, and occasionally even chaotic. Few processes are defined, and success depends on individual effort.
Level 2: Repeatable Basic project management processes are established to track cost, schedule, and functionality. The necessary process discipline is in place to repeat earlier successes on projects with similar applications
Process Maturing to Level 2
Software configuration management Software quality assurance Software subcontract management Software project tracking and oversight Software project planning Requirement management
Level 3: Defined The software process for both management and engineering activities is documented, standardized, and integrated into an organization-wide software process. All projects use a documented and approved version of the organization’s process for developing and maintaining software. This level includes all characteristics defined for level 2.
Process Maturing Level 3
Peer Reviews Inter-group coordination Software product engineering Integrated software management Training program Organization process definition Organization process focus
Level 4: Managed Detailed measures of the software process and product quality are collected. Both the software process and products are quantitatively understood and controlled using detailed measures. This level includes all characteristics defined for level 3.
Process Maturing Level 4
Software quality management Quantitative process management
Level 5: Optimizing Continuous process improvement is enables by quantitative feedback from the process and from testing innovative ideas and technologies This level includes all characteristics defined for level 5.
Process Maturing Level 5
Process change management Technology change management Defect prevention
CMM Issues focuses on project management rather than product development. ignores the use of technologies such as rapid prototyping. does not incorporate risk analysis as a key process area does not define its domain of applicability
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