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Program Name Sports and Competition 1. Your Recruitment Letter…

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Presentation on theme: "Program Name Sports and Competition 1. Your Recruitment Letter…"— Presentation transcript:

1 Program Name Sports and Competition 1

2 Your Recruitment Letter…

3 Program Name Sports Resource Teams (SRT) 3

4 Function of the SRT 4 1. Help to Create and Develop an Annual Sport Plan; Better Rules, More Training Sessions, Season Changes and other exciting possibilities!

5 Program Name Special Olympics Article 1

6 6 Guidelines for Divisioning Minimum 3, Maximum 8 in a division Divisions decided by: 6 Groups: 8-11, 12-15, 16-21, 22- 29, 30+ Age Maximum Effort Goal: 15% difference or less between competitors Ability Male or Female Mixed Gender Gender

7 SRT Continued… 7 / Special Olympics Program Name 2. Provide expertise and advice to local programs and athletes about the sport. Help to provide the highest quality of competition and guidelines. 3. Create interactive and fun ways for coaches to be better trained in the basics and also be on the cutting edge of the developments in the sport!

8 SRT Continued… 4. Be creative in how we communicate out to our coaches and programs, what are better ways to get these resources out? How do we get people interested? 5. Use your expertise to help us build better and stronger relationships with local professional teams and governing bodies. If we want to be the best, we need the best support in our community 8

9 Who is on the SRT? Coaches Athletes Games Management Team Officials Pro Sports Players Experts in the sport from the community 9

10 10 / Special Olympics Program Name Structure of the SRT

11 Program Name Levels of Competition 11

12 Local Competition 1.Competition facilitated by local programs and/or Area Leadership 2.Competition number unlimited, only needs RTP 3.Minimum organization:  Minimum funding  Using local sports facilities as part of normal training time  Minimum # of officials  Minimum need for volunteers needed 12

13 Local Competition Requirements 13 Registered Training Program (RTP) Forms: Medical Forms-AFPs, Partner Forms Certified Head Coach Equipment Facility-Insurance Participants Informal Competition

14 Area Competition 14 / Special Olympics Program Name 1.Competition facilitated by Area Leadership  Area Team has a Sports/Competition Director 2.One overall competition for each sport.  Teams/Individuals advancing head to Region Competition  Similar to region events, but on smaller scale 3.Increased organization-more formal:  Funding from Area  Certified Officials  Increased number of volunteers  Athlete Parade/Opening Ceremony

15 Local Competition Requirements 15 Facility- Insurance Parade- Opening Ceremony

16 Discussion: Allocation and Advancements How do we decide how allocations are disbursed? Vote? Random Selection drawing? Number of athlete in program? Gold and Silver Medals? 16 / Special Olympics Program Name

17 Region Level 17 / Special Olympics Program Name 1.Competition facilitated by Special Olympics Senior Region Manager 2.One overall competition for each sport.  Teams/Individuals advancing head to State Competition  Allocations from Region-to be decided 3.Increased organization-more formal:  Funded by Special Olympics Washington  Certified Officials  Increased number of volunteers  Athlete Parade/Opening Ceremony  Lunches provided

18 State Level 18 / Special Olympics Program Name 1.Highest level of competition for Special Olympics Washington, ran by staff 2.Current numbers will not decrease, but will stay the same. 3.One overall competition for each sport offered in that season. 4.Teams will represent at a high level (i.e. uniforms) 5.Increased organization-more formal:  Funded by Special Olympics Washington  Certified Officials and trained volunteers  Athlete Parade/Opening Ceremony  Special Events, entertainment, and activities  Meals provided, overnight stay

19 Program Name New Sports 19 / Special Olympics Program Name

20 What do we need to start a new sport? 1.Athlete Interest  Bottom-Up Mentality 20 State Region Local

21 21 / Special Olympics Program Name 2. Sport Governing Body 3. Sport Rules 4. Equipment 5. Facility Insurance Registered Training Program (RTP) Continued…

22 What sports would we like to see in Washington? 22 / Special Olympics Program Name

23 Program Name The Future is Bright in Sports.. 23

24 24 / Special Olympics Program Name Sport Season Changes Rules Updates What else should be our focus? Policies and Procedures Team/Ind. Assessments Online Registrations MATP

25 Program Name Any Questions? 25

26 Program Name Thank you. 26

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