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Gastrointestinal Motility
Jeffrey McCurdy MD, PhD, FRCPC Assistant Professor Division of Gastroenterology The Ottawa Hospital September 2015
Objectives Summarize the process of normal gastric contractility and emptying. Outline the normal mechanism of swallowing. Outline the mechanisms behind esophageal persistalsis and their coordination with esophageal sphincter tone, at rest and in response to swallowing. Explain normal contractility of the intestines in the fed and fasting states. Outline the mechanisms underlying the maintenance of fecal continence Describe the normal process of defecation.
Swallowing Three phases Oral “preparatory phase” Pharyngeal Esophageal
Form food into bolus Pharyngeal transfer of bolus to oropharnyx Beginning of swallowing Esophageal 1 second Made of voluntary and involuntary components More than 30 muscles involved in the process and are required to function in a coordinated manner 10-15 seconds
Oropharynx Oral cavity Pharynx Saliva production Mastication
Lingual involvement Pharynx Hollow cavity separated into the nasopharynx, oropharynx and hypopharynx Process requires pharyngeal paristalisis Protection from aspiration & nasal regurgitation Food bolus formation suitable for transfer to the pharynx
Swallowing Sequence Nasopharynx closure by elevation and retraction of soft palate Upper esophageal sphincter opening Laryngeal closure (epiglotis) Tongue loading or ramping Tongue pulsion Pharyngeal clearance
Oropharynx Oral phase Pharyngeal phase Largely voluntary
CN V (trigeminal), VII (facial) and XII (hypoglossal) Pharyngeal phase Involuntary (reflexive response) CN V (trigeminal), IX (glossopharyngeal), X (vagus) and XII (hypoglossal)
Upper Esophageal Sphincter
Muscle groups: cricopharyngeus, inferior constrictor muscles and adjacent esophagus Innervation: Vagus Tonically closed at rest (continuous neural excitation) Relaxation: cessation motor neuron firing (swallowing/burping, general anesthetic/meds) Relaxes w/in sec after swallow initiation Upper esophageal sphincter - 3-4 cm in length Major muscle groups of the UES Cricopharyngeus (1 cm in length) Adjacent esophagus Inferior constrictor muscles Relaxation of muscle via cessation of motor neuron firing allow for swallowing to occur
Esophagus Motility
- Hollow muscular tube typically measuring 20 cm in length.
Upper 1/3 esophagus Lower 2/3 esophagus Esophagus borders - Hollow muscular tube typically measuring 20 cm in length. - Diameter varies but generally less than 13mm patients develop difficulties with swallowing - Proximal border is defined by the upper esophageal sphincter (UES) - Distal border is defined by the lower esophageal sphincter (LES) Functions as a transporter of food and fluid between these two endpoints Muscle types of the esophagus Striated (skeletal) Muscle upper 1/3 esophagus Smooth muscle lower 2/3 esophagus Esophagus motility is controlled by: The autonomic nervous network with inputs from the medullar and the myenteric plexus (more dense in the smooth muscle (between the longitudinal and circular muscle) The Vagus nerve is responsible for most of the motor innervation and also responsible for sensory innervation Fibers innervating striated muscles are via axons from lower motor neurons in the nucleus ambiguus The smooth muscles innervated by dorsal motor neurons from the vagus nerve and receive control from the ENS
Esophageal Peristalsis
- Initiated by swallowing Propagated wave/contraction that clears the esophagus from proximal to distal end Striated muscle - Controlled by the medullary swallowing center (vagal control) The striated muscle receive excitatory vagal innervation via release of Ach Vagus nerve innervating different levels of the esophagus fire sequentially Smooth muscle Also has vagal control Vagal fibers synapse on myenteric plexus neurons rather than directly to muscle cells Has excitatory and parallel inhibitory pathway Excitatory pathway is Ach mediated via preganglionic and postganglionic neurons Inhibitory pathway consists of preganglionic cholinergic and postganglionic nitrergic neuron via NO and VIP Peristalsis is a result of sequential inhibition followed by excitation of muscles involved in contraction
Lower Esophageal Sphincter
- 3-4 cm in length - Smooth muscle - Tonically closed – mm Hg - LES relaxation induced by esophageal distention - Typically, vagus nerve synapse with myenteric plexus - Ach stimulation causes contraction - LES relaxation is via nitric oxide (NO) and VIP Coordination with swallowing
High Resolution Manometry
Dysphagia Symptomatic difficulties in passage of food from the mouth into the stomach Oropharyngeal dysphagia Esophageal dysphagia
Evaluation History and physical
Video fluoroscopy (modified barium swallow) Barium swallow assessment Upper endoscopy Esophageal manometry Additional depending on clinical picture
Abnormality Causes of Oropharyngeal dysphagia Reduced Saliva Production Sjogrens, H&N radiation, medications (anticholinergics, antihistamines) CNS Trauma, tumors, ALS, Parkinson, Multiple Sclerosis, Stroke, Hunting Disease, cerebral palsy, Alzheimer, infectious PNS/muscular Myasthina Gravis, polymyositis, dermatomyositis, sarcoidosis, paraneoplastic syndromes Structural Cricopaharyngeal bars, cervical vertebral body osteophytes, malignancy, Zenker’s diverticulum Iatrogenic Radiation, caustic ingestion, surgery
Abnormality Causes of Esophageal Dysphagia Structural Schatski’s rings, webs, peptic strictures, caustic strictures Malignant Gastric and esophageal cancers (adenocarcinoma or squameous cell carcinoma) Motility Disorders Achalasia, diffuse esophageal spasm, nutcracker esophagus… Inflammatory Scleroderma, dermatomyositis, polymyositis, inflammatory bowel disease Infectious Candida, HSV, CMV, chagas (pseudoachalasia) Misc. Eosinophilic esophagitis
Gastric Motility
Gastric Motility Function
Gastric Function Accommodation Trituration Regulated emptying Functions Accommodate meal (receptive relaxation) Trituration (grind solids to chyme) – achieved by mechanical, chemical and enzymatic processes Regulated emptying into the duodenum: controlled by the pylorus and particle size Neuromuscular activities of the stomach Receptive relaxation of the fundus Recurrent peristaltic waves corpus & antrum Antral peristaltic waves coordinated with antropyloroduodenal coordination
Process of Gastric Emptying
- Gastric pacemaker is located along the greater curve at the proximal or mid corpus - Gastric slow waves originate from the interstitial cells of Cajal (ICC) - Slow waves propagate in longitudinal and circumferential direction - Migrate towards the pylorus at 14mm/second Coordinated propulsive peristaltic activity do not go pass the pylorus Trituration is the function of coordinated contractions High amplitude waves originate in proximal antrum Propagate to pylorus At the midantrum point, the pylorus is open permitting flow of liquids and liquefied solid particles At the distal antrum, the terminal antral contraction closes the pylorus, promoting retropulsion of particles too large to exit the pylorus Solid particles continue to move in and out of the antrum until it is broken down Trituration of the meal is accomplished with the propulsive force generated by the tonic contractions of the proximal stomach and the resistance of the antrum, pylorus and the duodenum 1) Gastric peristalsis 2) Vigorous antral contraction 3) Antral peristalsis 4) Relaxation of pylorus
Regulation of Gastric Emptying
Controlled by central and local neurohormonal control Neuronal control includes: Intrinsic myenteric plexus ICC cells Postganglionic sympathetic fibers of the celiac plexus Preganglionic parasympathetic fibers of the vagus nerve Hormonal control via CCK Relaxes fundic tone, decreases antral contraction and increase pyloric tone Also other hormones (glucagon like polypeptide, peptide YY) can control gastric emptying Sensitivity of the duodenum to fat led to the concept of duodenal tasting and duodenal brake, sensorimotor events that regulate gastric emptying Vagus afferents can be relaxatory and excitatory
Neurologic Control Parasympathetic 2) Sympathetic
Parasympathetic – (vagus nerve) -> signals relayed to myenteric plexus -> gastric muscles Sympathetic – (Spinal cord T5-T10) -> myenteric plexus and pyloric spincter Enteric nervous system – function is to integrate intrinsic signals from the stomach and extrinsic signals from the CNS (sympathetic and parasympathetic). Also functions as the gastric pace maker (ICC) Smooth muscles – receive signals from nervous system and hormones Parasympathetic 2) Sympathetic 3) ENS 4) Smooth muscles
Promote Motility Inhibit Motility Food Liquids Iso-osmolar Carbohydrates Solids Hyperosmolar High fat content Cold, large meal ETOH Hormones Motilin, Serotonin, Substance P CCK, Somatostatin, Progesterone Medications Beta blockers, Metaclopromide, Erythromycin, Domperideone Narcotics Tricyclic antidepressants Beta agonists
Liquids & Solids Liquids: linear emptying (no lag phase)
Rate depends on volume, nutrient content and osmolarity Solids: Two phases required Initial lag phase Linear emptying phase Rate depends on size and consistency Liquids Empty nutrient liquids empty quickly Rich nutrient liquids empty slower Solids Solid component initially held in proximal stomach Solid components move to antrum for trituration The antrum and pylorus grind larger particles into smaller particles Pylous restricts emptying of solid particles > 1mm The lag phase depends on size and consistency of meal For typical western diet, the lag phase is 60 minutes
Liquid Meal Total stomach emptying time Proximal stomach emptying time
Distal stomach emptying time
Abnormal Gastric Motility
Gastroparesis Syndrome of objectively delayed gastric emptying Dumping Syndrome Rapid release of hyperosmolar gastric contents into the small intestine resulting in fluid shifts (hypotension) and hyperglycemia with rebound hypoglycemia
Evaluation History and Physical Exclude mechanical obstruction
EGD, xray and/or CT/MRI Assess gastric motility Gastric Scintigraphy Wireless motility capsule Gastroduodenal manometry Gastric Scintigraphy- ingestion of a egg-white meal containing a radioisotope (99m)Tc and assess gastric emptying by imaging at various time points (2 and 4 hours) Gastroparesis defined as >10% of meal at 4 hours or >60% of meal at 2 hours
Abnormality Specific Causes of Gastroparesis Surgical Vagotomy, fundoplication, partial gastric resection CNS Multiple Sclerosis, Stroke, Parkinson disease…. Metabolic Hyper/hypothyroid and Diabetes Inflammatory Scleroderma, dermatomyositis, lupus Structural* Peptic ulcer disease, inflammatory bowel disease, tumors (*cause similar features as gastroparesis) Medications Narcotics, tricyclic antidepressants, calcium channel blockers, dopamine agonists Misc. Infectious, AIDs, post-viral gastroparesis, paraneoplastic syndromes, Amyloidosis, sarcoidosis
Small Bowel Motility
Function Efficient absorption of nutrients
Mixing intestinal contents Maximize contact with epithelium Effective forward propagation Maintenance of aboral movement of chyme along the small intestines Prevention of small intestinal bacterial overgrowth Small bowel Specialized tubular structure that lies in continuity with the stomach and ends in the large intestines (colon) Approximately 600 to 800 cm in length The duodenum is the most proximal portion of the small bowel The mid small bowel is the jejunum The most distal is the ileum
Small Intestine Motility
Motor function - entirely smooth muscle Can occur exclusively w ENS Autonomic nervous system can modulate Interstitial cells of Cajal: pacemaker cells (generate slow waves) and transduce both excitatory and inhibitory signals to myocytes for contractile activity
Fed State Segmentation: - Functions to mix intestinal contents
Peristalsis: Major mechanism by which food is transported along the small intestine Process occurs in aboral direction but occasionally can occur in opposite direction Can be coordinated entirely by ENS Stretch receptors stimulate contractions behind bolus and relaxation in front of bolus Extrinsic neural control can modulate response by sympathetic and parasympathetic control
Fasting State Migratory motor complex (MMC)
- In fasting state, the motor activity of the stomach is known as the MMC - MMC is made of three sequences Phase 1 – quiescence phase Phase 2 – random and irregular contraction phase Phase 3 – burst of uninterrupted phasic contractions that last 5 – 10 minutes (activity front) - Individual cycles last 1-2 hours - Activity front can migrate from the antrum to ileum - Stimulated by vagus nerve and motilin (even in patients post vagotomy the MMC complexes persist) - The high amplitude, phase 3 contractions empty nondigestible, fibrous foods that remain in the stomach after a meal – House keeping function
Large Bowel Motility
Large Bowel Structure - Tubular structure approximately 150cm in length Ileocecal valve to the anal verge Components: cecum, ascending colon, transverse colon, descending colon, sigmoid colon and rectum Made of smooth muscle (longitudinal and circular) Longitudinal muscles form teniae coli (3 band like structures) Circular muslces form pockets called haustra Function 1200 – 1500 ml of ileal effluent enter the colon from the small bowel regulated by ileocecal valve Ileocecal valve Absorbs fluids, nutrients and SCF Excretes 200 – 400ml as stools
Colonic motility Nonpropagating motor patterns
Random activity makes up majority of colonic motor activity Presumed for mixing function Propagating motor patterns Occur when excitatory motor neurons are active Results in lumen occlusive contractions Send contents over considerable distances along the colon (both retrograde & antegrade)
Motor Activity Two types of rhythmic myoelectrical activity
Myenteric potential oscillations (MPO) Small amplitude Rapid oscillation (frequency per minute) Originate from myenteric plexus Can cause both circular and longitudinal muscle contractions for propulsion Slow Waves Large amplitude Slower oscillation (2-4 per minute) Short distance for mixing of contents with little propulsion
Motor Activity Direct neuronal control via the ENS
Modulated by sympathetic & parasympathetic Myoelectric activity increased 1-2 hours after a meal (gastrocolonic reflex) The entire colon responds to meals by increasing colonic wall tone, migratory spike bursts and propagating contractions Suppressed at night
CNS Control Sympathetic Parasympathetic Sympathetic Innervation:
- Ascending and transverse colon from spinal cord at level of L2-L5 - Allows CNS to modify bowel function (example during exercise) - Function is to depress motor activity, reduce blood flow and inhibit intestinal secretion Parasympathetic Innervation: Vagus and sacral spinal cord Allow CNS to participate in colonic motility and defication Response impaired in patients with Spinal cord injuries
Summary of Transit Time
Esophagus Stomach Small Bowel Large Bowel 15 secs 1-2 hrs 1-2 days
Defecation & Continence
Process of Defecation:
Stool moves into rectum- stimulates intrinsic reflex responses by ENS Relaxation of internal anal sphincter and peristaltic contractions of sigmoid & rectum Stool moves into proximal anal canal External sphincter contracts until voluntary control takes over ANS (Parasympathetic) via the sacral control center augments the peristaltic contractions Multiple steps aid in increasing the anorectal angle to facilitate defecation Relaxation of puborectalis muscle Sitting or squatting 7) Diaphragm, rectus muscles and levator ani muscles contract 8) Voluntary control of external sphincter and puborectalis muscle (relax) 9) Result - defecation
Continence Achieved by
Formed stool Ability of rectum to accommodate increased volume and can move stool back to sigmoid colon Increase compliance of rectal muscle achieved by inhibitory nerves Rectal distension also has negative feedback to slow gastric emptying, small intestine transit, and colonic propagating waves Anorectal angle (puborectalis muscle and posture) External angle sphincter
Evaluation History and Physical Rectal examination
Balloon expulsion testing MRI defecography Anal rectal manometry
Questions Interested in GI Research?
Disorders of rectum Dyssynergic defecation Incontinence
Difficulties passing stool Pelvic/abdominal pain Hemorrhoids, rectocele etc…. Incontinence
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