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UPC TEAM. 2 1- Sustainable profit-making long-term plan Google Lunar X PrizeUPC Team.

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2 2 1- Sustainable profit-making long-term plan Google Lunar X PrizeUPC Team

3 1- Sustainable profit-making long-term plan Lunar Base Site Scouting: YES Premium Entertainment Package: YES Personal Glory: No Lunar Communications Architecture: No Martian X Prize: No Far Side Lunar Observatory: YES Google Earth 3.0: Explore the whole world in 3D: YES

4 Lunar Base Site Scouting: YES – Difficult mission but very attractive (it is the end goal of the project). – A human colony is still far from our project. – Lunar payload delivery, lunar mining. 1- Sustainable profit-making long-term plan

5 Premium Entertainment Package: YES – Good amount of money to make profit. – Very similar to GLXP initial mission. – Heavy requirement of data adquisition and transmition, and may be a large Rover range. 1- Sustainable profit-making long-term plan

6 Personal Glory: NO – Easy mission but... – Non ethical or political correction. – Other personal glories may be better than country flags. 1- Sustainable profit-making long-term plan

7 Lunar Communications Architecture: NO – Communication satellites orbiting are needed, and the project does not include anyone. – It might be a huge project for a new company.

8 1- Sustainable profit-making long-term plan Martian X Prize: No, different mission requirements – It is a very difficult mission for 50M$. – The requirements may change a lot. – It could be better to develop projects on the moon.

9 1- Sustainable profit-making long-term plan Far Side Lunar Observatory: YES – It is a good amount of money for setting up a modular network. – Payload mission must be incremented a lot. – Additional contacts may concern a good profit for a long-term.

10 1- Sustainable profit-making long-term plan Google Earth 3.0: Explore the whole world in 3D – It could be included in our first mission, because of the benefit. – The most difficult point is the camera used (not very high requirement).

11 1- Sustainable profit-making long-term plan Other possibilities for profit making: – Possibility to move the Rover by radio control over using Internet from peoples home, and take personal pictures. – Send people’s ashes that wanted to go to the moon and loved it. – Safety place for enterprise data. – Possibility of advertisement in the first GLXP.

12 12 UPC TEAM Fund Raising: Getting started to win the GLXP! Google Lunar X PrizeUPC Team

13 13 WE NEED LOTS OF MONEY… May, 2008Google Lunar X Prize UPC Team Marketing

14 14 Fund Raising May, 2008Google Lunar X Prize UPC Team Venture Capitalist (Ownership of our company)  49% Sponsoring of publicity (equipment) Individual donations (minimum) Sponsors: Publicity in our mission To do before…

15 15 Fund Raising May, 2008Google Lunar X Prize UPC Team To do after… IPO Long-term-plan actions (already explained) Bonus (Heritage & Range)

16 16 UPC TEAM De la Terre à la Lune ! Google Lunar X PrizeUPC Team

17 17 De la Terre à la Lune ! May, 2008Google Lunar X Prize UPC Team There are diferents rockets in history, we can choose what is the ideal rocket for launch… But we want a Sustainable Project. -We want an economy launch - Emerging country in space race

18 18 De la Terre à la Lune ! May, 2008Google Lunar X Prize UPC Team Ariane Atlas Energy N-1 Proton Redstone Saturno I Saturno V Titan V2

19 19 De la Terre à la Lune ! May, 2008Google Lunar X Prize UPC Team Wich is better? Ardiane 5 or Falcon 2x ?

20 20 De la Terre à la Lune ! May, 2008Google Lunar X Prize UPC Team XY Advantatge Disvantatge

21 21 De la Terre à la Lune ! May, 2008Google Lunar X Prize UPC Team Payload Go out one Spacecraft

22 22 May, 2008Google Lunar X Prize UPC Team We can arrived at moon in 4 days !!!! -Lunar Transfer Inserche – De la Terre à la Lune !

23 23 May, 2008Google Lunar X Prize UPC Team De la Terre à la Lune ! When Spacecraft is near start a break with hidrazine N2H4 to…

24 24 May, 2008Google Lunar X Prize UPC Team De la Terre à la Lune ! To…when Spacecraft is near at Moon Surfice leave a TETRAHEDRON With a coated air balls (airbags)

25 25 May, 2008Google Lunar X Prize UPC Team De la Terre à la Lune ! Then… tetrahedron have a crash landing!! BUT CONTROLABLE!!! Bouncnig Effect But where??

26 26 May, 2008Google Lunar X Prize UPC Team De la Terre à la Lune ! Landing on the Lunar Equator: Advantages - Safer - Earth View -Type of Landing -Solar Power Availability

27 27 May, 2008Google Lunar X Prize UPC Team De la Terre à la Lune ! - Air of balls desapair - Open 3 sides (always open with the correct position) - Robot arm with antennas seeking signs of land - Rover is still anchored on one side

28 28 May, 2008Google Lunar X Prize UPC Team De la Terre à la Lune ! Tetraedro Open - 3 antenas - 1 Parabolic to Earth - 2 with Rover -Solar Arrays - 3 arms with 2 camaras everyone (for 3D) Rover start its mission

29 29 May, 2008Google Lunar X Prize UPC Team De la Terre à la Lune ! - Where is the rover??

30 30 May, 2008Google Lunar X Prize UPC Team De la Terre à la Lune ! Rover is RUN!!! Rover - Has 2 arms with 2 antennas - Has Solar Arrays - 6 wires - 2 arms with 2 camaras everyone with 3D

31 31 On the Surface of the Moon: Mobility and Mooncast ! Google Lunar X PrizeUPC Team

32 32 On the Surface of the moon. May, 2008Google Lunar X Prize UPC Team  Lunar station  Communications between Earth and Moon  Communications between Rover and Lunar station  Rover  Moon exploration  Autonomous and Remote Controlled

33 33 On the Surface of the moon. May, 2008Google Lunar X Prize UPC Team  Lunar station  X - Ku Band between Earth & Moon, nearly to 10GHz, CNAF may provide this band.  Modulation by C-OFDM maybe is a good option in front of multi-path error, but posterior studies in BER must corroborate it.  Rechargeable Batteries with and small energy plant.  Recently technologies provide to Littium-Polimery batteries a high power, and very high discharge peak, however extremely conditions have not been tested.  2 kinds of Communications between Rover and Lunar Station.  Data Instruction Transfer (about 800Mhz).  Radio Modem transmission can solve the problem of error and modulation, because provide a full- duplex communication FSK and error detection & correction by Hamming procedure.  Video Transfer 2,4Ghz simple communication where is only receiving video from Rover

34 34 On the Surface of the moon. May, 2008Google Lunar X Prize UPC Team  Rover  Autonomous and Remote Control Available.  From Earth and using Data Instruction Transfer is possible change it between mode.  If autonomous mode is desired, using artificial vision coming from video cameras, IA (fuzzy and Neural Networks) is able to dote of this system to the rover.  Rechargeable Batteries with solar panel.  Recently technologies provide to Littium-Polimery batteries a high power, and very high discharge peak, however extremely conditions have not been tested.  2 kinds of Communications between Rover and Lunar Station.  Data Instruction Transfer  Video Transfer 2,4Ghz (Explained before)

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