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The New UK Sustainable Development Strategy Neil Witney 20-21 June 2005, Oslo, Norway.

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Presentation on theme: "The New UK Sustainable Development Strategy Neil Witney 20-21 June 2005, Oslo, Norway."— Presentation transcript:

1 The New UK Sustainable Development Strategy Neil Witney 20-21 June 2005, Oslo, Norway

2 Securing the Future Published 7th March 2005 Sets out a vision of sustainable development through to 2020 Focus on moving from words into actions – e.g. Government showing it is serious about delivery through leadership by example Developed across the UK, and with central, regional and local Government Read it at: www.sustainable-

3 7 th March 2005

4 The United Kingdom – political structure

5 The Framework for Sustainable Development across the UK The UK Government, and administrations covering Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland agreed a shared purpose, guiding principles, priorities and indicators between them.

6 Background to review … Previous strategies published 1999 and 1992 Commitment to review after five years Since then: devolution, regionalisation, WSSD, new national climate change targets …. Sustainable Development Commission verdict: ‘Shows promise. But must try harder’. Need to drive delivery

7 The institutional architecture Strong basis established in the 1990s on which to build: Sustainable Development Commission Environmental Audit Committee ENV (G) – Environmental Cabinet Committee sub-group Sustainable Development Task Force Green Non-Governmental Organisations All contributed to the development of the new strategy

8 A cross-government effort Review run from Defra (UK Department of the Environment) Core Team had experience from across Government Defra Permanent Secretary chaired a Programme Board involving the 15 main civil service departments Eight working groups covering the main themes involving people from across government and more widely But not just ‘made in government’… Built on an extensive stakeholder consultation and engagement

9 The consultation process – ‘Taking it on’

10 UK Sustainable Development Goal

11 A new purpose and principles…

12 Helping people make better choices

13 Four priority themes

14 Ensuring it happens  New outcome focused indicator set for the strategy with commitment to act if they are going in the wrong direction. Indicators are linked to current national targets, goals and national strategies.  Enhanced role as ‘watchdog’ for the Sustainable Development Commission– they will provide an independent report on Government’s progress on sustainable development  Each Government department is preparing a focused sustainable development action plan  Strengthening skills for sustainable development and sustainable communities at national, regional, and local level  Requirement to take account of sustainable development in local and regional governance performance management arrangements

15 What they said (1) “This strategy is a vast improvement on the 1999 Strategy and demonstrates a new determination on the part of government to make sustainable development a real priority. It offers timetabled plans for action and seeks to engage us all in driving change. If the Government keeps is promises, and does so visibly leading from the centre, we will finally begin to see the kind of action we now so urgently need.” Jonathon Porritt

16 What they said (2) “I want to use this new strategy as a catalyst for action.” Tony Blair

17 For more information go to: and

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