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Rencontre franco-espagnole de réalité virtuelle et interaction graphique Girona, December 2007 3D urban GIS methods and tools for modeling, simulation.

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Presentation on theme: "Rencontre franco-espagnole de réalité virtuelle et interaction graphique Girona, December 2007 3D urban GIS methods and tools for modeling, simulation."— Presentation transcript:

1 Rencontre franco-espagnole de réalité virtuelle et interaction graphique Girona, December 2007 3D urban GIS methods and tools for modeling, simulation and visualisation of urban data Guillaume Moreau Ecole Centrale de Nantes - CERMA / IRSTV

2 Environment Ecole Centrale Nantes –Computer Science Dept CERMA lab –Architectural and urban ambiances –interdisciplinary research (thermics, acoustics, architecture, CS…) IRSTV : Research Federation on Sciences and Techniques of the city –13 partners –all research topics related to urban management and sustainable development Talk is only focused on VR/AR related aspects

3 CERMA Team 19 professors and researchers 11 PhD students 5 administrative and technical staff

4 Context: urban data Sustainable development and urban planning demand new complex spatial queries –what are the walls that have less than 2hrs sunlight in summer and more than 6 in winter? Data is 3D (+ time) but queries also are –Heterogeneity (nature, scale, source) Issues –Modeling, acquisition, update, quality –data query (definition and execution) –data and results visualization –Towards on site GIS (uses, AR)

5 CS Research themes Data models –discrete vs. continuous models –multi-scale and multi-representation –Geo-referencing of data Data acquisition - update –image georeferencing and knowledge extraction –computer vision Representation –Virtual Reality –mobile GIS - Augmented reality –Computer graphics (inverse modeling & simulation) GIS –Interoperability, SDI, middleware, GIS usage

6 Applications: information retrieval and decision-making tools Outdoor augmented reality –georeferencing and local registration mobile GIS –visualization (light clients) –data acquisition and updating

7 the « 3D GIS - pictures » loop + We believe that but also that + you are here! Maps and pictures are both projections of the same environment. There exists an homography … [Cipolla]

8 Visualization topics and projects Stereoscopic visualization confort enhancement (with ENSMP-CAOR) VR for ambiences analysis and communication VR for studying landscape impacts of wind farms –visual + aural Generation of 3D urban models NPR for urban data visualization Urban indicators –Query building –Thematic mapping (3D+t) : SLD extension

9 Partners Other IRSTV members (CESTAN/ESO, L3i, IRCCyN, L2G/ESGT) Keio University [AR] UDG - University of Girona [CG] Ecole des mines de Paris - CAOR [VR] IICT-SYSIN [GIS] Sponsors –Région Pays de la Loire [GIS] –Conseil général de Loire-Atlantique [cultural heritage] –Nantes Métropole [AR] –DCNS [AR]

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