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The Vice Chancellor ’ s Cup of Student Entrepreneurship 2012 VCCE.

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Presentation on theme: "The Vice Chancellor ’ s Cup of Student Entrepreneurship 2012 VCCE."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Vice Chancellor ’ s Cup of Student Entrepreneurship 2012 VCCE

2 A business plan competition “Planning is the substitution of error for chaos.” – Anonymous Writing and presenting plans allows you to communicate Communication is essential for attracting –Investors –High quality staff –Suppliers –Buyers

3 How to compete Get an idea Form a team –The Presenting Team: up to 5 CUHK students –Real Team may be different include non students Be fewer or more Find an Advisor – any CUHK professor CUHK student role must be substantial –CUHK student equity > 20% –CUHK student management > 50% If your company already exists it must have no substantial sales before Sept 2011

4 Plan is written to source equity capital Any independent business in any industry –No buy-outs of, expansions to or sponouts of existing companies –No franchises or licensing agreements for distribution in a different geographical area

5 Criterion for winning …which plan presents the most attractive investment opportunity?

6 Ventures May be Social Enterprises or Mixed Enterprises All great companies have a value creating purpose: Google’s mission is to organize the world‘s information and make it universally accessible and useful. High quality employees is motivated to work for such a purpose Attractive Social Ventures maximize social return on financial investment –Aim for global impact –Solve large social problems –Scalable Social Ventures will NOT be judged in a separate track

7 Prizes LEARN skills useful for start-ups Interact with VCs, investors and partners Winners represent CUHK at national and international competitions 1 st $8,000; 2 nd $5,000; 3 rd $2,000 Judged by panels of investors Sow Asia Foundation Social Venture Award: $8,000 Regular prize winners may also win the Sow Award Judged by Darius Yuen Sow Asia will seriously consider financing of one of the plans up to a principal amount of $1 million subject to mentoring, review, due diligence and team commitment Investment is available for ventures with high expected returns

8 Plan Length Written Plan –Summary maximum 2000 words due 17 th December –Final Plan: 16 pages 12 font due 16 th January 10 pages of text 6 pages appendices First page should be summary Presentation –15 minutes presentation –15 minutes Q&A

9 The Plan Concerns Forecasts Focus on one plan with milestones and cash needs focusing on first year Predict Unknowable : give your best guess based on detailed analysis of the present Cite sources and list assumptions The Plan also discusses the past and the present …


11 You Business Plan is a Prospectus Make whatever forecasts you wish Statements purported to be factual must be factual Any investor will do due diligence in confirming the facts as presented in the plan –you will likely be discovered for falsehoods If an investor relies on false information in making an investment and loses because of that reliance, you are personally liable

12 No Plagiarism When you quote use quotation marks. Fully reference your sources in footnotes Merriam Webster Dictionary: pla·gia·rize (Etymology: plagiary Date: 1716) Transitive senses : to steal and pass off (the ideas or words of another) as one's own : use (another's production) without crediting the source. Intransitive senses : to commit literary theft : present as new and original an idea or product derived from an existing source. Plagiarism is easy to spot

13 The Concerns of the Investor Does it create value for end users? Is it a “ must buy ” so the end user is willing to pay a premium? Is that “ must buy ” market large? high growth? high margin? with significant barriers to entry? Does the venture ’ s team fit the opportunity? Criterion: Is this an attractive investment?

14 If you use CUHK technology, obtain the consent of the developing professor and CUHK Knowledge Transfer Office: –Tracy Pang, IP Manager 37633031 For Pre-Incubation at CUHK: –Center for Innovation and Technology –K.Y. Leung, Associate Director x 8380 CUHK Faculty and Students Can Help with Your Plan – but you have to find the right people yourself !!!!

15 Tap Our Alumni Network Alumni are willing to share – Market knowledge –Strategic partners –Entrepreneurial experience –Investment expertise Alumni mentor network

16 Schedule for VCCE Registration and Summary Dec 17 th Semi-Finalist announcement December 21 st Full Written Plans January 16 th Semi-Finals Friday Feb 3 rd Finals Saturday Feb 4 th

17 Hugh Thomas Questions? Ask The CUHK Center for Entrepreneurship 9 th Floor Cheng Yu Tung Building Rosanna Lo phone

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