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Air Pollution By: Diana Moy.

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Presentation on theme: "Air Pollution By: Diana Moy."— Presentation transcript:

1 Air Pollution By: Diana Moy

2 What is POLLUTION? The release of harmful contaminants or substances.

3 What is Air Pollution? The presence of chemicals or substances in high concentrations in the air that harm humans, animals, vegetation and material.

4 Main pollutants Ozone Particulate Matter Carbon monoxide
Nitrogen Oxides Sulfur dioxide Lead

5 Particulate Matter (PM)
Dust, dirt, smoke, liquid droplets. From cars, buses, factories, construction sites, chemical change of gases, burning fuels. Can be suspended in the air for long periods of time.

6 Carbon monoxide CO Colorless, odorless gas.
Formed when carbon fuel is not burned completely. Contributes to the formation of ground- level ozone.

7 Nitrogen Oxides NOx Highly reactive gases (nitrogen and oxygen).
Form when fuel is burned at high temperatures. One of the main ingredients in the formation of ground- level ozone and acid rain.

8 Sulfur dioxide SO2 gas Crude oil, metals ( aluminum, copper,
zinc, lead, iron) Refineries, cement manufacturers, metal processing facilities. Contributes to acid rain and acidic streams.

9 Lead Metal found naturally in the environment.
Motor vehicles, industrial sources.

10 Ozone O3 Gas Created by nitrogen oxides and volatile
organic compounds in the presence of sunlight. Bad at ground level

11 Effects Ecosystems Reduction of visibility Global warming Health:
Irritation and inflammation Breathing difficulties Lung damage Heart disease Vision problems Premature death

12 What can we do? Use less our cars Carpool Vehicle inspection
Buy water-based products Do not smoke Recycle Plant trees

13 Questions????

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