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Bob Cooper Alice Ridout ENGL 1101 EXAM PREPARATION.

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1 Bob Cooper Alice Ridout ENGL 1101 EXAM PREPARATION

2 Course revision Writing is a PROCESS ENGL 1101 – each step in the writing process was assessed; other courses will just have an end-of-semester deadline – set your own deadlines for the different steps in the process!

3 Plagiarism

4 Exam Date: Saturday, 12 April @ 2:00pm ENGL1101AE Ridout EW206 ENGL1101BE Cooper EW205

5 Exam Format Section 1: Short answers - proofreading exercises – find and correct the mistake Section 2: Read and summarize an article Section 3: Critically respond to questions about the article

6 Practical Examination Tips Be on time. Bring more than one pen. Bring a bottle of water. Get to sleep early the night before. Practice writing a summary to prepare. Remember your student I.D.. Do not forget your paper copy dictionary. Write neatly enough for your instructor to read.

7 Time Management Getting 90% on one section but not leaving time to start the other section will get you a lower mark than attempting both sections but failing to complete them. Do not look up every single word. Get the “gist” from the context. Set yourself time limits by which to finish each section. If you are not finished, move on anyway and come back if you have time. Try to leave time to proofread.

8 Reading Annotate and highlight the text as you read. Identify the thesis statement as soon as you can. Make notes before you start your summary. Only look up crucial words. Try to identify the topic sentence in each paragraph.

9 Summary The first sentence should include: author’s first and last name title of the article you are summarizing thesis/main argument of the author in your own words Use your own words or use quotation marks. Include all the main points but no need to include all the details and examples. Use paragraphs in your own summary to organize the points. Use lists if appropriate – e.g. “Jane Doe provides three main reasons for this.” Do not express your own opinions.

10 Critical Thinking Express your own opinions. Explain why you have the opinions you express. Support your opinions with examples, anecdotes, and information. Use the information supplied in the reading assigned to help you.

11 Proofreading Try to leave some time for proofreading. Revise Box 1.1 on pages 6-7 of the textbook: Editing Checklist.

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