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Lower Extremity Casting and Splinting

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1 Lower Extremity Casting and Splinting
Margo Prim Haynes, PT, DPT, MA, PCS Mary Rose Franjoine PT, DPT, MS, PCS

2 Common Foot Deformities
Flexible pes planus = pronation Functional equinus = limitations in ankle range (dorsiflexion) Equino valgus= equinus and pronation Equino varus= equinus and supination Crouch deformity=weakness in plantarflexors 2009 MP Haynes, MR Franjoine

3 Serial Casts 2009 MP Haynes, MR Franjoine

4 Bivalved Cast 2009 MP Haynes, MR Franjoine

5 Serial Casting …. Purpose
Regain & ↑ extensibility in soft tissue surrounding casted joint Sarcomere reorganization Hypoextensibility: Tardieu Imbalance of agonist/antagonist Dysfunction in growth regulation 2009 MP Haynes, MR Franjoine

6 Serial Casting …. Purpose
Influence Equinus Position (foot): Gastrocnemius Influence Crouch Position Hamstrings Goal /Outcome: Range: ↑ dorsiflexion (5º-10º) Function: + change gait pattern Prepare foot for splints 2009 MP Haynes, MR Franjoine

7 Serial Casting.... Process
Cast wear: Cast application process Below knee for gastroc length Above knee for hamstring length Length of cast wear Number of cast applications Indications Contraindications 2009 MP Haynes, MR Franjoine

8 Serial Casting used in combination with Botox Injections
Often see… Serial Casting used in combination with Botox Injections 2009 MP Haynes, MR Franjoine

9 Botox Injections Acts as Neuromuscular block at neuo-motor junction
Produces selective denervation to specific muscles and nerves ↓ force of agonist muscle contraction Allows expression of antagonist muscles 2009 MP Haynes, MR Franjoine

10 Casting and Botox Is Botox injections used in conjunction with serial casting beneficial? Aiona Yes Booth No Kay If so, what is the best combination for use 2009 MP Haynes, MR Franjoine

11 Botox: A Botox blocks the nerve from releasing acetylcholine
2009 MP Haynes, MR Franjoine

12 Orthotics / Splints 2009 MP Haynes, MR Franjoine

13 Purpose of splints …. Function
Protection of cartilaginous, soft tissue & weak muscle groups Provides optimal joint alignment with least restrictions Allow maximal joint movement possible improving stance & gait Function 2009 MP Haynes, MR Franjoine

14 Stabilizing Foot Splints
Purpose …. Provides control frontal plane: eversion/inversion Foot plates, heel cups, hot dogs 2009 MP Haynes, MR Franjoine

15 Stabilizing Foot Splints
2009 MP Haynes, MR Franjoine

16 Stabilizing Foot Splints/Orthotics
When use splints successfully? Mild foot deformities Keep subtalus & midtarsal joints in alignment Indications Contraindications Fixed contractures in peroneals, gastrocs, posterior tibialis & functional equinus Treatment ideas 2009 MP Haynes, MR Franjoine

17 Dynamic Ankle Foot Splints
2009 MP Haynes, MR Franjoine

18 Dynamic Ankle Foot Splints
SMO Splints: Sure Step DAFO # 3½, 4, 5, DAFO 3 Hinged DAFO DAFO 3 1/2 Cascade 2009 MP Haynes, MR Franjoine

19 Dynamic Ankle Foot Splints/ Orthotics
Purpose …. Provides control SMO: Control in frontal plane /allows sagital plane motion AFO/DAFO: Control in frontal plane with some sagital plane stability 2009 MP Haynes, MR Franjoine

20 Dynamic Ankle Foot Splints
When use these splints successfully? Manage equinus deformity Severe pes plantus Indications Ready to ambulate Adequate range (10-15º Contraindications Fixed contracture Crouch problem ?? Treatment Ideas 2009 MP Haynes, MR Franjoine

21 Solid Ankle Splints Purpose Indications Contraindications Standing
Night splinting Knee hyperextension Indications Protect foot in standing program Following Surgery Contraindications Interferes with functional activities 2009 MP Haynes, MR Franjoine

22 Anti-Crouch Splint 2009 MP Haynes, MR Franjoine

23 Anti-Crouch Foot Splints
Purpose: Supports STJ & keeps calcaneus in mid-position Keeps tibia from falling forward over plantigrade foot (muscle weakness / surgery overlengthening) Blocks excessive ankle & knee flexion 2009 MP Haynes, MR Franjoine

24 Anti-Crouch Foot Splints
Indications Excessive weakness Excessive dorsi flexion Increased knee flexion Contraindications Knee hyperextension Contractures: hamstrings / hip flexors Treatment Ideas 2009 MP Haynes, MR Franjoine

25 Bibliography Booth MY, Yates CC, Edgar TS, Bandy WD. Serial casting vs combined intervention with botulinum toxin A and serial casting in the treatment of spastic equines in children. Pediatr Phys Ther. 2003;15(4): Kay RM, Rethlefsen SA, Fern-Buneo A, et al. Botulinum Toxin as an Adjunct to Serial Casting Treatment in Children with Cerebral Palsy. The Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery (American). 2004;86: Aiona M, Sussman MD. Treatment of spastic diplegia in patients with cerebral palsy: Part II. Journal of Pediatric Orthopaedics B.2004; 13(3):1-43. See separate Splint Orthotics Reference 2009 MP Haynes, MR Franjoine

26 Margo Prim Haynes, PT, DPT, MA, PCS Mary Rose Franjoine, PT, DPT, MS, PCS
Jan McElroy, PT, MS, PCS 2009

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