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RISK ANALYSIS & MANAGEMENT Budapest University of Technology and Economics Prof. Janos LEVENDOVSZKY, Dr. Gábor JENEY

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Presentation on theme: "RISK ANALYSIS & MANAGEMENT Budapest University of Technology and Economics Prof. Janos LEVENDOVSZKY, Dr. Gábor JENEY"— Presentation transcript:

1 RISK ANALYSIS & MANAGEMENT Budapest University of Technology and Economics Prof. Janos LEVENDOVSZKY, Dr. Gábor JENEY

2 Outline Administrative course information The basic concept of risk analysis and management Fundamental challenges Course objectives

3 Course Information I – classes & readings Lectures – Monday 12-14 Lab practices – Monday 14-16 (Attila Ceffer, Suggested literarture: Wose: Risk Analysis: A Quantitative Guide, 2nd edition. Wiley, 2000., Distributed materials

4 Course Information II – requirements Completing the lab assignments 1 mid term test (1 recap) Exam (similar to mid term test) Grading:

5 What is risk and risk analysis ? System (project, process, financial operation) Input Output (system performance according to a given performance index) “Components” (SW, HW…etc.) RISK= an event which may jeopardize the succesful outcome of a planned process (e.g. in the case of a project, the delays in cash flow, delivery/production failures …etc.) What is the probability of a given performance degradation ? RISK ANALYSIS

6 What is risk ? It may or may not occur Risk is a random variable with a p.d.f. Complex system Elementary risk factors with known statistics Evaluation of global risk factors defined over system performance COMPUTATIONAL RISK ANALYSIS

7 Risk analysis Determine some statistical measures on the performance index ! Average performance Tailp.d.f Average performance Tail p.d.f

8 Basic steps of Risk Analysis 1.Identify the risks 2.Identify the corresponding p.d.f.-s 3.Define the performance index 4.Define the statitical measure on the performance index to be evaluated for risk analysis 5.Calculate the defined statistical measures Identification of risks Prob. of failure

9 Risk management (mitigation) 1.Evaluate the risk of the process under investigation 2.Check if system risk complies with a pre-defined criterion 3.Re-design it if necessary 4.Re-calculate the performance index 5.Demonstrate the improvement and do it iteratively until you reach the pre-defined risk objective The risk is mitigated

10 Course objective Knowledge and skills of basic risk measures; mathematical tools for their evaluation; real-time calculation of system risk measures. Expertise in COMPUTATIONAL RISK ANALYSIS !

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