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WHS CENTRAL C0MMITTEE  Tosin Famakinwa, Engineering Operations Manager, School of Computing, Engineering and Mathematics, Kingswood;

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Presentation on theme: "WHS CENTRAL C0MMITTEE  Tosin Famakinwa, Engineering Operations Manager, School of Computing, Engineering and Mathematics, Kingswood;"— Presentation transcript:

1 WHS CENTRAL C0MMITTEE  Tosin Famakinwa, Engineering Operations Manager, School of Computing, Engineering and Mathematics, Kingswood; email:  Terry Mason, Senior Lecturer, Badanami Centre for Indigenous Education, Bankstown; email:  Murray Austin, Technical Operations Coordinator, School of Science and Health, Hawkesbury; email:  Michael Lyons, Senior Lecturer, School of Business, Parramatta; email:  Victoria Hardy-Crump, Lecturer, School of Nursing and Midwifery, Campbelltown; email:  Andrew Robb, Manager, UWS Work Health and Safety Unit, Werrington South, ex officio member/ guest; email:  Ann Tout, Executive Director, People and Culture, Penrith (Werrington North); email:  Peter Pickering, Chief Financial Officer, Hawkesbury; email:  Nicole Roeth, WHS Coordinator, Work Health and Safety Unit, Werrington South; advisor/ guest, email:  Don Dingsdag, Senior Lecturer, School of Science and Health, Hawkesbury, Chair; email:

2 UWS WHS Workgroup Structure UWS WHS Central Committee  Address UWS wide issues  Host annual WHS forum  UWS Officer participation (i.e.,CFO)  Committee provides information and reporting to the UWS Executive through the participating UWS Officer and the UWS WHS Unit

3 Designated Work Groups (Campus Based) Parramatta Campus Committee Bankstown Campus Committee Hawkesbury Campus Committee Campbelltown Campus Committee  The main consultation groups formed for the University, will allow workers (staff, students, contractors etc) to more readily associate with a campus structure  Includes up to 6 Health and Safety Reps and general committee members from each area (below) who wish to nominate forming a campus-based Work Health & Safety Committee  Suggested that Campus Provost is part of this Committee, as well as the CW&F Campus Manager and Security representative.  Committee would report up to the Central Committee and also back to the operational areas on that campus  Workers located at external locations can refer consultation queries to the campus work group where their home School/Business unit is located

4 UWS Structure Divisional Structure School Structure uwsConnect UWS Early Learning UWS College Other Commercial Tenants All operational areas have the option of establishing work groups (in consultation with workers) and consultation arrangements at this level. Such consultation mechanisms should contribute their issues and findings into the relevant campus based WHS committee structures.

5 What the WHS Central Committee has done so far  1)Relationship between Central and Campus committees has been discussed and requires further discussion according to the consultation requirements of the WHS Act.  Action: To further the process the Central committee will review documents provided in draft on the Consultation webpages (  These documents need to be distributed through Policy DDS (or otherwise) across the organisation and feedback sought.  In the new year the Central committee will commence the review process and send any feedback to  2)Discussion about the Central committee’s role relevant to statistics/incident reports was held.  Action: Nicole Roeth has sent each campus committee their own incident stats and some summary data for across the organisation to allow some comparison.  The centralisation of statistics/incident reports should be made simpler with the introduction of the new online reporting system.

6 What the WHS Central Committee has done so far  3)Duplication of committee activities between campus and central committees was discussed.  Action: The need for Central committee to focus on issues through the use of a 5 minute presentation about their campus committee and areas of focus/ interest and incident stats from their campus was suggested. Brief presentations to be considered for next meeting.

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