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1 Structures P.R.E.P Proposition Reaason Example Proposition A.I.D.A Attention Interest Desire Action.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Structures P.R.E.P Proposition Reaason Example Proposition A.I.D.A Attention Interest Desire Action."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Structures P.R.E.P Proposition Reaason Example Proposition A.I.D.A Attention Interest Desire Action

2 2 What do you say? Open Probe Mirror Closed

3 3 Why Go Networking Common Experiences or Solutions Brand Building (Speaking) Develop Master Mind Groups New Ideas (Competitor Intelligence) Potential Suppliers Customers Sales Team Friends

4 4 What to say to follow up Ask permission Pick a suitable time Make a note on their card Put it in your diary

5 5 What to say when you phone Call when you promised Say theyre expecting you Remind them what they asked for. Ask how you can help Be quiet!

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