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Welcome to Discover UCI 2012 Why UCI? Diana Tien Undergraduate Counselor.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Discover UCI 2012 Why UCI? Diana Tien Undergraduate Counselor."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Discover UCI 2012 Why UCI? Diana Tien Undergraduate Counselor

2 Computers and technology are everywhere

3 Interdisciplinary Education Medicine: Imaging Humanities: Data Mining Biological & Physical Sciences: Modeling Art, Education, & Social Ecology

4 Only School of Computing in the UC * UCI RVINE UCIrvine

5 Curricular Diversity (Majors) Computer Science Informatics Information & Computer Science Biomedical Computing Computer Game Science Business Information Management (with The Paul Merage School of Business) Computer Science & Engineering (with The Henry Samueli School of Engineering) Software Engineering (New – was not on UC application)

6 Curricular Diversity (cont’d) Bren ICS Minors* –BioInformatics –Digital Information Systems –Health Informatics –Informatics –Information and Computer Science –Statistics *Some major/minor combinations are restricted. Concentration (available by application to continuing students only) –Engineering/ICS in the Global Context (study/internship outside of the U.S.) UCI offers choices galore! –80+ majors and 60+ minors Freshmen/Transfer 1-unit seminars (limited to 15 students), such as: –Hobby Electronics –Reading Harry Potter –Global Leadership Education Abroad Program

7 Project-Based Learning

8 Research Opportunities Student-initiated research Bren:ICS Honors Program UCI Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program (UROP) — Provides guidance, funding and faculty mentor Campus programs that provide a stipend and summer housing Examples: — Summer Undergraduate Research Program — Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship in Information Technology (SURF-IT)

9 Corporate Connections

10 Faculty Excellence & Accessibility

11 Committed to Student Success Engaged and accessible faculty —Weekly office hours by faculty and course TAs —Associate Dean hosts weekly drop-in hours Academic counseling staff —Help students find most efficient way to meet all their academic goals —Inform students about programs/opportunities that enhance learning and build their resume —Guide students to appropriate campus resources Learning & Academic Resource Center (LARC) —FREE workshops/tutoring & fee-based tutoring Math, Physics, and Chemistry Departments —FREE drop-in tutoring ICS Tutoring —Peer to peer (fee based)

12 Building a Diverse Community Women in Computer Sciences (WICS) SAGE Scholars WICS/Girls Inc.EcoRaft Demo

13 Student Life ICS Student Council members at ICS/Boeing Alumni Night Bren Brawl: Friendly competition among student gamers ICS/Blizzard Alumni Night Student Showcase 2011 participants Bren:ICS students at UCI Leadership Conference

14 Get prompt responses and different perspectives: Academic counselors/peer advisors: 949-824-5156 (M-F 8-5) Faculty: Tony Givargis Associate Dean for Student Affairs Questions?

15 Follow Us

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