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 speak about our favorite films  invite friends to the cinema  discuss different types of books  go to the library  check our knowledge.

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Presentation on theme: " speak about our favorite films  invite friends to the cinema  discuss different types of books  go to the library  check our knowledge."— Presentation transcript:



3  speak about our favorite films  invite friends to the cinema  discuss different types of books  go to the library  check our knowledge


5 1b 2a 3 a 4b 5c

6  A Good Book is a Best Companion  Wear the Old Coat and Buy a new Book

7  Adventure books  Science – fiction books  Love stories  Fantasy  Fairy-tale  Detective  Books about animals  прыгодніцкія кнігі  навукова– фантастычныя кнігі  апавяданні пра каханне  фантастыка  казка  дэтэктыў  кнігі пра жывёл

8  Adventure books  Science – fiction books  Love stories  Fantasy  Fairy-tale  Detective  Books about animals  прыгодніцкія кнігі  навукова– фантастычныя кнігі  апавяданні пра каханне  фантастыка  казка  дэтэктыў  кнігі пра жывёл

9  Adventure books  Science – fiction books  Love stories  Fantasy  Fairy-tale  Detective  Books about animals

10  прыгодніцкія кнігі  навукова– фантастычныя кнігі  апавяданні пра каханне  фантастыка  казка  дэтэктыў  кнігі пра жывёл

11 Adventure books

12 Detective

13 Fairy tale

14 Books about Animals

15 Fantasy

16 Love Stories

17 Science-fiction


19  the endings are usually good  they are usually boring  they are very long  they make me dream  I don’t sleep at night  there are no pictures  they are exciting| touching | amusing  they make me think  I like magic  I like unusual stories


21  spoke about …  invited …  discussed …  went to …  checked our …


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