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Welcome to Third Grade Curriculum Night Please find your child's desk and make yourself comfortable. While you are waiting, use the blue paper on your.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Third Grade Curriculum Night Please find your child's desk and make yourself comfortable. While you are waiting, use the blue paper on your."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Third Grade Curriculum Night Please find your child's desk and make yourself comfortable. While you are waiting, use the blue paper on your child’s desk to write him/her a note. You can leave the note inside the desk.

2 Agenda Tonight we will cover classroom expectations and the third grade curriculum. There will be time at the end for brief questions. If you need to speak to me about a more serious concern, please contact me to set up a conference.

3 My Family

4 A Little Bit About Me

5 Contact and Conference Information: Email: Voicemail: 440-349-7757 ext 5814 Fall conference: please sign up for a fall conference. The sign up sheets are in the hallway. Additional conferences: As needed, please do not hesitate to contact me.

6 Family Information System Information listed under either my link or the Lewis Third Grade link (sometimes both!) Assessment dates, field trips, special events, class news, photos, learning targets, useful links for extending your child's learning, email access

7 Behavior Expectations Lewis School Be Safe Be Kind Work Hard

8 Rules for Superheroes Show self-control with your hands, feet, and words. Do neat, quality work. Spell carefully. Kept voice quiet during listening times and use appropriate volume. Organize materials and follow directions quickly. Treat everyone with respect. Behavior Expectations

9 Rewards Color Superhero Log to share great behavior with family Class money for prizes Consequences Record tally for each reminder stick on Superhero Log. 1 reminder = green day, 2 reminders = blue day 3 reminders = A.C.E. form (filled out by child, signed by parent and teacher) + yellow day. Severe behavior issues will result in a red day and will be referred to Mr. Ceci or Mr. Acomb (bullying, fighting, defiance). Parents will be notified via phone call or e-mail.

10 Just Do It – Stick To It! Lewis School Mindset Spoken, Encouraged, Rewarded

11 Growth Mindset  In a growth mindset, children believe that their most basic abilities can be developed through dedication and hard work—brains and talent are just the beginning. This mindset creates a love of learning and a resilience that is essential for great accomplishment.  Teaching a growth mindset creates motivation and productivity.  Students with a growth mindset significantly outperform their classmates when they believe that intelligence is not fixed, but rather can be developed.

12 Examples of Fixed vs. Growth Mindsets FIXED Look clever at all costs. “The main thing I want when I do my school work is to show how good I am at it.” It should come naturally. “To tell you the truth, when I work hard at my school work it makes me fee like I’m not very smart.” Hide your mistakes. After a disappointing exam score, “I’d spend less time on this subject from now on. I’d try not to take this subject ever again.” GROWTH Learn, learn, learn. “It is much more important for me to learn things in my classes than it is to get the best grades.” Work hard, effort is key. “The harder you work at something, the better you’ll be at it.” Capitalize on your mistakes. After a disappointing exam score, “I’d work harder in this class and spend more time studying for the tests.”

13 Homework Expect math homework every day that there is a lesson. Due next day unless otherwise noted. Other homework will be assigned occasionally. Read 20-30 minutes five times a week. Parent support is encouraged. Please check over your child's completed work, and help correct it if needed. Science and Social Studies materials come home as a unit a few days before an assessment for review.

14 Put your John Hancock Here… Superhero Log and Agenda: signed over the weekend, turned in on Mondays Common Assessments: Discuss, sign, then return the next day A.C.E. Forms: signed when given, turned in the next day

15 Statewide Assessments- Grade 3 English/Language Arts: Dec 1, 2 English/Language Arts: Apr 19, 20 Math: May 3, 4

16 Literacy Common core standards are in reach of all children. All children experience success, given time and opportunity. The degree to which standards are met and the time it takes to reach the standards varies from student to student. Solon is committed to using research- based best practices to foster English language development in the most appropriate and meaningful ways possible.

17 Reader’s Workshop Mini lesson Read to Self, Read to Someone, Listen to Reading Guided reading

18 Finding a “Good Fit” Book Good Fit books help children learn to love to read because they provide just enough challenge to be enjoyable. Your child can interact with this text without support. Instructional Level - Guided Reading Instruction Hard books - suggest for later or read to your child and discuss. Good Fit books are usually read with 99% accuracy.

19 Writer’s Workshop Mini lesson Work on Writing, Word Study Guided small groups Individual conferences Partner sharing, revising etc.

20 Writing Genres for Third Grade Writers Informational Persuasive Literary Fairy Tale

21 Word Study Word Study groups Application to independent writing How can parents help? Encourage your child to notice misspelled words in his writing, hold him accountable for common words, help your child with homework, READ, READ, READ

22 Envision2.0 Math Emphasis on application of skills and deep understanding of concepts Rigorous content, problem solving and multiple solutions Closely aligned to Common Core Standards

23 How Can I Help my Child in Math? Tell time and count money together. Think about math in the real world- point it out! Math facts - add, subtract, multiply Check over math homework, class work, and assessments together.

24 Social Studies Units History & Cultures Geography Citizenship and Problem-Solving Government Economics

25 Science Units Earth's Resources Plants and Animals Matter and Forms of Energy

26 Report Cards Four times a year, 9 week quarters. Continuum score (1-5) for Writing and Reading, and Spelling. Letter grade for Math. Based on indicator mastery as evidenced by classwork and assessments. Scores for Science and Social Studies show mastery of concepts on a scale of 1-5.

27 Birthdays You are welcome to send in treats on your child's birthday. If you would like to read a book to the class, please let me know. If your child has a summer birthday, we may celebrate a half~birthday. Contact me if you intend to send a half-birthday treat.

28 Reminders: Write a note to your child and leave it inside his or her desk. Visit the specialists to welcome them to our school and introduce yourself! Visit the book fair tonight....proceeds benefit our classroom library!

29 We are a TEAM! Together we can make this a positive & successful year for your child!

30 Please do not hesitate to contact me with questions or concerns.

31 for coming tonight!

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