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Program Models for Networked Services Coordinating Youth Services California Youth Council Institute May 14 - 15, 2002.

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1 Program Models for Networked Services Coordinating Youth Services California Youth Council Institute May 14 - 15, 2002

2 California Youth Council Institute | Coordinating Youth Services | May 14-15, 2002 2 Connecting Daisy Petals into Programs 4 WIA calls for ‘networked youth services’ 4 The “DAISY” is one way to depict a networked system 4 Growing a daisy is a multi-year process 4 Resource mapping is used to describe the details of every petal in your daisy

3 California Youth Council Institute | Coordinating Youth Services | May 14-15, 2002 3 Program Models in a WIA Context 4 Critical issue: are you “buying slots” or are you “networking services”? 4 Under WIA, the unit of “program” is the entire community -- all youth service elements together! 4 Primary role of LWIB/YC is to create operational connections across services.

4 California Youth Council Institute | Coordinating Youth Services | May 14-15, 2002 4 A Wild Daisy: Tucson! 4 In transition to an client-centered service system 4 4 Centralized framework and case management services at the one stop centers (but case management to be provided through contract) 4 RFQ process to pre-qualify youth service vendors 4 Youth-by-youth service plans

5 California Youth Council Institute | Coordinating Youth Services | May 14-15, 2002 5 Pima’s RFQ line-up 4 Case management RFP 4 Youth Work Experience/Work-Readiness RFQ 4 Youth Academic Instruction RFQ 4 Youth Occupational Training RFQ 4 Youth Development RFQ

6 California Youth Council Institute | Coordinating Youth Services | May 14-15, 2002 6 What has Pima learned? 4 It works 4 Vendors provide what they are good at 4 Open-ended RFQ process, including TA 4 Significant case management training 4 Help vendors develop “unit cost-per service” 4 Vendors need to accept degree of service risk 4 Need for YC staff to manage/track service times and availability 4 Unusual model for YO as well as WIA

7 California Youth Council Institute | Coordinating Youth Services | May 14-15, 2002 7 “It’s the network, stupid” 4 WIA has the same generic steps as many other youth-serving programs 4 If you align the steps, you align the services 4 The devil really is in the [operational] details


9 Service flow for court-involved youth

10 California Youth Council Institute | Coordinating Youth Services | May 14-15, 2002 10 What do you need? 4 Working agreement -- CYA and WIA 4 Connected information system 4 Agreed use of assessment tools 4 Agreed content and format of ISS 4 Process to decide how services are paid for 4 Agreement on case management 4 Agreement on performance reporting

11 California Youth Council Institute | Coordinating Youth Services | May 14-15, 2002 11 What does WIA get? 4 System referrals 4 Youth-serving partners 4 Leverage -- services and resources 4 Clear role for framework and content services 4 System impact

12 Service flow for foster youth

13 Service flow for alt-ed system

14 California Youth Council Institute | Coordinating Youth Services | May 14-15, 2002 14 What is different about Alt-Ed? 4 Youth are not attached to system partner 4 WIA framework services and content services are more central to strategy 4 LWIB/YC works with schools to create options -- and funds to follow youth into alternative programs 4 WIA has primary case management role

15 California Youth Council Institute | Coordinating Youth Services | May 14-15, 2002 15 System-building models 4 Seattle: Funding a collaborative group of youth development providers rather than one ‘prime’ 8 yaksum.cfm 4 Corning, NY: Require multiple providers to respond to an RFP in partnerships 8

16 California Youth Council Institute | Coordinating Youth Services | May 14-15, 2002 16 System building - leveraging resources 4 Identify flexible dollars 8 Indianapolis -- Youth Employment 8 One stop center includes 47 providers 8

17 TYC & courts Teen Parents Academic Support Career dev Boys & Girls Club Summer Jobs Big Brothers School- to-career Foster care Assessment, ISS, Case Mgmt, Follow-up

18 California Youth Council Institute | Coordinating Youth Services | May 14-15, 2002 18 Budget tools for systembuilding 4 First handout: “Youth GED” line item budget 4 2d handout: “YouthWorks” line item budget 4 3d handout: resource mapping result 4 4th handout: Integrated Budget for “Project Thunder”

19 Who pays for service plan?

20 California Youth Council Institute | Coordinating Youth Services | May 14-15, 2002 20 Project Thunder budget 4 Focus on the functions of the project costs 4 Each source of funds pays for services (expenses) it is permitted to support 4 Every contributor gets leverage 4 Every youth gets multiple services 4 The total performance gets measured and reported even though WIA funded only 1/7th of the program cost.

21 California Youth Council Institute | Coordinating Youth Services | May 14-15, 2002 21 Impact on operations and performance 4 “Thunder integration” happens when LWIB/YC is a convenor and partner, not just a funder 4 YC is proactive, not reactive, to service opportunities 4 Able to better target strategic needs 4 Integration requires clear operational links (framework services) with other 4 YC staff are linkers, brokers, and connectors

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