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NEIDICH CONSULTING INC. Digital Audio/Video Consulting Services North America.

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1 NEIDICH CONSULTING INC. Digital Audio/Video Consulting Services North America

2 Qualifications – Michael Neidich BSEE M.I.T. 8 years analog/digital circuit design 20 years national & international sales 14 years product management Contact: 520-591.1369 or –Neidich Consulting Inc. –60917 E. Eagle Heights Drive, Tucson, AZ 85739

3 Employment highlights Consultant, Digital A/V Consumer Products –US Sales –Technical product support Digital Audio Product Marketing Manager, Zoran Corporation, Sunnyvale, CA Marketing Engineer, Precision Audio, Analog Devices Inc., Santa Clara, CA V.P. Sales, General Microwave Corp. National Sales Mgr., Anadigics Director, International Sales, Standard Microsystems SMSC

4 Consulting Clients Eastech (ATLM) Taiwan –Advisor to CEO; Vertically integrated Consumer Electronics equipment OEM/ODM Pulsus Technologies, S. Korea –Marketing of Class D Amplifier IC ’ s & DSP ’ s Jam Technologies –Marketing of Class D Amplifier IC ’ s Spectron USA –Marketing of High power Audiophile Class D amplifiers Sonista, Inc. USA –Marketing of Consumer Electronics product Two ’ s Corp –Turnkey DSP board development & software Zoran Corp –DVD & DSP IC Supplier

5 FUNCTIONS FOR CLIENTS Eastech (ATLM) Taiwan –New Product Planning & Market Research –New Technology Applications Jam Technologies –Class D Amplifier IC ’ s Design and Marketing Sonista, Inc. USA –Product design/development (Dolby Surround Headphone) Pulsus Technologies, S. Korea –US Sales of D-amplifier IC ’ s –Marketing support Spectron USA –Audiophile D-amp sourcing, Asia OEM/ODM Two ’ s Corp –Sales Agent for turnkey DSP board development & software Zoran Corp –New Product Requirements Documentation PRD

6 Past Product Developments Virtual Surround Speakers –Prototyped, passed to Sound Matters, San Francisco, CA for development; Product name MainStage, DSP based Virtual Surround Headphone –Worked with Recoton/Acoustic Research on AW791 family of wireless headphone DSP ’ s Dolby Headphone –Worked with Lake Technologies –Developed Dolby Digital product for Sonista, Inc., Pleasanton, CA

7 Past Product Developments, Cont. DSP Based Dolby Digital headphones –Sony MDR-DS5000 –AKG Acoustics DSP-based A/V Receiver –Denon –Outlaw –Various Chinese OEM ’ s Surround Speaker Systems –Boston Acoustics –Altec Lansing –Klipsch

8 In Depth Experience in: SoC System on Chip feasibility study Digital Wireless Surround Headphones Digital Amplifiers (Class D) Digital Signal Processing – Audio Apps Virtual Surround technology VLSI Chip Architecture Cost Reduction product analysis Analog circuit design & High speed apps Speech Intelligibility & Hearing Aid Processing

9 In Depth Experience in: RF design Audio amplifier design Software specification DSP Application software Virtual surround DSP Dolby Decoding and Processing DVD Player development A/V Receiver development

10 Consultant ’ s Advantage Consultant do what employees cannot do –Perfectly objective –Talk to / penetrate competition –Above internal politics No long term benefits and liability Defined cost commitment

11 Consultant ’ s Advantage, cont. PRD Generation Market Analysis Initial Product Design Next Generation Product Development Sourcing, Source qualification Manufacturer Management and Communication QC & QA & Testing Dolby Certification Liaison Write data sheets and application notes Write magazine articles

12 Consultant ’ s Advantage, cont. Plan and execute market research to justify go/no-go decisions on small and large opportunities Assemble data with references Effectively champion data-based decisions to drive resourcing Identify and perform initial evaluation of potential acquisitions Proven success identifying new market segments and bringing new products to market Proven ability to analyze data and present a solid business case Proven ability to manage time effectively and drive toward project completion Proven business judgment

13 Lead product planning methods Assess market status Penetrate competition Identify needed elements Define new product Customer Objectives Market Research Technology Assessment New Product Definition

14 Services you must have Competitive Intelligence Market Research Manufacturing Cost Analysis Manufacturability Product Life Cycle Future product trend

15 Starting the consulting relationship Review Consulting Advantages with client List macro objectives Define the project –Starting Point –End Point –Deliverables Determine suitability of project for consultant

16 Suggested Services Assist in developing a business plan Formulate a marketing strategy Identify customer issues Focus on product definitions Provide Engineering support Participate in problem solving Design reviews

17 Support Projects Develop marketing research reports Develop competitor analysis reports Do applications brochures Find marketing channels Find new customers Work with chip designers on product definitions Develop test and compliance documentation

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