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Date Rape Drugs.

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1 Date Rape Drugs

2 Rohypnol GHB Ketamine

3 Rohypnol (flunitrazepam)
most commonly known as a date-rape drug, continues to be abused among teenagers and young adults, usually at raves and nightclubs.

4 STREET NAMES Roofies Rophies Roche Forget-me Pill Circles
Mexican Valium, Rib Roach-2 Roopies Rope Ropies Ruffies Roaches

5 Rohypnol Amnesia is the most common side-effect of Rohypnol.

6 Other Side effects Relaxation or sedation of the body
Risk of sexual assault Rapid mood swings and violent outbursts of temper Breathing and heart rate slow down to dangerous levels Comas and seizures (especially when combined with amphetamines) Vomiting and headache Difficulty breathing and nausea. Harsh withdrawal symptoms like insomnia, anxiety, tremors and sweating. Memory loss Death

7 Overdose is a very real possibility when Rohypnol is combined with alcohol or any other sedating drug. Rohypnol also severely impairs a user's ability to drive or operate machinery.

8 Rohypnol Rohypnol may cause users to feel intoxicated; they may have slurred speech, impaired judgment, and difficulty walking. The effects are often felt within 10 minutes and can last up to 8 hours. Rohypnol can cause deep sedation, respiratory distress, and blackouts that can last up to 24 hours.

9 Rohypnol Colorless and odorless
It has been linked to numerous incidents of sexual assault because it is a fast-acting sleeping pill that can be slipped into a drink and leave the victim with little or no memory of the incident.

10 Rohypnol The drug has been changed to leave telltale blue floating particles when mixed with liquids. If you see these in your drink, do not drink it.

11 GHB odorless and colorless liquid slightly salty taste
It is classified as a sedative

12 GHB used as a general anesthetic in Europe illegal in the US
it can be slipped into a victim's drink, causing dizziness, confusion, drowsiness and sometimes loss of consciousness.

13 GHB When GHB is combined with alcohol, it is especially dangerous because alcohol increases the effect of the drug

14 GHB Before GHB became illegal, it was marketed to bodybuilders as a product to release growth hormone and build muscles. There is no evidence that it produces this effect. GHB was also marketed as an "herbal" supplement to help with sleep and depression.

15 How is GHB Used? GHB is generally taken in a liquid form, though it is sometimes found in powder, tablet, or capsules. The effects of the drug begin 10 to 20 minutes after taking it and last up to 4 hours.

16 GHB Since in its liquid form the strength of GHB varies, and people's reactions to vary, it is very easy to take a dangerous dose of this drug.

17 Why do people take GHB GHB can produce hallucinations and feelings of relaxation and euphoria. People who use GHB also report feeling increased energy, feeling affectionate and sociable, mild disinhibition and enhanced sexual experience.

18 Ketamine Injectable anesthetic
It is most commonly used by veterinarians on large animals today. In the 1980s it began to be used recreationally as an intoxicant.

19 Ketamine Street Names Special K Vitamin K Cat Valiums

20 Ketamine Ketamine is either sold as a dry white powder or a clear liquid (in its original pharmaceutical packaging). The powder is made by drying the liquid. The residue from this drying process is then crushed and snorted in small doses (called bumps).

21 Ketamine In rare cases it is injected intramuscularly or smoked with tobacco or marijuana. Whether smoked or snorted, the effects begin in a few minutes and lasts less than an hour.

22 Ketamine In large doses it produces effects in humans similar to phencyclidine (PCP) such as dream-like dissociative states and hallucinations. It has a number of contradictory effects, including stimulant, sedative, anesthetic, and hallucinogenic properties. Users describe feeling like they are drunk, stoned, and tripping all at once.

23 Ketamine Ketamine can also put users in a state called a "k-hole" where they become unable to move or communicate and feel very far away from their body. Many users find this frightening and disturbing.

24 Ketamine Because it can render the user unable to move, it has also been used as a date rape drug.

25 Dangerous Side Effects
It is difficult to regulate a "dose" of ketamine, and there is only a slight difference in dose between the desired effects and an overdose. Ketamine is a depressant at higher doses and can dangerously reduce heart rate and respiratory function.

26 Combining ketamine with other depressants, like alcohol, valium, or GHB, can lead to serious medical consequences. It can also produce delirium, amnesia, impaired motor function or depression at high doses.

27 Get Help Immediately Date Rape Drugs leave the body's system relatively quickly, they are not easily detected by medical tests. It is important to tell a medical provider that you suspect you have been given a date rape drug so that you can get appropriate medical help.

28 Remember that illegal drugs are produced in underground labs and you can never be sure what's in the drug or how strong it is .

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