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RESEARCH PROPOSAL Presenter Dr. (Mrs.) Kanwaljit Kaur Gill

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Presentation on theme: "RESEARCH PROPOSAL Presenter Dr. (Mrs.) Kanwaljit Kaur Gill"— Presentation transcript:

1 RESEARCH PROPOSAL Presenter Dr. (Mrs.) Kanwaljit Kaur Gill
Prof. & Principal CON, SKSS, Sarabha.

2 What is Research? Nursing Research involves a systematic search for knowledge about issues of importance to the nursing profession.

3 What is a Research Proposal?
The research proposal is a written document specifying what the investigator proposes to study and therefore is written before the project has commenced. It is like an outline of the entire research process that gives a reader a summary of the information discussed in a project.

4 Cont… Research proposal gives the clear idea of what the researcher plan to do, how and when various tasks are to be accomplished and whether the researcher is capable of successfully following the proposed plan of action.

5 Purpose of a Research Proposal
Research proposal is intended to convince reviewer that the researcher have a worthwhile research project, competence and the work-plan to complete it. The purpose of a proposal is to sell researcher’s idea to the funding agency, if you need funds. This means that the investigator must convince the funding agency that: The problem is significant and worthy of study. The technical approach is novel and likely to yield results The investigator and his/her research team is/are the right group of individuals to carry out and accomplish the work described in the research proposal.

6 Content of a Research Proposal
Abstract Section A: Introduction Section B: Review of the Related Literature Section C: Methodology Section D: Ethical/ Legal Consideration Section E: Work Plan References Appendixes

7 Abstract Proposals often begins with a brief synopsis of the proposed research. It is a summary of the whole research. It should concisely state the study objectives and methods to be used. It should be brief i.e. 200 – 300 words in length including the methodology and plan of analysis.

8 Section A :Introduction
Components of Section A are: Background of the study, Need of the study, Research question, Research objectives, Hypothesis / Assumptions of the study, Definitions of key terms, Delimitations of the study, Conceptual framework.

9 Background of the study
“The introduction is the part of the paper that provides readers with the background information for the research reported in the paper. Its purpose is to establish a framework for the research, so that readers can understand how it is related to other research”. Wilkinson, 1991.

10 Cont… In an introduction, the researcher should:
create reader interest in the topic, lay the broad foundation for the problem that leads to the study, place the study within the larger context of the scholarly literature, and reach out to a specific reader.

11 Need of the Study It indicate that how this research will refine, revise or extend existing knowledge in the area under investigation. This can be a difficult section to write. The study may affect scholarly research, theory, practice, educational interventions, curricula, counseling, policy. It may have either new knowledge in theoretical or methodological significance.

12 Statement of the Problem
A problem statement is a clear description of the issue(s), it includes a vision, issue statement, and method used to solve the problem. For example: A quasi-experimental study to assess the effect of lavender oil massage on lumbosacral region for reduction of labour pain and progress among primi-parturients.

13 Cont… It will outline the basic facts of the problem, explain why the problem matters, and pinpoint a solution as quickly and directly as possible. The 5 'W's can be used to spark the discussion about the problem (Who, When, Why, What and Where).


15 RESEARCH OBJECTIVES The objectives of a research project summaries what is to be achieved by the study. Objectives should be closely related to the statement of the problem. The general objective of a study states what researchers expect to achieve by the study in general terms. It is possible to break down a general objective into smaller, logically connected parts. These are normally referred to as specific objectives. Specific objectives should systematically address the various aspects of the problem. They should specify what the researcher will do in their study, where and for what purpose.

16 Cont… It gives the reader an accurate, concrete understanding what this study will cover. Specific and precise - not general, broad or obscure Concise - one or two sentences Clear - not vague, ambiguous or confusing Goal-oriented - stated in terms of desired outcomes E.g. To determine the effect of lavender oil massage on lumbosacral region for reduction of labour pain among primi-parturients.

17 Research Hypotheses A hypothesis is a prediction of a relationship between one or more factors and the problem under study that can be tested. Make a clear and careful distinction between the dependent and independent variables. A hypothesis represents a declarative statement of the relations between two or more variables. E.g. H1 - There wiil be a significant relationship between the levander oil massage on lumbosacral region for reduction of labour pain among primi-parturients at 0.05 level of significance.

18 Cont… Based on the experience with the study problem, it might be possible to develop explanations for the problem, which can then be tested. Be prepared to interpret any possible outcomes with respect to the questions or hypotheses.

19 Operational Definitions of Key Terms
This section provides operational definition of terms that are unusual or unfamiliar. It identifies precisely the names of concepts, tests, or participants introduced in the Statement of the Problem and employed in the Hypotheses Properties described in this manner must be sufficiently accessible, so that persons other than the definer may independently measure or test for them.

20 Delimitations A delimitation addresses how a study will be narrowed in scope, that is, how it is bounded. This is the place to explain the things that you are not doing and why you have chosen not to do them - the literature you will not review (and why not), the population you are not studying (and why not), the methodological procedures you will not use (and why you will not use them).

21 Conceptual and Theoretical Framework
Conceptual framework describes the relationship between specific variables identified in the study. Theoretical framework provides a general representation of relationships between things in a given phenomenon. It describes a broader relationship between things.

22 Section B: Review of Literature
The review of the literature provides the background and context for the research problem. It should establish the need for the research and indicate that the writer is knowledgeable about the area. The literature review accomplishes several important things. It shares with the reader the results of other studies that are closely related to the study being reported. It relates a study to the larger, ongoing dialogue in the literature about a topic, filling in gaps and extending prior studies.

23 Cont… It provides a framework for establishing the importance of the study, as well as a benchmark for comparing the results of a study with other findings. It “frames” the problem earlier identified.

24 Section C: Methodology
Research design of the study Population and sampling Research Instruments / Tool Instrument / Tool Reliability and Validity Pilot study Method of Data Collection Plan of Data Analysis

25 Research Design Design – a description of the approach to be used to reach objectives. Clearly indicate the methods of data collection either within a quantitative or qualitative methodology; as well as the techniques for data collection, e.g. questionnaires, and measurement (the validation of the techniques). Indicate whether field workers will be used to collect data and whether computer programmes will be employed to analyse the data.

26 Population and Sampling
A population can be defined as including all people or items with the characteristic one wishes to understand Population sampling refers to the process through which a group of representative individuals is selected from a population for the purpose of statistical analysis.

27 Tools / Instruments In this subsection of the method section the researcher describe any apparatus and or instruments use to collect the data in research study. The following information should be included: General description of the apparatus or instruments. Variables measured by instruments. Reliability and validity of instruments. Why the instruments or apparatus are used. Reference indicating where apparatus or instruments can be obtained.

28 Reliability and validity of tool / instrument
If instruments have previously been used, identify previous studies and findings related to reliability and validity. If instruments have not previously been used, outline procedures that the researcher will follow to develop and test their reliability and validity. (Pilot study is important).

29 Pilot study Unseen problems often arise in the course of a project. The effects of such problems may be negligible but in other case may be so severe that the study has to be stopped so that the modifications can be introduced. For this reason a pilot study is advisable, which is a small-scale version or trial run of the major study.

30 Data Collection and Plan of Data Analysis
Outline the general plan for collecting the data (survey administration procedures, interview or observation procedures, time schedule for data collection). Data Analysis: Specify the procedures researcher will use and label them accurately, like descriptive and inferential statistics. Indicate briefly any analytic tools researcher will have available and expect to use (e.g. SAS, SPSS).

31 Section D: Ethical/ Legal Consideration
Human research participants need: Informed consent Voluntary participation Restricted use of deception Debriefing Confidentiality

32 Section E: Work Plan This section indicates exactly what will be done, the sequence of the various activities that will be prepared, the anticipated length of time required and the personnel required to accomplished the research project. The proposal should document the extent to which special facilities required by the project will be available. The budget translate the project activities into the monetary terms. It is a statement of how much money will be required to accomplished the various tasks.

33 References Only references cited in the text are included in the reference list. Follow one reference style as per the proposal requirement (like Vancouver style, APA style of references)

34 Appendixes The following are example of materials included as appendixes in the proposal: Consent forms Instruments / Questionnaire Interview checklist / protocols Instructions to subjects  Official permissions to conduct research


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