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Wireless Protocols You Just Have to Know About! Todd Lammle (FCC RF Licensed) Certified Wireless Administrator (CWA) instructor, Sybex author

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Presentation on theme: "Wireless Protocols You Just Have to Know About! Todd Lammle (FCC RF Licensed) Certified Wireless Administrator (CWA) instructor, Sybex author"— Presentation transcript:

1 Wireless Protocols You Just Have to Know About! Todd Lammle (FCC RF Licensed) Certified Wireless Administrator (CWA) instructor, Sybex author

2 About Todd Lammle President, GlobalNet Training, inc CEO, RouterSim, LLC Sybex author

3 Objectives To understand the term “WLAN” To understand the current IEEE wireless standards To understand the future IEEE wireless standards To gather information that will allow you to make informed decisions

4 Why do we care?

5 Can I just use it till I need glasses? Wireless Is Addicting Once You Use It You Can’t Live without It

6 What’s a typical “LAN”?

7 What’s a typical WLAN? It’s a “hub” without wires

8 Wireless LANS (WLANs) use “Cells”

9 Channel Overlap to cover distance

10 Audio AM Broadcast Short-Wave RadioFM Broadcast Television Infrared Wireless LAN Cellular (840MHz) NPCS (1.9GHz) Extremely Low Very Low MediumHighVery High Ultra High Super High InfraredVisible Light Ultra- violet X-Rays ISM Unlicensed Frequency Bands 902–928 MHz 26 MHz 902–928 MHz 26 MHz 5 GHz (IEEE 802.11) HyperLAN HyperLAN2 5 GHz (IEEE 802.11) HyperLAN HyperLAN2 2.4–2.4835 GHz 83.5 MHz (IEEE 802.11) 2.4–2.4835 GHz 83.5 MHz (IEEE 802.11)

11 What is the Wireless LAN Hardware? Access Points Client Adapters Bridge Antennas

12 Devices In a Wireless Network Access Point: An AP operates within a specific frequency spectrum and uses an 802.11 standard specified modulation technique. It also informs the wireless clients of its availability and authenticates and associates wireless clients to the wireless network. An AP also coordinates the wireless clients' use of wired resources.

13 Wireless Access Points Serves as a connection point for wireless users to connect to the wired LAN Contention-based, half-duplex device Not necessary in Ad Hoc networks Physical/Data Link Layer device Has Layer-2 filtering capabilities 1, 2, 5.5, or 11 Mbps connectivity depending on standard implemented Think of this device as a 10BaseT hub

14 Access Point Example

15 Wireless Components Network interface card (NIC)/client adapter: A PC or workstation uses a wireless NIC to connect to the wireless network. The NIC scans the available frequency spectrum for connectivity and associates it to an access point or another wireless client. The NIC is coupled to the PC/workstation operating system using a software driver.

16 Wireless Components Bridge: Wireless bridges are used to connect multiple LANs (both wired and wireless) at the Media Access Control (MAC) layer level. Used in building-to-building wireless connections, wireless bridges can cover longer distances than AP’s (IEEE 802.11 standard specifies 1 mile as the maximum coverage range for an AP).

17 Wireless Bridged Network

18 Wireless Workgroup Bridge Users are connected via wired Ethernet to the bridge, which is then connected via wireless Ethernet to the Access Point, which then connects to the wired backbone Used to connect a small group of users (8 or less) to the wireless network Users are a "collective client" on the wireless network

19 Wireless Components Antenna: An antenna radiates the modulated signal through the air so that wireless clients can receive it. Characteristics of an antenna are defined by propagation pattern (directional versus omnidirectional), gain, transmit power, and so on. Antennas are needed on both the AP/bridge and the clients.

20 Campus Antenna Example

21 IEEE 802.11 WLAN Physical MAC layer IEEE 802.11 LLC layer IEEE 802.2 SNAP Infrared Light Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum Frequency Hopping Spread Spectrum Packet Layer Convergence Protocol (PLCP)

22 802.11g 2.4 GHz – OFDM* >20Mbps Proprietary  IEEE 802.11a/b Ratified 802.11a Standard 5 GHz – OFDM* 54 Mbps 802.11b Standard 2.4 GHz – DSSS 11Mbps 1999 200020012002 Network Radio Speed 2003 * WLAN Road Map *Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) 802.11b uses complementary Code Keying (CCK) as its modulation scheme Quadrature Phase Shift Keying

23 IEEE 802.11 who? Original recipe 802.11: Ratified June, 1997, 1 or 2Mbps at 2.4Ghz. The big event- 802.11b (Wi-Fi): 1, 2, 5.5 and 11Mbps, 2.4 GHz, ratified in 1999. Didn’t take off until late 2000. Backward compatible to 802.11 First in line, last to produce products- 802.11a: Up to 54Mbps, 5 GHz, ratified in 1999. Not compatible with 802.11 and 802.11b

24 802.11a is 5Ghz Range of 5Ghz is about 30% less then 2.4Ghz Overall investment of infrastructure is much higher with 5Ghz (for now) Typical 2.4 Ghz range is 150 feet Typical 5Ghz range is 50 feet Not compatible with 802.11a and 802.11b The data rates specified by IEEE 802.11a are 6, 9, 12, 18, 24, 36, 48, and 54 Mbps, with support for 6, 12, and 24 Mbps

25 IEEE 802.11-tag-along’s 802.11c: Management Group 802.11d: Committee trying to add 802.11 into other countries that can’t use 2.4Ghz. Only Spain now… 802.11e: Quality of Service (QoS), multimedia and security as well as error correction. Uses TDMA like Cisco’s up and coming 802.11a products. 802.11f: Inter-Access Point Protocol (IAPP), Mobile IP 802.11g: 54Mbps in 2.4Ghz range 802.11h: Group trying to take 802.11a into Europe with 802.11e specs. 802.11i: Wireless Authentication and Security 802.11j: So new, there is still no members! Group will focus on 802.11a and HiperLAN2 coexistence

26 11 and 54Mbs WLAN’s 802.11g Provides higher date rates at 2.4 Ghz Similar to 802.11b Backward compatible to – 80211 – 802.11b

27 Other Committees Wireless Ethernet Compatibility Alliance (WECA): Drafted the Wi-Fi System Interoperability testing document Wireless Fidelity (Wi-Fi): Agilent Technologies in San Jose performs the independent WLAN products testing. After testing, the WECA board awards the Wi-Fi seal

28 Wireless Ethernet Compatibility Alliance (WECA) Mission statement—WECA’s mission is to certify interoperability of Wi-Fi ™ (IEEE 802.11b) products and to promote Wi-Fi as the global wireless LAN standard across all market segments Goal—Provide users with a comfort level for interoperability Presently over 100 different product certified and growing Supports ONLY 802.11b 11MB DS products

29 Other Wireless Technologies BlueTooth HomeRF ZigBee HiperLAN Homeplug

30 BlueTooth Bluetooth is a personal-area network (PAN) specified by the Bluetooth Special Interest Group for providing low-power and short-range wireless connectivity using frequency-hopping spread spectrum in the 2.4-GHz frequency environment.

31 HomeRF In 1988, The HomeRF SWAP Group published the Shared Wireless Access Protocol (SWAP) standard for wireless digital communication between PCs and consumer electronic devices within the home. SWAP supports voice and data over a common wireless interface at 1 and 2-Mbps data rates using frequency-hopping and spread-spectrum techniques in the 2.4-GHz band.

32 SigBee Was known as “HomeRF Light” Less then $2 per module for manufacturer Runs off of cheap AA batteries Up to 115kbps From 10 meters to 75 meters All-in-one product (power, tx, rx, ant.)

33 HiperLAN HiperLAN is a European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI) standard ratified in 1996. HiperLAN/1 standard operates in the 5-GHz radio band up to 24 Mbps. ETSI has recently approved HiperLAN/2, which operates in the 5-GHz band at up to 54 Mbps using a connection-oriented protocol for sharing access among end-user devices.

34 HomePlug Powerline Alliance Not-for-profit corporation formed to provide a forum for the creation of open specifications for high speed home powerline networking products and services. Supposedly works at 14Mbps Don’t turn on a blow dryer… Newly released spec’s fix power spikes

35 WLAN is not all you need to know… Third Generation Cell service will provide…..???

36 Reality: WLAN will deliver mobile high-speed ahead of 3G 802.11b/WiFi 50 500 1 000 10 000 50 000 100 000 Transmission rate (kbit/s) Terminal device location HomeRF Bluetooth Fixed LAN Blackberry (US) HomeRF Bluetooth 802.11a and HiperLAN2 UMTS GPRS GSM

37 Wireless Security Methods

38 No Security by default….

39 Radius Authentication

40 WLAN Security

41 Summary This cable has GOT to go! Don’t Delay- Get “UN”-Hooked with Wireless… Hands-on Demonstrations Give Away Time!

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