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AP Psychology Prep week. Agenda Tuesday, 4/22 Return ch 15 & 16 test What is the essential information on each unit? Test corrections *reminder: free.

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Presentation on theme: "AP Psychology Prep week. Agenda Tuesday, 4/22 Return ch 15 & 16 test What is the essential information on each unit? Test corrections *reminder: free."— Presentation transcript:

1 AP Psychology Prep week

2 Agenda Tuesday, 4/22 Return ch 15 & 16 test What is the essential information on each unit? Test corrections *reminder: free responses tomorrow

3 Essential, Must-Know Questions 1.Take a blank sheet of binder paper (write your name, period) 2.Divide the paper in half vertically 3.On the left, Write a must-know information in question format. Include answers 4.On the right, Write a must-know psychologist/theorist/study- experiment in question format. Include answers 5.Do this for ALL chapters (CH 1--CH 16)

4 Peer learning time 1.Find a partner and test each other on questions from chapter 1~8 *make sure you explain answers if they didn’t get it! 2.Find a different partner and test each other on questions from chapter 8~16

5 Test corrections + documentary time Work on test corrections Those who are done, enjoy the documentary on psychopaths

6 Agenda Block Day 4/23-4/24 Free response essays (2) Peer review

7 FR Question 1 Point 1: Must include context + how correlation doesn’t equal causation e.g., when John argues that incentives will lead to/cause increase in reading, it might not necessarily be true; it might be that some other factor (desire to be seen as active member of school), not the offered incentives, is the cause for increased reading Point 2 Must include both extrinsic and intrinsic motivation. Extrinsic reduces intrinsic

8 Point 3 Describe a reinforcement schedule and explain how it increases reading Point 5 Central route to persuasion: persuaded by facts, data, content of the message and not peripheral factors (e.g., personality, person’s appearance)

9 FR Question #2 In this context, Independent variable: practice methods Dependent variable: memory test performance. Point 1 Operational definition describes exactly what the variables (things that impact the study) are and how they are measured within the context of your study. *point 4 (top of last page) should have been bolded Statistical significance: probability that an effect is not due to chance alone. Must say “likely” or “unlikely” instead of a definitive word.

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