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Introduction IT in Education Level 2 Lee Fong-Lok,

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Presentation on theme: "Introduction IT in Education Level 2 Lee Fong-Lok,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Introduction IT in Education Level 2 Lee Fong-Lok,

2 IT Education in Hong Kong

3 2000-01 2002-03 100% 75% 25% 1 至 2 人 100% : 在職教師 : 職前培訓

4 中 級 程 度 Intermediate Level 在授課和備課時,懂得運用一些資訊科 技工具 , 應用互聯網及內聯網上的教學資源。 須接受約 30 小時訓練;

5 中等程度課程 30 小時 Word Processing II Presentation Software II Multimedia Production I Web Page Design I Internet/Intranet Applications Courseware Evaluation Chinese Character Input (Optional) Database I (Optional) Spreadsheet Operation I (Optional) 三選二

6 More Information on IT Competency CUHK Hong Kong

7 What you are expected Achieved CU IT Competency (~ Basic) Study Level 2 (~ Intermediate) Study Level 3 (~ Upper Intermediate) before graduation

8 Internet/Intranet Applications Internet, Extranet, Intranet and WWW Discussion Group, Newsgroup and ICQ Educational Values of WWW

9 Internet, Extranet, Intranet and WWW The Internet is a network of networks that is worldwide. That is, it is an INTERnational NETwork Use the same protocol for communications. It is called TCP/IP (Telecommunication Protocol/Internet Protocol). A communications facility that allows users' computers, called client computers, to send e-mail messages to other users' computers anywhere in the world. It allows client computers to access information (text, pictures, sounds, etc.) stored on service computers, called servers, anywhere in the world. The most used Internet facility is e-mail which not only enables people to send and receive personal and business messages, but also to take part in electronic discussions using newsgroups and lists.

10 Intranet Used by many companies and organizations to deliver private corporate information to internal users Uses Internet applications - primarily World Wide Web and E-mail, but also other applications such as FTP (File Transfer Protocol) work the same way they do on the World Wide Web You do need "Firewalls" that allow employees to venture out onto the Net, but prevent unauthorized users from coming in Example: Ref:

11 Extranet An Extranet is an extension of a company's Intranet out onto the Internet. It allows the sharing of a company's data and/or operations with partners, customers, suppliers, and vendors. Such facilities receive very careful attention to security, and they are becoming an increasingly important means of delivering services and communicating efficiently.

12 Extranet

13 Important Concepts (Benjamin 1998) The Extranet is a derivative of both the Intranet and the Internet Its purpose is to allow both internal (mobile workers) and external (customers) populations access to the computer based information. Security is of utmost concern, as information is leaving the confines of the firm and being floated through the hands of those outside of the firm Example: 觀塘區學校教育聯網 Source:

14 World Wide Web WWW or the Web is the World Wide Web. It consists of a network of computers which provide Web pages to Internet users. These pages consist of hypertext which includes text (and pictures) to provide information along with links to other Web pages. Users access these pages using a browser which uses the addresses of the links to connect to and download the pages. Sometimes it is considered to be synonymous with the Internet when it is actually just a part of it.

15 Discussion Group As part of this discussion group, you will be placed on a distribution list (e.g., the art- ). When you (or anyone for that matter) sends an E-mail to the group, everyone on the distribution list sees your note and is able to respond to your questions or learn from answers that you supply. Source: glass/discuss.htm glass/discuss.htm

16 Newsgroup If subscribing to a mailing list is like joining a club, using newsgroups is like perusing a public bulletin board. If you want to ask advice about your computer, your love life, or your next vacation in Italy, without having to sign up for a mailing list or make small talk in a chat session, the best place to turn is to Usenet newsgroups. Usenet is a worldwide network of computers set up to transmit messages to newsgroups. There is no official Usenet governing body or organization--the servers on the network are administered by volunteers.

17 Unlike mailing lists and chats, newsgroups allow readers to choose which topics they want to read. They don't clutter your mailbox, and they are neatly organized by topic. You post your message, other people read it and reply, and their messages get added below yours. Alternatively, people start new topics of their own; a topic and its related responses are called a thread. Example: Source: es/Howto/Beyond/ss02.html es/Howto/Beyond/ss02.html

18 ICQ (I seek you) ICQ 2000b is the latest release of ICQ ("I seek you"), the popular instant-messaging program that lets you communicate with friends and colleagues in real time. To seek out a friend on the ICQ network, simply enter his or her ICQ number, name, nickname, or email address. Once your contact list is set up, you'll be notified when your friends are online so that you can chat; send instant messages, files, and URLs; play games; or just hang out. (,10000,0-10060-108- 19877,00.html?bt.icq..10000.10060-108-19877),10000,0-10060-108- 19877,00.html?bt.icq..10000.10060-108-19877) Download the system at and follow the instructions to install and register. See if you can find my ICQ number and ICQ me.

19 Educational Use of WWW Some Examples Campus Online: p p Schoolteam:

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