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Contagion Phenomenon among Central and Eastern European Currencies Student: Roteanu Cosmina Georgiana ACADEMY OF ECONOMIC STUDIES DOCTORAL SCHOOL OF FINANCE AND BANKING Bucharest, July 2009
Dissertation paper outline The importance of contagion among CEE currencies The aims of the present paper Brief review of the literature on contagion Model specifications Data, estimation and results ConclusionsReferences
The importance of contagion among CEE currencies Contagion was at the heart of the global financial crisis. September 2008 – critical stage of the crisis. Effects on CEE countries: heightened volatility, an increase in risk premia and plummeting currencies. Shift in the attitude towards adopting Euro: “ Secure public finances and a quick adoption of the euro are the best way out of the crisis for Poland” – Finance Minister, February 2009. In January 2009 Czech prime minister announced that the government will determine a date for adopting the euro in November 2009, the most realistic target being 2013. “For countries in the EU, euroisation offers the largest benefits in terms of resolving the foreign currency debt overhang, removing uncertainty and restoring confidence.” – IMF, April 2009. Before adopting the euro, every country has to be part of ERM II, for at least two years, but meeting the convergence criteria appears more difficult in the light of the crisis events.
Aims of the paper This paper focuses on the exchange rate behavior of Czech Koruna, Polish Zloty and Romanian Leu during normal and heightened volatility periods. The objectives are: o oto isolate different sources of exchange rate volatility : common and idiosyncratic o oto compute a measure of contagion represented by the spillover effects from unanticipated local shocks from one foreign exchange market to another after conditioning on common factors.
Broad definition of contagion (World Bank) “Contagion is the cross-country transmission of shocks or the general cross- country spillover effects” Contagion takes place both during “good” and “bad” times. Most of the literature distinguishes ‘fundamental’ linkages from contagion: o oCalvo and Reinhart (1996) : fundamentals – based contagion “true” contagion o oKaminsky et al.(2000) : fundamentals – based contagion common cause contagion pure contagion
Restrictive Definition (World Bank) “Contagion is the transmission of shocks to other countries or the cross- country correlation, beyond any fundamental link among the countries and beyond common shocks.” o oFundamental linkages across countries include: - Financial links - Real links
Very Restrictive Definition (World Bank) “Contagion occurs when cross-country correlations increase during ‘crisis times’ relative to correlations during ‘tranquil times.” Only increases in correlation are recognized as contagion Forbes and Rigobon (2002) : “ … a significant increase in cross-market linkages after a shock to one country.” It needs to control for general volatility rising during financial crises
Our version Dungey et al. (2005) definition of contagion as “unexpected shocks” or news Other terms: “pure contagion”, “shift contagion”Other terms: “pure contagion”, “shift contagion” Contagion takes place because transmission arises over and above the anticipated links, so the reaction is beyond what could have been expected on the basis of fundamental linkages.Contagion takes place because transmission arises over and above the anticipated links, so the reaction is beyond what could have been expected on the basis of fundamental linkages.
Measure of Contagion Latent Factor Model proposed by Dungey et al. (2005) It includes global and country factors to capture market fundamentals and also additional movements over and above market fundamentals during crisis period to account for contagionIt includes global and country factors to capture market fundamentals and also additional movements over and above market fundamentals during crisis period to account for contagion This modeling strategy is shown to encompass many of the existing approaches to measuring contagion, includingThis modeling strategy is shown to encompass many of the existing approaches to measuring contagion, including othe correlation analysis proposed by Forbes and Rigobon (2002) othe vector autoregression (VAR) approach of Favero and Giavazzi (2002) o the probability models of Eichengreen et al. (1996) othe co-exceedance approach of Bae et al. (2003)
DFGM - A Model of Interdependence Latent factor model of asset returns during non-crisis period Based on Arbitrage Pricing Theory x 1,t = λ 1 w t + γ 1 u 1,t x 2,t = λ 2 w t + γ 2 u 2,t x 2,t = λ 2 w t + γ 2 u 2,t (1) x 3,t = λ 3 w t + γ 3 u 3,t x t – returns during non-crisis period w t – world factor (common shock) u i,t – idiosyncratic factor λ i, γ i >0 – factor loadings that determine the contribution of each shock to the volatility of asset markets Assumptions: o the factors are stochastic processes with zero mean and constant variance: w t ~ (0,1) u i,t ~ (0,1) o all factors are independent:
DFGM - A Model of Contagion The factor model is augmented to allow an avenue for contagion between the foreign exchange markets in all directions: y 1,t = λ 1 w t + γ 1 u 1,t + δ 1,2 u 2,t + δ 1,3 u 3,t y 1,t = λ 1 w t + γ 1 u 1,t + δ 1,2 u 2,t + δ 1,3 u 3,t y 2,t = λ 2 w t + γ 2 u 2,t + δ 2,1 u 1,t + δ 2,3 u 3,t y 2,t = λ 2 w t + γ 2 u 2,t + δ 2,1 u 1,t + δ 2,3 u 3,t (2) y 3,t = λ 3 w t + γ 3 u 3,t + δ 3,1 u 1,t + δ 3,2 u 2,t y 3,t = λ 3 w t + γ 3 u 3,t + δ 3,1 u 1,t + δ 3,2 u 2,t y i,t = returns during crisis period δ i,j = effects of unanticipated local shocks from the asset j to i (strength of contagion across markets) The parameters of the model are estimated by GMM: q = arg G’WG (Hamilton, 1994) (3) Θ The model in (1) is just identified as there are six unknown parameters and six unique variances and covariances, whilst the model in (2) is unidentified as there are N (N+1) / 2 = 6 unique moment conditions and 12 unknown parameters. In this special case, the model becomes block-recursive with identification of the factor loadings using the pre-crisis period moments (the first block), whilst the parameters capturing the effect of contagion are identified by the empirical moments from the variance-covariance matrix of the crisis period.
Variance - Covariance Decompositions The covariances and variances between asset returns during the period of tranquility are given by: During the period of turbulence, the variances and covariances of asset returns become: The change in volatility between the two periods is due to the existence of contagion: In addition, the change in covariance between the two periods is given by: A practical interpretation of asset returns volatility is provided by the decomposition of the variance-covariance matrix into the contributions of each shock.
The Data Daily nominal exchange rates of three CEE currencies against the euro, namely the Czech koruna (CZK), the Polish zloty (PLN) and the Romanian new leu (RON). The data is obtained from the website of the European Central Bank. The sampling period covers August 1 st, 2005 to March 31 st, 2009, considering: - tranquil period: from August 1 st, 2005 to August 29 th, 2008 - turbulent period: from September 1 st, 2008 to March 31 st, 2009 The choice for the beginning of the sample is motivated by the rationale of constant monetary policy regime so as to exclude any shifts in the links between currencies that could be generated by a shift in the monetary policy of one of the countries considered.
Preliminary Analysis ADF test results indicate that all series in levels display a unit root. Consequently, the series are transformed into log-differences and continuously compounded percentage exchange rate returns are obtained (which are I(0)): y t =100*( ln(S t ) − ln(S t −1)), where S t is the spot rate. Daily percentage returns. The vertical line splits the sample into the two periods analyzed. Levels CZKPLNRON ADF t-stat -1.659479-0.478959-0.306392 p-value 0.45170.89260.9214 ReturnsCZKPLNRON ADF t-stat -29.60356-28.13557-27.43686 p-value 0.0000
Empirical Results Parameter GMM Estimate Standard error t-statistic λ RON 0.1893 0.020 9.278 λ CZK 0.1254 0.013 9.649 λ PLN 0.4270 0.034 12.379 γ RON 0.4503 0.016 27.729 γ CZK 0.2993 0.016 18.275 γ PLN 0.0465 0.304 0.153 δ CZK,RON 0.4615 0.211 2.190 δ PLN,RON 1.1139 0.076 14.529 δ RON,CZK -0.5592 0.050 11.212 δ PLN,CZK 0.5532 0.103 -5.165 δ RON,PLN 0.0401 0.124 0.029 δ CZK,PLN 0.7277 0.136 4.741 The unconstrained system of equations (1) and (2) by GMM using (3) as a criterion, with the moment conditions equal to the differences between the sample and the theoretical variances and covariances. The objective function is minimized using the OPTMUM procedure in Gauss. We prefiltered the data by using a trivariate VAR(1) in the currencies returns (Dungey (2009)). We have also adopted the approach of Forbes and Rigobon (2002), who considered in their empirical application US returns as common variable control, and estimated a VAR containing one lag and EUR/USD returns. This lead us to similar results. The parameters estimates are presented bellow along with their corresponding standard errors and t-statistics.
Volatility Decomposition – Tranquil Period Variance decomposition (proportion) FactorRON/EURCZK/EURPLN/EUR World 15.0214.9298.83 Country 84.9885.081.17 Total100 Variance decomposition (using GMM) FactorRON/EURCZK/EURPLN/EUR World0.03580.01570.1823 Country0.20280.08960.0021 Total0.23860.10530.1844 Covariance decomposition (using GMM) FactorRON - CZKRON -PLNCZK - PLN World0.02370.08080.0535 Country--- Total0.02370.08080.0535 The decompositions are based on GMM estimates. The country-specific factors such as macroeconomic fundamentals account for about 85% of the volatility in the individual foreign exchange markets in Romania and Czech Republic, whilst in this group of countries PLN/EUR acts to a great extent as a common factor, which suggest a greater financial integration of the latter pair in the regional economy. The funding that the volatility of Czech koruna is driven mainly by factors different from the ones influencing the other CEE exchange rates might reveal the CZK role of a funding currency for investments in other currencies of the region, as suggested by Pramor and Tamirisa (2006). Variance -covariance matrix (from data) Tranquil period 0.2390.0240.081 0.0240.1050.054 0.0810.0540.184
Volatility Decomposition – Turbulent Period Variance decomposition (proportion) – turbulent period FactorRON/EURCZK/EURPLN/EUR World6.481.8510.53 Country36.6810.570.12 Contagion from RON025.1271.67 Contagion from CZK56.55017.68 Contagion from PLN0.2962.460 Total100 Variance decomposition (using GMM) – turbulent period FactorRON/EURCZK/EURPLN/EUR World0.03580.01570.1823 Country0.20280.08960.0021 Contagion from RON00.213 1.2407 Contagion from CZK0.31270 0.3061 Contagion from PLN0.00160.52950 Total0.55290.84781.7312 Covariance decomposition (using GMM) – turbulent period FactorRON - CZKRON -PLNCZK - PLN World0.02370.08080.0535 Contagion from RON0.20780.5016 0.5140 Contagion from CZK-0.1673-0.3093 0.1656 Contagion from PLN0.02910.00180.0338 Total0.09330.27490.7669 The variance decompositions show that asset return volatility in the post-Lehman period was dominated by contagion with much smaller contributions from the world and idiosyncratic factors. The PLN/EUR returns experienced the greatest increase in variance over the two periods with an important contribution of contagion from both RON/EUR (72%) and CZK/EUR (18%). The absolute levels effects are greatest in the transmission from Romanian leu to the Polish zloty. Significant effects of contagion are observed in the other returns as well, both direct and reverse, the only exception being the absence of a contagious channel from PLN/EUR to RON/EUR. The increase in covariances over the two periods can be also considered evidence of contagion. The Romanian leu was the most important source of volatility in the region, while the Polish zloty acted as the main shock absorber (consistent with Borghijs and Kuijs (2004) ).
Contagion Tests Bivariate results of tests of contagion - Wald tests of the null hypothesis of no contagion H 0 : δ i,j = 0 Contagion from Jointly test statisticp-value CZK/EUR 436.792*0.000 PLN/EUR 58.913*0.000 RON/EUR 219.610*0.000 *1% significance level;**5% significance level; ***10%significance level; distribution χ2 with df=1 *1% significance level; distribution χ2 with df=2 Multivariate tests of contagion *1% significance level; distribution χ2 with df=6 Contagion from Contagion to CZK/EURPLN/EURRON/EUR Test statisticp-valueTest statisticp-valueTest statisticp-value CZK/EUR --28.825*0.000127.200*0.000 PLN/EUR 28.765*0.000--0.1040.748 RON/EUR 4.794**0.029212.893*0.000-- Joint test for the existence of contagion in FX markets Test statisticp-valueContagion indicated 823.936*0.000YES
Remarks The results of bivariate testing of each contagious channel within the region confirms the existence of contagion initially identified from the variance - covariance decompositions. The null hypothesis of no contagion is accepted only in case of the transmission from PLN/EUR to RON/EUR. The multivariate tests examine whether a shock emerging in one particular foreign exchange market is transmitted to the others countries in the system. The significance results are consistent with the information from the bivariate tests as they find significant contagion from each asset market individually to the other two. We also tested for the presence of contagion anywhere in the region, without a priori specifying a point of origin for that contagion. The null hypothesis of no contagion is rejected even at a significance level of 1%.
Concluding remarks Studying the propagation of shocks among the Romanian Leu, Polish Zloty and Czech Koruna, we were able to reject the null hypothesis of no contagion over the Post-Lehman period. We found that during periods of heightened volatility, in addition to common shocks and spillovers from some identifiable local channel, a new channel of volatility transmission emerge: contagion. Consequently, the linkages between the three currencies strengthen over turbulent periods, the result being consistent with that of Kóbor and Székely. We also discover that RON represents the most important source of volatility, whilst PLN only acts as a shock absorber within the region. The conclusions laid above have very important implications for the conduct of monetary policy. Policy makers should take into account other countries’ actions when making their own decisions. This is most obvious when considering the objective of euro adoption by the countries included in the analysis. In order to meet the Maastricht exchange rate stability criterion, the central banks will probably undertake intramarginal interventions in the foreign exchange markets to keep their currencies within the band. Having in view that these operations are almost by definition carried out in periods of heightened volatility, our results suggest that the intervention in one FX market will have strong and valuable influences on the other exchange rates. This calls for increased cooperation and coordination of monetary policy within the region. From a different perspective, the detection of contagion in the three foreign exchange markets suggests that a solution to how these countries can reduce their vulnerability to external shocks during periods of high volatility consists of short-term strategies, like foreign exchange intervention.
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