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Certified Software Development Associate. Slide 2 What Is the IEEE Computer Society? l The IEEE CS was established in 1946, has nearly 100,000 members.

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1 Certified Software Development Associate

2 Slide 2 What Is the IEEE Computer Society? l The IEEE CS was established in 1946, has nearly 100,000 members in 140 countries, and is the leading association for computing professionals. l We have a long history of leadership in the development of the software engineering profession and authored the most extensive and widely adopted set of software engineering standards - the IEEE Software Engineering Standards Collection l We are the originator and sponsor of SWEBOK (SoftWare Engineering Body of Knowledge); used by many Universities in their curriculum l We publish many magazines, journals, and papers related to software engineering l Our motivation and goal: To advance the software engineering profession world-wide Our vision: To be the leading provider of technical information, community services, and personalized services for the world’s computing professional

3 Slide 3 What is SWEBOK? ( S oft W are E ngineering B ody O f K nowledge) l SWEBOK is a guide to “generally accepted” principles and knowledge about software engineering. Ü An international team took 10,000 comments from 300+ reviewers. Ü Additions to the Guide by consensus, driven by a transparent process. l It identifies the Core Knowledge of what is known about software engineering Ü The systematic, disciplined, quantifiable approach to the development, operation, and maintenance of software l SWEBOK is intended for use in curriculum development, employee skills assessment, continuing education, and professional development. l SWEBOK was developed by the IEEE Computer Society with financial support and technical contributions from the following companies and government bodies:

4 Slide 4 l Demand will grow for software engineers over the next decade. l India and China are doubling their graduates each year¹ Ü 215,000 graduates in India in 2004, but only 25% can compete in global market² Ü 644,100 graduates in China in 2004, but only 10% can compete² l Competition in work environment, outsourcing, and time to market increases demand for a highly proficient workforce Demand for Software Engineers Source: CRA 2007 1. Source:National Academies, 2007 2. McKinsey Global Institute, “The Supply of Offshore Talent in Services” and “ The Emerging Global Labor Market”; Part II

5 Slide 5 Computing Curriculum Evolution Post-1990, the Internet evolution grew Computer Engineering, Computer Science, and Software Engineering; all of which offer their own perspective on software development The IEEE CS certification programs have content that support the discipline areas in red EECESECS HARDWARE SOFTWARE

6 Slide 6 The Need For Certification l With the constant change in the computing industry, there is a need for consistency in: Ü Software design and construction Ü Software testing Ü Software validation l How do we ensure that software is being developed consistently across the industry? Software certification

7 Slide 7 ICS Certification Roadmap Bridging the Educational-Professional Gap Future Concept CSDP modules Goal: Move CSDA to CSDP Launched: 2008 Target: Entry-level developers Launched: 2004 Target: Experienced Developers Future Concept Target: Specialists (Architecture, Security) Future Concept CSDA Preparation Courses Future Concept CSDM Speciality Modules

8 Slide 8 How To Become a CSDA Certificate Holder Three Step Process: l Registration: Ü l Prepare for the examination: Ü l Take the Examination: Ü

9 Slide 9 Step 1: Registration  Complete online CSDA registration form Contact Information and education history Read Candidate Agreement Read Software Engineering Code of Ethics $100 Registration Fee  Candidate will receive acknowledgement of registration payment  Authorization to test sent to candidate Testing Window Registration Deadline 18 August - 12 December 2008 1 December 2008 1 January - 11 July 2009 27 June 2009

10 Slide 10 Step 2: Prepare for the Exam l Self Review Ü SWEBOK Ü Compilation of Software Engineering Terms Ü Course notes from CSSE classes l CSDA Sample Exam Questions l CSDA Learning System: Ü Self-directed online learning materials Õ Module 1: Software Engineering Development Practices Õ Module 2: Software Maintenance and Management Õ Module 3: Engineering Supporting Process Õ Module 4: Software Engineering Foundations Ü 500 question interactive test exam Ü E-Flash cards Ü IEEE Members $695, Nonmembers $795

11 Slide 11 Step 3: Take the Exam l Prometric is the exam administrator Ü 3000 Locations across the globe Ü Terre Haute office by the mall l Examination details: Ü 3.5 hours long Ü Computer-based Ü Total of 180 questions on the examination Ü Closed book, calculators provided l Exam fee: Ü IEEE/IEEE Computer Society member fee is $350 Ü Non-member fee is $450

12 Slide 12 CSDA Exam Distribution Per Knowledge Area Knowledge Area % of questions on exam Software Requirements 7% Software Design 8% Software Construction 10% Software Testing 7% Software Maintenance 7% Software Configuration Management 3% Software Engineering Management 3% Software Engineering Process 4% Software Engineering Methods 5% Software Quality 6% Software Engineering Professional Practice 7% Software Engineering Economics 3% Computing Foundations10% Mathematical Foundations10% Engineering Foundations 10%

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