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Published byMitchell Stafford Modified over 9 years ago
MRC Disaster Preparedness Unit Objectives Describe the types of hazards to which your community is vulnerable. Describe the functions of MRC Members. Identify preparedness steps. Visual 1.2
Preparing for a Disaster MRC Members should prepare by: Identifying potential hazards in their homes and workplaces. Reducing hazards, where possible. Developing a Family Disaster Plan. Developing a disaster supply kit. Visual 1.3
Responding To a Disaster MRC Members should respond by: Locating and turning off utilities, if safe. Extinguishing small fires. Treating injuries. Conducting triage during search and rescue. Helping to relieve survivor stress. Visual 1.4
Has there been a recent local emergency or disaster?
Nondisaster MRC Members Roles MRC Members members can: Distribute preparedness materials. Staff first aid booths at special events. Assist with installation of smoke alarms. Visual 1.6
Citizen Corps The President has encouraged Americans to volunteer to improve and safeguard the nation. Areas of emphasis for volunteer efforts: Crime Natural Disasters Terrorism Visual 1.7
Additional MRC Members Training Opportunities Shelter management Community relations Donations management Special needs concerns Utilities control Advanced first aid Automated External Defibrillator use CPR Skills Visual 1.8
Course Preview The scope of this course includes: Fire safety. Disaster Preparedness Disaster medical operations. Shelter Operations / Mass Care MRC Members organization. Disaster psychology. MRC Members and terrorism. Visual 1.9
Types of Disasters Natural Manmade Technological Political Visual 1.10
Key Elements of Disasters They are relatively unexpected. Emergency personnel may be overwhelmed. Lives, health, and the environment are endangered. Evanston - EMA
Visual 1.11 You Live in the Heart of a Disaster Prone Country
Visual 1.12 Midwest Hazards Thunderstorms Tornadoes Flooding Heat Earthquake Fire Winter Storms Hazardous Materials Terrorism/Violence
Visual 1.13 A Severe Thunderstorm Is... One that produces hail at least three-quarters of an inch in diameter, has winds of 58 miles per hour or higher, or produces a tornado.
Visual 1.14 Risks Posed by Thunderstorms Lightning Hail Downbursts and straight-line winds Flash floods Tornadoes
Visual 1.15 Thunderstorm Preparedness Understand the risk. Learn to make a small target. Pay attention to warnings.
Visual 1.16 During a Thunderstorm Avoid: Water sources. The telephone. The outdoors.
Visual 1.17 If You Are Outdoors... Get away from water sources. Seek shelter in a substantial building. If necessary: Take shelter in a car or. Go to low-lying area and make a small target. Avoid natural lightning rods.
Visual 1.18 A Tornado Is... A powerful, circular windstorm that may be accompanied by winds in excess of 250 miles per hour.
Visual 1.19 Visual 1.20
Risks Posed by Tornadoes Tornadoes can: Rip trees apart. Destroy buildings. Uproot structures and objects. Send debris and glass flying. Overturn cars and mobile homes.
Visual 1.21 Fujita Wind-Damage Scale Measures tornado strength Six levels: F0: Light damage F1: Moderate damage F2: Considerable damage F3: Severe damage F4: Devastating damage F5: Incredible damage
Visual 1.22 Tornado Preparedness Know the risk. Identify a “safe” room. Learn the community’s warning system. Conduct family tornado drills.
Visual 1.23 Tornado Clues High winds Very large hail
Visual 1.24 During a Tornado... Keep windows and doors closed. Go to the “safe” room. Listen to EAS or NOAA Weather Radio.
Visual 1.25 Any time a body of water rises to cover what is usually dry land. A Flood Occurs… Visual 1.26
Causes of Floods Heavy rain Spring snowmelt Dam and levee failure Low absorption or no soil percolation
Visual 1.27 Factors Contributing to Flooding Rainfall intensity Rainfall duration Topography Soil conditions Ground cover
Visual 1.28 Flood Hazards Heavy rainfall exacerbates problems with runoff, absorption, and flood-control measures. Riverine flooding can potentially inundate a city or downstream areas when protection fails. In rocky areas, lack of absorption can cause flash flooding.
Visual 1.29 Flood Risks 4,000 communities and 100 million people are at risk. Damage increases with development in: Coastal areas. Floodplains.
Visual 1.30 Flood Preparations Know the flood risk for the area. Prepare a flood evacuation plan. Obtain flood insurance. Keep documents in a water-proof box. Check a portable radio for current information.
Visual 1.31 Protecting Property From Flooding Elevate furnace, water heater, and electric panel. Move furniture and other items to a higher level. Install check valves. Waterproof basements and walls.
Visual 1.32 If You Must Evacuate Do not walk, swim, or drive through flood waters. Stay off bridges over fast-moving water. Keep away from waterways. Heed barricades. Avoid storm drains and irrigation ditches.
Visual 1.33 After a Flood Stay out of flooded areas. Reserve the telephone for emergencies. Avoid driving, except in emergencies.
Visual 1.34 A Heat Wave Is... A prolonged period of excessive heat, often combined with excessive humidity.
Visual 1.35 Risks Associated With a Heat Wave Heat cramps Heat exhaustion Heat/Sun stroke
Visual 1.36 Actions to Take During a Heat Wave Seek air conditioning. Avoid strenuous activities during the heat of the day. Wear lightweight, light-colored clothing. Check on family members and neighbors especially Senior Citizens. Drink plenty of fluids.
Visual 1.37 Preparing the Home Install additional insulation. Protect windows. Use attic fans.
Visual 1.38 The Midwest is Earthquake Country Visual 1.39
An Earthquake Is... A sudden slipping or movement of a portion of the Earth’s crust, caused by a sudden release of stresses, usually less than 25 miles below the surface.
Visual 1.40 Damage Caused by Earthquakes Collapsed buildings Damage to utilities, structures, and roads Fires and explosions Structural instability
Visual 1.41 Likelihood of an Earthquake The greatest likelihood of a major earthquake is in: The Western United States. The New Madrid Seismic Zone in the Central U.S. A few pockets on the east coast.
Visual 1.42 Map Shows Damage Potential from a 7.6 Magnitude EQ Visual 1.43
Earthquake Statistics 15% of the population lives in zones of potential major disaster. Residents of California face the highest risk. Four million people along the New Madrid Fault Zone are at great risk. Residents of Massachusetts, North Carolina, and South Carolina are also at risk.
Visual 1.44 Richter Scale Small: 5.0 to 5.9 Moderate: 6.0 to 6.9 Major: 7.0 to 7.9 Great: 8.0 or greater
Visual 1.45 Earthquake Preparedness Develop a home earthquake plan. Conduct earthquake drills. Know where all utility controls are and how to shut them off if needed Develop a plan for reuniting family members. Identify an out-of-state family contact. Keep supplies on hand.
Visual 1.46 Earthquake Preparedness Store heavy and breakable objects on low shelves. Secure bookshelves and water heaters. Install flexible pipe. Move beds away from windows. Move or secure hanging objects over beds, sofas, or chairs. Keep shoes and a flashlight under the bed.
Visual 1.47 During an Earthquake Drop, cover, and hold –don’t run. If indoors, stay there! If outdoors, find a spot away from buildings, trees, streetlights and power lines, and overpasses. If in a vehicle, drive to a clear spot and stop.
Visual 1.48 After an Earthquake Extinguish small fires. Control utilities only if needed Clean up spills. Inspect home for damage. Help neighbors. Tune to Emergency Alert System (EAS). Expect aftershocks.
Visual 1.49 Fire Urban Urban Wildfire Wildfire Visual 1.52 Over 3,000 people a year die in Home Fires!
Visual 1.50 Dangers of Fire Asphyxiation Heat Smoke
Visual 1.51 Developing a Family Fire Plan Install smoke alarms. Identify escape routes. Practice the escape plan. Practice alerting family members. Learn the fire department’s emergency number.
Visual 1.52 If a Fire Starts Get out quickly. Go to the meeting place. Call the fire department.
Visual 1.53 If You Can’t Escape Stuff wet cloth around doors and vents. Call the fire department. Stay low and by a window. Open windows at top and bottom. Wave a bright-colored cloth at the window.
Visual 1.54 Preventing Fires Conduct a home hazard hunt. Inspect wood stoves and chimneys annually. Purchase only “laboratory-tested” heaters. Keep matches and lighters away from children. Check electrical wiring. Keep combustibles away from the stove. Keep off-gassing flammable chemicals away form combustion sources like the furnace.
Visual 1.55 Three Classes of Wildfires Surface fire Ground fire Crown fire
Visual 1.56 Wildfire Preparedness Keep a garden hose that is long enough to reach any area of the house. Obtain a portable gasoline-powered water pump. Equip chimneys and stovepipes with spark arresters. Keep fire tools handy. Use proper building and landscape design.
Visual 1.57 During a Wildfire Listen for emergency information. Confine pets or arrange for pets to stay with a friend or relative. Move flammable furniture to the center of the home. Remove flammable drapes and curtains. Close all doors and windows.
Visual 1.58 After a Wildfire Use caution when reentering. Inspect the roof immediately. Have propane or heating oil tanks inspected. Check the stability of trees around the home. If there is no power, check the main breaker.
Visual 1.59 Winter Storms Visual 1.60
A Winter Storm... Can range from a moderate snow over a few hours to blizzard conditions with blinding wind-driven snow that lasts several days.
Visual 1.61 Winter Storm Risk Automobile/other transportation accidents Exhaustion and heart attacks Hypothermia/Asphyxiation House fires
Visual 1.62 Elements of Winter Storms Heavy snow Ice Winter flooding Cold
Visual 1.63 Types of Snow Blizzard Blowing snow Snow squalls Snow showers
Visual 1.64 Types of Ice Sleet Freezing rain Ice storm
Visual 1.65 Effects of Cold Wind chill Frostbite Hypothermia
Visual 1.66 Winter Storm Preparedness Understand the risk. Prepare your home. Service snow-removal equipment. Fill your car’s gas tank. Pay attention to warnings.
Visual 1.67 During a Winter Storm... Stay indoors and dress warmly. Eat and drink regularly. Conserve fuel. If outside, protect yourself from hazards.
Visual 1.68 Hazardous Materials Visual 1.70
Visual 1.69 Hazardous Materials Are... Substances that because of their chemical nature, pose a potential risk to life, health, or property if they are released or used improperly.
Visual 1.70 Sources of Hazardous Materials Chemical plants Service stations Hospitals Hazardous materials waste sites Transport vehicles
Visual 1.71 Hazardous Materials Incident Preparedness Find out what could happen. Address the hazards in your family emergency plan. Practice and maintain your plan. Learn the warning and information system for your community.
Visual 1.72 During a Hazardous Materials Incident Leave the area! Report the incident. If hearing a warning, listen for instructions.
Visual 1.73 During a Hazardous Materials Incident Stay away from the incident site. If outside, stay upstream, uphill, and upwind. If in a motor vehicle, stop and find shelter. If asked to evacuate, do so immediately. If requested, stay indoors—shelter in place.
Visual 1.74 If Asked to Shelter in Place Get household members and pets inside. Close and lock exterior doors and windows. Turn off air conditioners and ventilation systems. Go to the pre-selected safe room.
Visual 1.75 Post-incident Actions Do not return home until instructed. Open windows and vents and turn on fans. Follow decontamination procedures. Learn how to clean up land and property. Report any lingering hazards.
Visual 1.76 Knowing how to handle these products and how to react during an emergency can reduce the risk of injury. Household Chemicals
Visual 1.77 Visual 1.79
Visual 1.78 Symptoms of Poisoning Difficulty breathing Irritation of eyes, skin, throat, or respiratory tract Changes in skin color Headaches, blurred vision, dizziness Clumsiness or lack of coordination Cramps or diarrhea
Visual 1.79 Chemical Emergency Preparedness Limit Isolate Eliminate Separate
Visual 1.80 Household Chemical Safety Read directions before using. Store in safe, secure location. Avoid mixing chemical products. Never smoke while using chemicals. Clean up spills immediately.
Visual 1.81 During a Household Chemical Emergency If poison is consumed: Find containers immediately. Call poison-control center, follow instructions. If chemical gets into the eyes: Follow emergency instructions on container. Seek medical attention. If a fire or explosion occurs: Evacuate residence immediately. Move upwind to avoid breathing toxic fumes. Call the fire department from outside.
Visual 1.82 Disaster effects on Infrastructure
Disaster Effects on Infrastructure Damage to transportation: Inability to assess damage accurately Ambulances prevented from reaching victims Police prevented from reaching areas of civil unrest Fire departments prevented from getting to fires Interruption to the flow of needed supplies Damage to structures: Damaged hospitals unable to function normally Increased risk of damage from falling debris Visual 1.84
Effects on Infrastructure Disrupted communication: Victims unable to call for help Coordination of services hampered Damage to utilities: Loss of utilities Increased risk of fire or electrical shock Loss of contact between victims and service providers Inadequate water supply Increased risk to public health Visual 1.86
Hazards From Home Fixtures Gas line ruptures from displaced water heaters or ranges Damage from falling books, dishes, and other cabinet contents Electric shock from displaced appliances Fire from faulty wiring, overloaded plugs, or frayed electric cords Visual 1.89
Personal Safety Personal safety measures vary depending on: The type of event. The amount of warning available. Location during the event (i.e., inside, outside, driving). Visual 1.90
Visual 1.87 Home and Workplace Preparedness Individual Preparedness & Family Preparedness Assemble disaster supplies. Develop a disaster plan. Develop a safe room. Workplace & School Preparedness Structural and non-structural mitigation
Visual 1.88 Are You Ready for a Disaster? Preparedness is the Key
Visual 1.89 Home Hazard Hunt Find and Reduce Hazards if you can! Water Heater Utilities External Hazards Home Haz Mat
Visual 1.90
Visual 1.91 Water heater Water Heater
Visual 1.92 Shelves
Visual 1.93 Inside Water Shutoff
Visual 1.94 Circuits Main Switch
Visual 1.95 What are the Hazards in and around your home? Visual 1.99
Visual 1.96 Overhead Power Lines
Visual 1.97 Gasoline Stored in Plastic Container Chemicals on Lower Shelves Paint and Chems on Lower Shelves Visual 1.101
Visual 1.98 Create a Family Disaster Plan
Visual 1.99 Visual 1.103
Visual 1.100 Rendezvous Points Near and far
Visual 1.101 Phone Lists Emergency Response #s Utilities Doctors/Pharmacies Vet Out of State Contact
Visual 1.102
Visual 1.103 Checklists Who to call What to Check What to turn Off What to take Lists of medicine List of Insurance
Visual 1.104 Inside the house Fire Extinguisher
Visual 1.105 Garage Fire Extinguisher Electrical Panel
Visual 1.106 Ready Flashlights
Visual 1.107 Visual 1.111
Visual 1.108 Visual 1.112
Visual 1.109 Commercial Car Kit
Visual 1.110 Do it yourself Car Kit Walking Shoes Car Kit in Backpack Medical Kit tools
Visual 1.111 Visual 1.115
Visual 1.112 Family Disaster Kit
Visual 1.113 Evacuation Kits In-Place Supplies Build Your Own Family Kit
Visual 1.114 Visual 1.112
Visual 1.115 Know the routes of escape wherever you are
Visual 1.116 Rendezvous Point Outside the office and away from the building
Visual 1.118 Sample Structural Hazard Mitigation Bolt older houses to the foundations. Strap propane tanks. Raise utilities. Strap mobile homes to their slabs. Ask a professional to check foundation, roof connectors, chimney, etc.
Visual 1.119 Sample Nonstructural Hazard Mitigation Anchor heavy furniture. Secure appliances and office equipment. Secure cabinet doors with childproof fasteners. Locate and label gas, electricity, and water shutoffs. Secure water heaters and have flexible gas lines installed.
The EOP Assigns responsibility to organizations and individuals Sets forth lines of authority Describes how people and property will be protected Identifies personnel, equipment, facilities, supplies, and other resources Visual 1.124
MRC Members in a Disaster Setting Assist first responders when requested Initially assume many of the same functions as response personnel when necessary until help arrives: Fire safety Light search and rescue Disaster medical operations Visual 1.125
Unit Summary MRC Members are among a variety of agencies and personnel who cooperate to provide assistance in the aftermath of a disaster. MRC Members have proven themselves invaluable in the areas in which they were tested. MRC Members have become a key component of the Citizen Corps program. Visual 1.126
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