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Elizabeth I (Anna Hroudová). Birth 7ht September 1533 King Henry VIII Anne Boleyn Parents:

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1 Elizabeth I (Anna Hroudová)

2 Birth 7ht September 1533 King Henry VIII Anne Boleyn Parents:

3 Birth 7ht September 1533 King Henry VIII Anne Boleyn Parents: Marriage was declared null. Elizabeth and Mary were declared illegitimate and were deprived of their place in the line of succession.

4 Childhood 4 stepmothers Henry VIII reinstated his daughters in the line of succession 1547 – death of Henry VIII Edward became the king Edward VI at the age of 9 1553 – death of Edward VI Lady Jane Gray – queen for 2 weeks

5 Reign of Mary I 1553-1558 Daughter of Henry VIII and Catherine of Aragon married to Philip II, king of Spain Catholic Queen – hard line against protestants – “Bloody Mary“ 1554 - Waytt`s Rebellion – Elizabeth was imprisoned in the Tower of London

6 Early reign Coronation – 15th January 1559 She was welcomed wholeheartedly by common people Chief advisors – Sir William Cecil (Secretary of State) and Sir Nicholas Bacon (the Lord Keeper of the Great Seal)

7 Church Church of England – established by Henry VIII Mary I restored Catholicism 1559 – Parliament was summoned to consider the Reformation Bill to create new church : ministers could marry : Images were banned from churches : Book of Common Prayer : Elizabeth became the “Supreme Head of the Churh of England”

8 Conflicts and Rebellions Mary Stuart, Queen of Scots : wife of French king Francis II : she declared herself Queen of England (with French support) : imprisoned in Scotland, later in England Conflict with France Northern Rebellion Rebellions in Ireland

9 Anglo – Spanish War Reasons - English piracy - English support of Netherlands - conspiracies to remove Elizabeth I 1585 - outbreak of the war 1588 - Speech to the troops at Tilbury - defeat of the Spanish army 1598 - death of Philip II - the war reached stalemate 1604 – Treaty of London concluded the war

10 Death 24th March 1603 at the age of 69 at Richmond Palace Buried at Westminster Abbey Tales about nominating her successor on her deathbed

11 Queen and marriage Robert Dudley – unpopular Francis, Duke of Alencon/Anjou (hier to the French throne) Different lines of succession : Mary I, Queen of Scots : Lady Catherine Grey : Henry Hastings Reasons for never marrying are unclear. Teories : reluctance to share power of the crown : she felt repulsed by the mistreatment of Henry VIII`s wives : she was psychologicaly scared : it would have cost her a large amount of money and her independence : marriage to a foreigner could have provoke a hostility : marriage to an English nobleman could have lead to a civil war

12 Personality and Hobbies Elizabeth was taught by famous scholars William Grindal, Roger Asham,… Intelligent – she spoke 5 languages fluently Hobbies – sports (horse riding, haunting, hawking, bear bainting), music, dancing, masques, watching plays,… Personality – resourceful, determinant, charismatic, flirtarious, short – tempered Motto – “video et taceo“ (I see and keep silent) Raised as a Protestant

13 Elizabethan Era Renaissance period Golden age Playwrights – W. Shakespeare, Christopher Marlowe, Ben Jonson Sir Francis Drake Colonisation of North America – Sir Walter Raleigh - Virginia

14 Thank you for your attention

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