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CULLING Natasha McLaren Deanna Cooper. What Is Culling Culling is the process of removing animals from a group based on specific criteria. Typically this.

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Presentation on theme: "CULLING Natasha McLaren Deanna Cooper. What Is Culling Culling is the process of removing animals from a group based on specific criteria. Typically this."— Presentation transcript:

1 CULLING Natasha McLaren Deanna Cooper

2 What Is Culling Culling is the process of removing animals from a group based on specific criteria. Typically this is done because the animal is causing ecosystem damage.

3 How They Damage the Environment No species, other than man, can modify habitats as rapidly and extensively as elephant. Too many elephants causes loss of trees, grasses, sensitive grazing species Replaced by thickets, impala and kudu. Some of the damages caused: soil capping reduced infiltration of water increased run off of rainwater leads to accelerated soil erosion.

4 History of Elephant Culling Elephants were killed due to damage of the ecosystem This caused the elephants to become endangered Now the elephants are preserved in parks The elephants are thriving in these parks and causing damage to the ecosystem Now people are starting to cull in these parks This mostly takes place in Krugar National Park

5 South African Elephants Sharpshooters in helicopters routinely killed hundreds of elephants at a time as a way to manage destructive herds. Big game hunting had severely depleted southern Africa's elephant population by the early 1900s South Africa announced it will end its 1995 suspension of elephant culling to manage its burgeoning elephant populations. Since the 1995 suspension, the elephant population in Kruger National Park has grown from 8,000 to an estimated 12,500


7 Elephants in Zimbabwe Zimbabwe has a population of 100 000 elephant in habitats that can support about half that number. Mismanagement of the elephants is a serious danger that puts humans, elephants and the environment in danger.

8 Culling Protests “A Price On The Head Of Every Elephant In Kruger National Park?” Many see culling in South Africa as a flaw in logic “Culling is completely unnecessary and illogical given the number of alternatives available” Culling is seen as a short-term fix, not a long-term solution


10 How they killed the Elephants Hunters used the lethal transquillising drug succinylcholine chloride (better known as Scoline), They were herded together then darted with the drug If they didn’t die fast, they were shot in the head. More than 16,000 elephants cruelly killed in Krugar National Park


12 Resources dyn/content/article/2008/02/25/AR2008022500970.html elephant_culling_0401.pdf g-150807.htm paigns/national_regional_efforts/the_debate_on_el ephant_culling_in_south_africa/shortcut_of_eleph ant_culling%238217;s_cruel_and_gory_past.php = hl=en_US&fs=1&

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