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Have available if possible recent publication of EYE Funding Payment Terms and Conditions (final version – 1.0) dated Jan. 15.

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1 Have available if possible recent publication of EYE Funding Payment Terms and Conditions (final version – 1.0) dated Jan. 15

2 Services for Young Children Early Years Education Seminar Summer 2015
Domestic details Feel free to ask questions Signing In Fire Exits Mobile Phones Drinking Water Toilets Finishing time Introductions

3 AGENDA Introduction to Services for Young Children (SfYC)
Requirements of the Early Years Education (EYE) Scheme Early Years Education (EYE) Payment Funding Terms and Conditions Single Funding Formula data capture and calculation EYE how to make a claim Statutory Guidance has driven the need for HCC agreement which is now ‘EYE Payment Funding Terms and Conditions’ on web insurance requirements are; Employers £10K Public £5K Professional Indemnity £100,000 EYSFF payment is calculated using a base rate (£3.81) and increments for flexibility, quality (Ofsted outcome and staff qualifications), deprivation. Stretched Offer/two year old funding Rate for two year olds £5.07 inclusive

4 AGENDA (cont) Improvement Support Programme (ISP)
Workforce Development Child’s entry to school Stretched Offer and 2 year old funding offer Early Years Pupil Premium (EYPP) Children’s Centres SfYC communications Next steps

5 Services for Young Children Introduction to SfYC - Priorities
Improving quality of provision where quality is less than good or local outcomes poor Ensuring sufficiency of Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) provision Improving outcomes for vulnerable children EYFS provision – capacity development

6 SfYC Headquarters Team
Head of Service Service Management team with responsibilities for: Childcare Development and Business Support Quality Improvement Workforce Development Childcare Inclusion Childrens Centres Administration Service Management Team; Strategic Manager Childcare/Business Support Quality Improvement Service Manager (Early Years) Childrens Centres and Inclusion Service Manager Business Manager with responsibility for admin Other central staff in these teams; CDBS – Childcare Development Funding Policy Manager Childrens Centre Support Officers/Planning and Performance Officer Childcare Inclusion Manager Quality Improvement Workforce Development Manager Childcare Information Officer Administration role includes payment processes for EYE funding.

7 SfYC District Teams Childcare Development and Business Officers (CDBO)
Early Years Education District Advisory Team Inclusion team (Inclusion Coordinators, Portage team and Early Support Coordinator) Early Communication Support Service (Speech and Language Therapist) Administration teams Basingstoke & Deane, Hart & Rushmoor, Havant, East Hants, Eastleigh Winchester Fareham & Gosport, New Forest Test Valley Mention Commissioned Services; Prospects Services (supporting group provision and childminders) Early Communication Support Services – 2 x SALT covering county

8 DfE Statutory Guidance
Places duty on local authorities on how the free early years education is to be delivered Language used Must Something that has to be done Should Something that is at the local authority’s discretion Statutory guidance also outlines duty on childcare sufficiency, information and guidance

9 DfE Statutory Guidance
Flexibility Children are able to take up their full entitlement to free early education at times that best supports their learning, and at times which fit with the needs of parents

10 DfE Statutory Guidance
Quality All children are able to take up their entitlement to free early education in a high quality setting Evidence shows that higher quality provision has greater developmental benefits for children particularly for the youngest children The biggest single indicator of high quality provision is the qualification levels of staff in a setting Note Ofsted are now the arbiter of quality. An outcome of less than ‘good’ as well as the qualifications of staff impact on the level of EYE funding (as does opening hours and numbers of start and finish times for taking up EYE take up, as a separate element of funding calculation)

11 DfE Statutory Guidance
Deprivation The formula must also include a deprivation supplement It will be allocated based on the Income Deprivation Affecting Children Index (IDACI)

12 Requirements of the Scheme Hampshire County Council expectations
Continue to improve children’s outcomes at foundation stage and narrow the gap through: Good or outstanding provision with high quality staff Maximum free entitlement (where parents seek this) is available for all eligible children including eligible two year olds Free early years education is available at times to meet the needs of parents and carers to enable them to work or train Failure to achieve a good or outstanding Ofsted may result in removal from the EYE register - see Schedule 5 of EYE Funding Terms and Conditions

13 Requirements of the Scheme
EYE providers need to: comply with all relevant legislation understand and comply with the Hampshire EYE Payment Funding Terms and Conditions be Ofsted registered or registered with an Independent Inspectorate approved by the Secretary of State (Independent Schools) deliver the Early Years Foundation Stage publicise offer to parents Audit – retain attendance register, eye parent forms and headcount forms, ECS forms B detailing who within staff team has access to the ECS and indicating that they agree and understand the implications (until the end of the financial year and three financial years afterwards). Settings need to plan for days of delivery and INSET days if delivery is matching the Hampshire Maintained schools dates which run for 39 weeks whereas the maximum funding per week will only be available for 38 weeks (standard offer). Independent schools need to inform parents of the hours not claimed so they may choose to take these elsewhere on the weeks the school is closed. £10m Employers Liability Minimum £5m Public liability and Minimum£100,000 Professional Indemnity

14 Early Years Education (EYE) Payment Funding Terms and Conditions
First section contains Hampshire County Councils standard contract terms and conditions of business Reflects current Statutory Guidance for local authorities You must read through this document and familiarise yourself with what it covers to make sure that you are taking appropriate action where required. It is updated as required for either changes to the Statutory Guidance or for clarification on how the Council operates the scheme. Last update 1 January 2015

15 Early Years Education (EYE) Payment Funding Terms and Conditions Schedules
Schedule 1 – Delivery of Free EYE Schedule 2 – EYE funding rate and payment schedule Schedule 3 – Privacy Notices Schedule 4 – Requirements of EYE Funding Payments These are the specific sections about how you should operate the EYE scheme at your setting.

16 Early Years Education (EYE) Payment Funding Terms and Conditions Schedules
Schedule 5 – Procedure to withdraw/suspend EYE payments Schedule 6 – Information for parents/carers on the Provider SEND Local Offer Schedule 7 – Parent Complaints Procedure Provider’s Responsibility Schedule 7 contains reference to how provider can make a complaint.

17 Early Years Single Funding Formula (EYSFF)
Currently the EYSFF hourly rate is made up as follows: A fixed base rate A variable rate for 3 elements Flexibility – start and finish times Quality – Ofsted outcome/staff qualifications Deprivation – funding per child calculated using the Income Deprivation Affecting Children Index (IDACI) based on child’s home address IDACI = Income Deprivation Affecting Children Index IDACI is now child focused i.e. considered for every individual child. This means that children who attract an IDACI supplement will have this added to the rate paid for the hours they attend. There is detailed information on the website about how the EYSFF is calculated in a document called EYSFF Basis of calculation

18 How to Make a claim Introduction
We will cover: Eligibility Some basic statutory rules How to prepare for and make your first claim How to claim for children starting after headcount Payment Some top tips Where to look for further help in operating the scheme. Hampshire operates the free Early Years Education entitlement under statutory guidance. This next section covers how to make a claims for the free Early Years Education funding. We operate this according to the Statutory Guidance for local authorities and our funding terms and conditions.

19 Who is eligible? Eligible 2, 3 and 4 year olds can access the 570 hours from the funding period following their birthday Eligibility for 2 year olds can be checked using the Eligibility Checking Service (ECS) – log in required. Parents can also check for themselves For a 4 year old child starting school they may not access all their 570 hours through the preschool as they are receiving the equivalent through school attendance. You are responsible for ensuring that children are eligible to claim. You should check birth certificates and keep a record of the check you have made Only Eligible 2 years olds can claim the free EYE funding. Eligibility checked by provider or parent using the ECS. Providers can sit with the parent and help them to do the check. Providers can also request an ECS log-in using form A – this will be sent to new provider when EYE confirmation of registration is sent by the admin officer. Form B needs to be retained by the setting to indicate who has access – staff need to sign and understand the implications around access. All 3 and 4 year olds are eligible but you must make sure that you have checked their details (eg birth certificate), keep a record that you have done so, to confirm they are eligible i.e. funding period following 3rd birthday. The entitlement is proportionate across the year and 4 year old children starting school may receive the funding for their education through the school rather than as a proportion of the 570 EYE hours at their pre school. Children cannot claim EYE hours and attend school at the same time. We undertake EYE compliance visits on a sample basis of about 10% of the market each year. Part of this will be to check the audit trail of checks to ensure compliance for your claims.

20 When are children eligible?
Early Years Education to be provided in three funding periods: Date of Birth range Funding starts 1 January – 31 March April 1 April – 31 August September 1 September – 31 December January Children are eligible for their funding in the funding period after they are 2 if an eligible 2YO, or 3 for all 3 year olds. These are the three funding periods which are fixed and do not change. The EYE does not have to be delivered at the same time as school term dates and as you can see these dates do not match school term dates.

21 What can you claim? Eligibility and Framework Minimum session length
2.5 hours Maximum session length 10 hours Hours Not before 7am, not after 7pm Weeks Providing funded places for 38 weeks and a stretched option Minimum number of days 2 Number of providers Maximum of 2 You need to make sure that for your claim there is a minimum of 2.5 hours and maximum of 10 hours. In order to claim full 15 hours you cannot attend less than 2 days. If a claim is split between settings the maximum number of settings is 2. When splitting settings, so that parents do not miss out on hours, you need to be careful to liaise with the other setting. Because the minimum claim hours is 2.5 hours the maximum at a second setting would be 12.5 if a parent wants to take up their 15 hours per week. When explaining to parents it is helpful to focus on up to 15 hours per week and the limit of 570 hours per eligible birthday year and the 38 weeks linked to the academic year which is 39 weeks can be confusing as the pattern of hours taken up can easily take parents over the 570 hours limit. You will need to discuss whether the parent needs the option under the T&Cs not to take up hours which are not EYE funded or are willing and able to pay.

22 How do I prepare for my first claim?
You need to organise a parent declaration form for each child you are making a claim for; You will need: Proof of the child’s eligibility (child’s date of birth) Each child’s start and finish dates The number of weeks you are claiming The number of hours per week for each child To know if any child attends another setting, this is known as split setting. You need to speak to the other setting to agree how many hours you and the other setting are claiming so the child does not to exceed 15 hours per week. There is some key information you need to make a claim and discussions with parents about how they can claim the funding, we would like settings to try and make sure parents are able to either access the 570 hours with them, and if this is not possible to help by letting the parents know the hours they are unable to claim so they can use them at another setting or a childminder. It is however important that they do not claim more than 15 hours a week or take their total claim over 570 hours in an eligible birthday year. So talking to the other setting making a claim is important so there are not problems with your claim when it reaches us.

23 Parent Declaration Forms
Must be completed for each child you include on your first and every subsequent claim that covers the period being claimed. This is your authorisation to make a claim They are available on the SfYC website Must be retained according to requirements of the terms and conditions A key part of the claim is the parent declaration form. This is your document giving you permission to make the claim for the free funding for the child.

24 Calculating each child’s hours
The attendance pattern of each child will be that agreed on parent declaration form. You need the number of hours per week multiplied by the number of weeks claiming in the funding period. There is a maximum number of hours to allow for a proportion of the 570 hours to be available each funding period you should not exceed these hours. If you always claim the maximum hours you will exceed the 570 hours available over that year of eligibility The maximum number of hours shown as available is to allow flexibility for the way you can offer and parents can take up the free entitlement. We indicate a maximum number of hours that can be claimed each headcount. This is to help with apportioning the hours across the year. However, if you claim all the maximums this will be more than 570 hours. We allow more each funding period to allow flexibility in claims and to support the variety of different offers that settings are operating across the county.

25 Stretched offer If you are able to offer attendance over more than 38 weeks you can also provide what is called a stretched offer. Depending on how many weeks your setting is open and how parents wish to take these hours you can allocate the 570 across more weeks. Providers determine pattern based on consultation with parents and operational requirements. There is a ready reckoner on the SfYC website to help you calculate the number of hours per week across the number of weeks you wish to offer. We recommend only offering one alternative to the 15 hour per week offer (standard offer), however if you have the administrative capacity you can meet a variety of parent requirements. If you are operating more than school term times then you can also operate the stretched offer which means that parents may claim less hours a week over more than 38 weeks.

26 Managing the stretched offer across the year
Depending on the number of hours and weeks offered and agreed with parents, they will either have spare hours to use, or will be in excess of the allowance and will need to choose which days they will not claim these across the eligible year. For example: These are some examples of how it might work. We usually operate the scheme so that the number of hours a week across the number of weeks is less than 570 hours this leaves a few spare hours that parents can agree to take with you at any time, not exceeding 15 hours per week. Some parents may wish to take more hours per week, but they then would need to work out when they would not be taking the excess hours with you, so actually 11.5 hours would actually allow only 49 full weeks claim or a number of weeks as part claims.

27 Government Manifesto on early years childcare
Information to be formalised over coming weeks/months Pledge of 30 hours tax free childcare for working parents for children up to 12 years old SfYC to consider implications – survey monkey to be used to establish issues for EY providers Look out for more information on the SfYC website, Likely considerations to be made by every LA over coming months; Funding the extension of hours for 3-4 year olds Reviewing the free early education funding formula Planning for increased provision Ensuring access to high quality provision Strengthening partnerships between local authorities and providers Investment in early years staff Supporting parents to make choices Improving outcomes for disadvantaged children Meeting challenges in space and resources The role of schools in childcare provision Preparing for integrated health and education checks

28 How do I make my first claim?
All new providers can claim through an on-line system– book your time with your local office If training is not available in time, paper headcount form can be used for the first time and online for your second claim. You need to submit your claim based on details of children eligible on role on the third Thursday of each funding period known as headcount day. There is also a deadline for submission which is the fourth Friday of the funding period. All new providers can now use our online claim system and book onto the training arranged with local office which will usually take place in the few weeks before the main headcount. If you cannot attend the training you may be able to make your first claim through the paper claim. The claim is based on children on role at your setting on the headcount day. Please make sure that all the children on your claim have a parent declaration form completed with the hours you have permission to claim.

29 When will I be paid? EYE is paid in each of the three funding periods starting: 1 January 1 April 1 September Following the receipt of a complete and correct claim payment will be made in 10 working days. If there are any queries regarding your claim the 10 days start from the resolution of the query. It can take 3 or 4 days for payment to clear into setting bank accounts. There are three claiming periods. We pay on the basis of children on role and aim to make payment by 10 days of receipt of a complete and correct claim. Errors on the claim will delay this payment. You receive a remittance advice when the payment has been processed and making payment by BACS currently takes 3 or 4 days to clear into your bank account. If it hasn’t been received within about 5 days after the remittance and you know that you need the funds, do contact HQ as early as possible as it can take some time to resolve any problems that might have occurred with your payment.

30 How will I be paid? You will be paid into a bank account in the name of your setting It should be an ordinary business bank account If you have not already done so you should return your bank details to Services for Young Children using the appropriate form provided to you by your local office Setting up an account to make BACS payments can take a few days so please make sure this is in good time for your claim.

31 How much will I be paid? The Early Years Single Funding Formula is used to calculate the hourly rate for each provider This is made up of 4 key elements: Base rate currently £3.81 Flexibility Quality – Staff qualifications Quality – Ofsted judgment (but new providers will be assumed to be at a ‘Requires Improvement’ level until first inspection) In addition IDACI supplement is added on a child basis There are detailed guidance notes on how the funding formula works on the website in a document link “basis of calculation”. You will be paid at your individually calculated setting rate for the number of hours claimed for each child. Some children also attract a deprivation supplement. Flexibility is based on the combination of start and finish times offered to parents (times must be separated by at least 30 minutes) with your overall opening hours for claiming EYE funding taken into account too. If you fall into the not flexible band 30p is taken off the rate if you are in the flexible band you receive a supplement of 15p. The staff qualification element calculation score denotes the banding. Calculation is: the total of the level of qualification (only level 3 or more) multiplied by paid hours, divided by the total number of paid hours. The score denotes the banding. There is a banding for each Ofsted judgement.

32 How much will I be paid? Your first claim will be on the base rate unless you have already submitted your flexibility and staffing qualifications information to your CDC/local office and your full rate has already been calculated. If you are paid at the base rate and following assessment of flexibility and quality this increases, you will be paid the difference. New settings; the first Ofsted judgement will come into effect and impact on the funding calculation for the period in which the judgement is published. Following this it is an annual cycle based on the information collected in the autumn. If you provide all your funding information as part of your application your rate will be calculated. However you will be paid at the base rate if you do not. As a new setting awaiting your first Ofsted grading you will be banded as “requires improvement” until you receive your first Ofsted judgement. The funding will be adjusted from the start of the funding period within which the Ofsted judgement is published. For example, a setting opens February and Ofsted judgement of “good” or “outstanding” is known 15 May, funding will be reconciled and backdated to 1 April. This first amendment is the only time that a banding will change in the year as the rate is fixed from 1 April to 31 March each year.

33 Who do I contact with queries about my payment?
As a general rule please do not contact the team about payments until 10 days after the headcount deadline date (if you have not received a remittance advice). If you have a query please Or telephone We process over 1000 claims each headcount so it is helpful to hold any queries until after the headcount period. If you do have a query then we will respond to your . If you have any urgent issues however, do please call. For new settings bank details for making BACS payments must be submitted in advance of headcount as setting up the payment details can take time. Your local office will issue the relevant form.

34 How do I claim for a child starting after Headcount day?
These are called “in period claims” The claim form is on the website and you can complete as soon as the child starts and submit as soon as completed However claims are not paid until after half term and headcount has been completed Always check if another setting has already claimed for the child. Funding follows the child so you must contact the other setting to claim the funding which may have already been paid to them You should only make an in period claim for additional hours that may not have been claimed by the previous setting. You should submit any in period claims within 10 working days of the end of the funding period being claimed for Although there is a deadline of submitting late claims within 10 working days of the end of the funding period, we would encourage you to request your parents complete their part of the declaration and submit as soon as possible after the child has started at your setting. The deadline set is very close to the start of the next headcount period and if there are queries this can delay the payment.

35 Top tips on helping me manage the EYE scheme
Balance of hours – It is recommended that you maintain a balance of hours for each child Standard offer - You should make parents aware that there are 570 hours which is 38 weeks x 15 hours. If you are operating to school terms you may be open for 39 weeks so you need to agree which weeks are available and will be claimed for Stretched offer – if parents want to change from stretched to 38 week standard offer or visa versa it is easiest to do this at the beginning of their eligible birthday year It is helpful to keep a note of what you have claimed for each child and a reducing balance for their 570 entitlement to make sure that parents are able to claim all they are entitled to and to help manage attendance patterns that may take them over the 570 in some cases. Links with info for parents in the second bullet.

36 What do we do with your claim?
All claims are checked: Each child’s date of birth is within the date range Number of hours being claimed this funding period Are the hours being claimed in excess of the 570? Has the claim been fully and correctly completed Any queries will stop the 10 day turnaround clock which will be started again when the query is resolved For online claims we accept the information onto the system and paper claims get input, we undertake data checks for 15 hours a week for each child and the maximum hours for the funding period and the total 570 hours for the eligible year.

37 Summary of key milestones you need to plan for
Ensure you have parent declaration forms for the funding period Headcount day Submit headcount claim by deadline Payment made within 10 working days of a complete and correct form being received Summary of key milestones in headcount and payment process Don’t forget to keep all your paperwork for up to 6 years. We may wish to see information for our compliance reviews.

38 Future claims Important information; These are the usual dates of the headcount claims. This year because the date for the Summer claim period fell within the School Easter Holidays we organised two dates so that settings that were closed over Easter were able to submit their headcount on a date they are open – this could happen in future years and we will advise if this arrangement is needed.

39 Key references on claiming
SfYC website - terms and conditions and links to operation of EYE scheme Statutory Guidance link Parent information on the EYE scheme:

40 Improvement Support Programme (ISP)
Local Development Teams in each area of county (SfYC and Prospects Services) support new settings to meet the EYFS requirements - coordinated by the Childcare Development and Business Officer (CDBO) covering following aspects; - Learning and Development - Leadership and Management (includes welfare requirements and safeguarding) - Inclusion (includes SEN and behaviour management) New settings if not known to LDT likely to receive support prior to first inspection – package including all aspects as detailed or may be a focus on one or two areas depending on needs assessed by team L & D – covered by DAT or AT L & M – which includes all aspects of EYFS delivery mainly picked up by Prospects Services team covering the welfare requirements and safeguarding but some aspects also covered by DAT/AT Inclusion – covered by InCo team and may include meeting the needs of children with SEN or having additional needs and also behaviour management

41 Improvement Support Programme (ISP)
All new settings likely to have a support package unless they are being managed by a high quality provider with existing settings A support package will be developed by the LDT and will be shared and ‘accepted’ by new provider Will include specific agreed support and access to a range of core services Ofsted inspection outcome of ‘Requires Improvement’ or ‘Inadequate’ would also mean specific support to meet Ofsted action points – Schedule 5 action taken (potential removal from EYE scheme) Other issues might trigger some support e.g. safeguarding, non-inclusive practice, EYFSP data concerns Core services include termly provider briefings, access to SENCo support meetings, Birth to Three Network meetings, Lead Practitioner (Safeguarding) support group meetings and Children’s Centre cluster meetings. New settings that have no trained SENCo will need to access SENCo induction training. Possibility of bespoke support covering county wide or local projects but this has been greatly reduced due to budgetary cuts. An offer of support for a ‘RI’ or ‘Inadequate’ Ofsted outcome or a ‘trigger’ may include; ITERS and/or ECERS Bespoke training provided by DAT/AT (by invitation only) Inclusion training provided by Area INCO’s (by invitation only) Other approaches; Mentoring, shadowing, visits and support through LFSP, regular visits and reviews, ETAS meetings to set and agree targets etc and usually provided to settings that may have an ‘Inadequate’ or ‘RI’ Ofsted outcome (or as a result of a trigger) NB Any settings that have a ‘RI’ or ‘Inadequate’ outcome are subject to Schedule 5 action i.e. potential removal from the EYE scheme – please refer to details in EYE Payment Funding T & Cs. Very likely that will result in withdrawal of ability to offer funded places for eligible 2 Yos, and setting will be considered to be at Stage 1 of Schedule 5 (i.e. at potential risk of removal from scheme if limited improvements can be evidenced). ETAS meeting will be arranged with setting to identify specific and timebound supports, draw up a SMART action plan and consider next steps.

42 Services for Young Children setting support Workforce Development
Training subscription scheme available; See for more information Access and availability of training from April has been reviewed and info is now available on website. The whole year’s training programme for EYFS/Management CPD displayed on website If new provider chooses not to join they can still purchase at time of booking at £100 per place per person payable at time of booking

43 Services for Young Children Early Years Education – Child’s entry to school
Children entering school in Year R Parents right to defer After Christmas break for Autumn, Spring or Summer birthday children, and After the Easter break for Spring or Summer birthday children Transition arrangements confirmed with setting, school and parent EYE deferred entry form signed and RETURNED with Headcount

County Admissions Team Children's Services Department The Castle Winchester Hampshire SO23 8UG Tel: (Calls to 0300 numbers are included in most call packages and charged at the same rate as 01 and 02 numbers. Costs may vary depending on your telecom provider.) Fax: Settings to provide contact for Schools Admission team for further help to parents. Mention ‘Decelaration’ which is different to deferment (see below; Summer born children (those born between 1 April and 31 August) only: delay their child’s entry to school until they reach compulsory school age and be admitted to Year R rather than Year 1 with their chronological peers. This means that a summer born child would not start school at all during the academic year after their fourth birthday. Details on the process for seeking approval for decelerated admission are available on the schools admission website. seeking approval at their preferred schools advised to make an application as part of the main admission round for the year group that the child would normally be admitted to school, until a decision on your request for deceleration has been reached. If asked tell parent to speak to Schools Admissions

45 2 Year Old Providers Providers registered with Ofsted to take children from 2 years can offer free EYE places for any eligible 2 year old Staff regularly to update their knowledge of child development and attend appropriate training for the care of 2 year olds Critical to develop good partnership links with local children’s centre and to attend the ‘Children’s Centre Cluster meetings’ Use a range of strategies to respond to the needs and values of each individual family Young children must have access to a stimulating outdoor area on a daily basis New Providers are to be encouraged to use the 2 year old self evaluation tool to consider their delivery of EYE to this age group, alongside their plans for EYE generally New providers will be supported to meet needs of 2 year olds through their ISP support They can use the evaluation tool to demonstrate to OFSTED their implementation. Note; ‘2 year old self evaluation document’ Encourage all new providers to use as a means for self evaluating their environment and practises to appropriate meet the needs of two year olds. Expectation around the achievement of a good or outstanding at first inspection – if not achieved then situation re taking eligible 2 YO s will need to be reconsidered. Statutory guidance states settings must be good or outstanding to receive 2YO funding and any setting with a judgement of less than this is at the local authorities discretion based on sufficiency in the market.

DWP list received by SfYC Parents contacted – new postcard sent with application information New on-line checker launched 24/02/15 – parents and providers can carry out eligibility checks Providers will be able to apply for on-line checker log in release (Form A for return, Form B to retain) when EYE funding registration confirmed Privacy notice on website includes reference to on-line checker Show copy of A3 version of postcard sent to parents if available. Privacy notice change includes ref to the ECS. Local Admin officer will send request form A for ECS log in when EYE registration confirmation letter is sent. This needs to be returned. Form B needs to be completed for all staff/committee that can have access – they need to sign to say that they understand the sensitivity/confidentiality of information and agree to comply. This needs to be held on site and made available to SfYC if requested. 2 Year Old Offer – Online Application system was made available on Tuesday 24 February 2015. The Eligibility Checking System (ECS) is provided by Software for Data Analysis Ltd (SDA) on behalf of Hampshire County Council and allows parents/carers to apply online for 2 Year Old Offer funding, with the system automatically checking and confirming a child’s eligibility under the economic criteria (parents/carers can also apply under non-economic criteria, however, further verification will be required). The SfYC 2 Year Old Offer webpage has been updated to include recent changes and to include a link to the online application: We ask that you please familiarise yourself with this. Online applications The online system can be used to apply for funding by: • the parent/carer completing the online application themselves • the early years provider, children’s centre staff, or any other professional supporting the family, completing the form (by ticking the relevant box) with their permission Therefore, if you are working with a family who may be eligible, you are still able to support the parent/carer to apply and can use the online system alongside them (with their permission). Paper applications Although, currently, we can still accept paper applications, please encourage the use of the online application system as this provides a quick and efficient process for everyone. Applications under the non-economic criteria can still be completed online but evidence will need to be sent to the local SfYC office with a note of the reference number that is generated on screen.

47 Early Years Pupil Premium (EYPP)
1 April DfE EYPP becomes available Parents apply to confirm eligibility paper based at present likely to be through on-line checker in future providers will check eligibility through LA either in the online checker or direct. Payment of EYPP for Summer 2015 will be made during the Summer term See link; Early Years Pupil Premium (EYPP) – see information on website for detail; How should providers use the extra funding? 23 kB Who is eligible? 23 kB How does the provider receive the Early Years Pupil Premium? 23 kB Apply for the Early Years Pupil Premium 25 kB Payment of the Early Years Pupil Premium 23 kB Early Years Pupil Premium FAQs Background  Indicative 2015/16 early years pupil premium allocations: HCC = £676,579 The EYPP was introduced in April 2015 as proposed in the consultation. It is worth up to £300 per child. 53pence/hour based on hours attended at Headcount and in period claims. The School and Early Years Finance Regulations will be amended to set a national hourly rate for the EYPP which local authorities must pay to providers. Seven areas (not HCC) shared £1 million to trial the new support ahead of its introduction nationwide from this April. The DfE asked the charity 4Children to launch a call for evidence on the early years pupil premium in November 2014, asking providers to identify and share good practice around meeting the needs of disadvantaged children. SfYC has reviewed the consultation response and will provide on going guidance and models of how EYPP can be used to ensure improved outcomes for children – see website link for information.

48 Early Years Pupil Premium (EYPP)
Needs to be spent on interventions known to make a difference, as proven by research CPD - staff qualifications, training Buying in expertise Speech and language development Improving children’s self-regulation, resilience, health and well-being Improving parental engagement and the home learning environment Ofsted to judge if money well spent Money can be spent in any way settings choose to improve the quality of the early years education they provide for the children. School age children have been receiving Pupil Premium funding and it has proven a real boost to the children receiving it It is well documented that high quality early education can influence how well a child does at both primary and secondary school – EPE/EPPSE research – so we need to make the most of the funding. This can include for example additional training for staff in early language, investing in partnership working with colleagues to further develop expertise or working on specialised areas such as speech and language. Some settings may only have one or two children and will need to look carefully at how to best spend the limited amount they have. Government is promoting sector led development and improvement, everyone working together for the benefit of the most vulnerable in their local community. This is a real positive opportunity for settings to club together to purchase appropriate training and expertise. Hampshire has a range of providers and opportunities that settings can tap into. SfYC will support and facilitate where they can such as the range of Network and Cluster meetings where exchange of ideas and support can be brokered. Children’s Centre Cluster meetings are an ideal forum for all interested parties to find out more about the issues in their local area and to work together to do something about them. Some settings may have large numbers of eligible children. Services for Young Children will be looking at providing briefings specifically for areas of the County where this might be the case. More details in the summer term. Services for Young Children will also have a range of intervention packages and training available to purchase.

49 Purpose of Children’s Centres
Improve outcomes for young children (0-5 years) and their families Particular focus on reducing inequalities in child development Services include activities which support parenting, parents aspirations, self esteem, family health and life chances Children's Centre services are led by the local authority and delivered in partnership with Health, the Department for Work and Pensions and Services for Young Children A full description of the Children’s Centre Core Purpose can be found at: Critical that new EY provider makes link with their local Children’s Centre and promotes the use of services with their families – make links now! Important to attend CC cluster meetings for making strong links with local families. What typically happens at a children’s centre; Home visiting Stay and play Breast feeding support Health visitor clinics Healthy eating programmes JCP advice Counselling Domestic Violence support groups Language activities Adult learning Volunteering Sensory rooms and SEN support groups

50 Services for Young Children Communication
Use of business accounts and sign up to the SfYC blog is essential; all SfYC communications via this account SfYC ‘Blog’ provides latest updates – regularly click on this from ‘latest news’ on (Homepage) to avoid missing anything! Website includes downloadable resources and regularly updated information Access to your individual account will be sent to you along with the confirmation that you have become an EYE provider. Please follow the directions regarding accessing and if you have any difficulties contact the administrator in your local SfYC office – this is critical or you will miss important communication.

51 Next Steps Ensure you have completed the EYE application form and return to address detailed on form, along with Ofsted certificate and proof of insurances being in place at rates stated in agreement. Ensure you have signed the statement agreeing to the ‘Early Years Education Payment Funding Terms and Conditions’ and return with the application form. Any Questions? Attendees to seek application forms from their CDC through the local SfYC office. Form needs to be returned to local office for processing. Signpost to EYE funding terms and conditions on website (have hard copies available for briefing?)

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