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Angels and Demons.

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Presentation on theme: "Angels and Demons."— Presentation transcript:

1 Angels and Demons

2 Angels Latin = Angelus Greek = Aggelos Meaning: One Sent ; Messenger

3 Can humans become angels?

4 Catholics believe in Angels – The Nicene Creed!

5 What is an Angel?

6 To understand true angels, we must understand:
Meaning of the term in the Bible Office of the angels Names assigned to angels Distinction between good and evil spirits Divisions of the angelic choirs Question or angelic appearances, and, Development of the scriptural idea of angels

7 What we know from the bible:
They are a body of spiritual beings intermediate between God and men. “You have made him [man] a little less than the angels.” – Psalms 8:6

8 What we know from the bible:
Like men, they were created by God – (Psalms 148:2, 5; Colossians 1:16-17)

9 What we know from the bible:
They are spiritual beings – (Hebrews 1:14)

10 What we know from the bible:
The function of the angelic host is “assistance” (Job 1:6; 2:1) ; and, Jesus refers to it as their perpetual occupation – (Matthew 18:10)

11 What we know from the bible:
Seven angels whose special function is to “stand before God’s throne.” – (Tobit 12:15; Revelation 8:2-5)

12 What we know from the bible
The angels of the Bible – Role of God’s messenger to mankind.

13 What we know from the bible:
Judges 13 Daniel 8:16 Luke 2:9

14 Guardian Angels Genesis 24:7 – “He will send His angel before thee.” Matthew 4:6 – “As the Lord lives, His angel has been my keeper.” Matthew – “See that you despise not one of these little ones; for I say to you that their angels in Heaven always see the face of My Father who is in heaven.”

15 Three Primary Hierarchy of Angels = 9 Choirs of Angels
Hierarchy 1 – “Councilors of God” Seraphim Cherubim Thrones Hierarchy 2 – “Governors” Dominations Virtues Powers Hierarchy 3 – “Messengers of God” Principalities Archangels Angels

16 Lowest – Order 9 - ANGELS

17 Order 8 - Archangels

18 Order 7 - Principalities

19 Order 6 - Powers


21 Order 5 - Virtues

22 Order 4- Dominions

23 Order 3- Thrones

24 Order 2- Cherubims

25 Order 1- Seraphims

26 Angel Encounters …

27 Angels with names: Michael,
Gabriel and Raphael

28 Fallen Angels

29 Fallen Angels – Lucifer

30 What is our defense against evil?

31 To whom His love commits me here, Ever this day be at my side,
Guardian Angel Angel of God, My Guardian dear, To whom His love commits me here, Ever this day be at my side, To light and guard, To rule and guide. Amen.

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