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Processing & Utilization of rubber, plastic and waste oil EUSTON TOWER 286, EUSTON ROAD, LONDON, UNITED KINGDON NW1 3AT HEPTAGON OVERSEAS INCORPORATED.

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Presentation on theme: "Processing & Utilization of rubber, plastic and waste oil EUSTON TOWER 286, EUSTON ROAD, LONDON, UNITED KINGDON NW1 3AT HEPTAGON OVERSEAS INCORPORATED."— Presentation transcript:

1 Processing & Utilization of rubber, plastic and waste oil EUSTON TOWER 286, EUSTON ROAD, LONDON, UNITED KINGDON NW1 3AT HEPTAGON OVERSEAS INCORPORATED

2 2 The company`s division HOI which specializing in processing and utilization of rubber products, plastic, waste oil. The staff and owners of the company have a more than 5 years experience in this area in Ukraine and abroad, were stages of equipment from retorny and boiler to circulating - reactor. Equipment of our company absolute new in Ukraine`s rialto In this time we alone can provide International quality certificate of equipment and production, we guarantee 100% safety, innovative approach, high level of utilization and higher ecology. Our productive power that we got from using a product of recycle can be directed in heating system and conservatory. Who we are

3 All equipment which certificated СЕ and ISO Combination of direct heat with a hot air heating continue equipment serve for 1-2 years. Compact design OF DOORS pyrolytic reactor, is more stable more safely as compared to analogues, fitted with safety valves, automatic emergency systems, anti expiosive valves - guarantees 100% safety of system. Capacitors on the chimney cools exhaust gases from the burner - thus the protects the system and improves effect removals of a dust. Totally closed unloading system CARBON residues guarantees absence ambient air pollution. The whole system of factory is equipped with safety valves, automatic emergency systems, anti explosive valves - guarantees 100% safe of a factory. Introduced by us introduced three layer SYSTEM OF dust removing and cleaning of exhaust gases, thereby achieve European standards on pollution controls. AUTOMATIC TECHNOLOGY OF welding under a gumboil and ultrasonic testing system ensures reliable quality equipments. RAW MATERIALS SUBMISSION of oil pumps and unloading of the final product by them allowing to minimize the human`s work. 3 Privileges

4 Technological production line of oil oil and technical carbon DL-8/PL-2 This technological line consisting of two blocks: pyrolysis and distillation, connected between itself by piping systemand appointed for processing RTP (rubber technical products), plastic and waste motor oils to obtain an alternative fuel, amely: «MIX of hydrocarbon steam condensate "by TU 24.1-1735501916-001: 2009 (ANALOG of heating oil); Technical carbon, coke technical pyrolysis, accordance with TU 24.1-2644705912-002 In 2006, analog technical carbon P-803; Diesel fuel (analog); Pyrolysis gas. Steel cord, which accumulates and passed as a scrap. Block of pyrolysis: It is a Closed technological system - a way of processing by low-temperature pyrolysis consists in heating in reactor raw material to a temperature of 400 degrees Celsius. Raw materials t coming by road in quantities of 3600 tonnes per year. A certain number of raw materials, namely about 10 tons of daily, comes to reactor with circulating mechanism which tubby container is the horizontal type of diameter 2800mm lenght of 6200mm. Wall of reactor which made of carbon steel and thickness of 16mm. Raw materials is loaded to the reactor manually through the doors into the the reactor, then bwgina process of heating of reactor, starts heating from natural gas or gas propane-butane (As an option to start heating by means coal, wood, etc.) Through 1.5 - 2 hours passes to their fuel, produced in the pyrolysis process - gas of pyrolysis. In the reactor is occurs heated and thermal destruction of polymer molecules of lash rubber or plastic with the formation of vapors of these fragments - organic compounds and soot particles, Technology 4

5 if raw materials with RTP then steel cord. Vapors which formed continuously are drained to the isolated steam pipeline (the temperature of about 400 degrees Celsius) in the cooling system and condensation. Condensation system is а consistent set of the fridge capacitive equipment, chimneys, water seal, compilations of condensate and pyrolysis gas and pipeline system to supply feedback and divert coolant (water) (50 cubic meters with permanent partial addition of water). System of condensation allows for the capture from condensate heavy fractions of pyrolysis vapors and capture possible mechanical removal the soot particles in the system. After the process of condensation in the cooling system, the accumulated condensate comes to compilation as a fuel pyrolysis furnace. Surplus gas, which don`t uses in the furnace comes to accumulation system and system of flaring the excess gas. After pyrolysis process (8 - 10 hours) - heating of reactor turns off and leave the reactor to auto cooling (about 10 hours), is then venting of internal cavities reactor`s system through condensing system join a tank for movement carbon (carbon moved to pipe which tightly attached to the doorway with tank,which protect it from spraying in building, and using mechanism of circulating reactor and screw system in reactor moves to capacity. Steel cord by means of special hooks also moves from the reactor to the special water containers, under the corresponding hood with filtering emissions, there by preventing the pollination of production). The distillation unit represents a closed technological system - method of processing liquid of pyrolysis and waste motor oils by distillation. Process is by heating raw materials in the reactor to temperatures from 80 to 400 degrees Celsius. Raw materials to manufactory arrives by road transport in adapted for this tanks. Injection raw materials in the reactor and pumping out finished products occurs through special pump that minimize involvment human resource in the system. Technology 5

6 A certain number of raw materials, namely about 10 tons daily pumped into reactor, which is a tubby container of vertical type, diameter in 2200 mm, length 5100 mm, thickness of wall reactor is for 12 mm., Steel grade Q245R. raw is pumped to the reactor pump, then begins process of reactor heating, starts heating from natural gas or gas propane-butane (Maybe start using heating of wood coal, etc.) 1,5 - 2 hours moves to their fuelproduced by in the process of destillation - gas passing. In the reactor is heated and thermal destruction of wood with the formation of vapors of these fragments - organic compounds and the remains of heavy fraction oil (pyrobitumens). Couples which formed drained continuously on insulated steam pipeline (a temperature for about 180 degrees Celsius) in the cooling system and condensation passing three filtration systems: * Zeolite filter; * Bentonite filter(Layer of clay); * Barium filter. Condensation system is a fridge a consistent set of capacitive equipment chimneys, water seal,compilations condensate and pyrolysis gas as well as pipeline system for supplying reverse and divert refrigerants (water) (50 cubic meters with permanent partial addition of water). system of condensation provides for the possibility capture condensation from condensate heavy fractions of pyrolysis vapors and trapping possible mechanical hits of soot particles in the system. After the process of condensation in the cooling system, the accumulated condensate comes to the compilations of the analogue form of diesel fuel before that passing additional processing sulfuric acid and caustic soda. Surplus gas, do not use in the furnace comes to the system of burning of excess gas. 6 Technology

7 After finished of process of distillation (8 – 10 hours) – turns off heating of reactor and leaves the reactor for auto cooling ( for 10 hours), after carried of cleaning the inner cavity of reactor from the system of condensation, conectеd a tank for pouring out heavy fraction oil (pyrobitumens), which continue sent for additional processing into asphalt - concrete (bitumen) factory invaluable fractions bitum road and roofing. Exhaust gas cleaning system production line is as follows four steps: > The cooling condenser of exhaust (at once in the exit of gases from reactors - cooling promotes to settling more heavy parts of the bottom capacitor); > Mechanical cleaning system (There is tubular capacity with small ceramic tubes, and inside holes with deviations petals on them, exhaust is passage through this system contributes to further their cleaning, since some resin remain on the walls and petals of tubes); > "Water cloud" - is a system of spraying water by using 4 pumps - spray installed at the outlet of the chimney, promotes further clearing gases and settling harmful substances in the bottom of system. > Also by additional installed water seal with calcareous water solution for repayment dioxin through it gas passes on burners of extra gas. 7 Technology

8 In operating of object of Pumping equipment (pumps KM 50-32-130 H-5, TSNS6- 45 NMSH-5-25-4 / 4, NMSH8-25-6,3 / 10 is a low noise) are created levels of noise. The project provides measures of acoustic effect, besides pumping stations are automated as well as all production system controlled by once remote control, which is equipped with temperature sensors, pressure gauges pressure.. that provides the desired mode of operation of all the system. For DC noise are intended sound pressure levels adjusted considering passport data of all working pumping units at the points nearest to the noise source jobs will be 70 - 80 dB, which meets the requirements SDS "norms state sanitary industrial noise, ultrasound and infrasound "and GOST 12.1.003-83" noise and general safety "; In the administrative-office and sanitary room - 55 dB, and the SPZ limits by residential developments - less than 40 dBA that meet sanitary requirements and CH №3077-84 DSP 173-96. Main substances which will eject into the atmosphere at work of lines is a product of burned pyrolysis gases vapors of condensate the repository (breathing, merged in shipping container) and perhaps insignificant number of particulate matter (soot) in operations of remowal carbon from the reactor and its packaging. In general the enterprises will be hosting the next emissions: Benzene0,56NOX51 Ethylbenzene0,03CO30 Toluene0,50H2S<0,3 Purpose and couple-xylene0,05Steels--- Orto-xylene<0,02PB0,05 Fluoride0,30CD1,59Х10 -4 Free formaldehyde2,87Hg<0,00030 S029 8 Technology

9 > Emergency and volley emissions from planned activities are not predicted. Overall, extent of emissions in any of the pollutants do not exceed the limit values potential emissions,which is in the accounting state (Ministry environment and nature resources in Ukraine number 177 on 10.6.02 R. and from №309 27.06.06 P.). > Regulations work and verification of system of safety held every seventh day of production. Purging and cleaning the pipes of condensers and inner of the reactor occurs through compressor with a water solution of citric acid and carbon dioxide, which helps remove carbon deposits and various layers which formed in the production process. > Concerning the conditions of labor of personnel, it should be noted that the equipment has all necessary certificates and in their performance meets the EU requirments health standards and rules ( SDS,,SP 1024-73). 9 Technology

10 3D Plan DL-8 3D Plan PL-2 1. Corps 10. Cleaning system 2. Turning 11. Reducer 3. Collector 12. Water pool of cooling 4. Tank for heavy fraction 13. Cooling tower 5. The condenser oils 14. Burner for extra gas 6. Capacity for storage oil 15. Unloaders of carbon 7. Water seal 16. Electrical control panel 8. Condenser exhaust 17. Rollers for obtaining a 9. Chimney steel. 1. Burner 10. Electrical control panels 2. Distillation reactor 11. Condenser for exhaust 3. Distillation column 12. Chimney 4. Condenser of oil 13. Cleaning system 5. Tank for oil 14. Water pool for cooling 6. Tank for mix 15. Cooling column 7. Production tank 16. Burner for extra gas 8. Vacuum generator 9.Collector 10 General information

11 General consumption data of DL-8 Electricity: 3O KO /g in whole (but not all of devices operate simultaneously). Circulating water cooling system 50 M 3/h in general (Water may come on recycling - the faster passage of water, the better cooling takes place). Fuel for ignition systems: For 1 ton raw: 40 - 50 kg of coal as fuel. For 1 ton raw: 30 - 40 kg diesel fuel. Necessary to post Factory: 300 M2 (D - 30 AM, W - 10 M, B - 10 AM). Required staff: 4-6 employees, which are divided into two groups. General consumption data of PL-2 Electricity: 35 КO/g in whole (not all of devices operate simultaneously). Circulating water cooling system: 60 М 3/h in general (Water may come on recycling - the faster passage of water, the better cooling takes place). Fuel for heating: For 1 ton raw: 50- 60 kg coal as a fuel. For 1 ton raw: 40 М 3 nature gas. For 1 ton raw: 30-40 kg diesel fuel. Necessary Space for placing for factory: 450 m2 (length – 30m*width - 15m*height – 10m). Required staff: from 4 to 6 employees, which are divided into two groups. Requirements for floors 15 sm layer concrete with requirements on the tonage- 20 ton. 11 General information

12 Cash flow 2015 12

13 13 Pesimistic script (taken as the basis) These factors are given in the following: 1) 25 work days; 2) Without price increase of raw; 3) Without price increase of finished products; 4) For 75% exit of Д/Ф from used oil; 5) For 50% exit of П/Т of raw. Optimistic scrip t 1) 25 work days for pyroysis lines; 2) ЗО work days for distillation line; 3) 80% - 90% exit Д/Ф from used oil; 4) 50% - 55% exit П/Т from raw; Now this technology is used at several factories. One plant is located in Ukraine and transforms 50 tons of rubber waste per day (factory was built in 2015). Another plant is the port of Tema (Ghana, West Africa) which transforms 20 tons per day of recycled material AW. This plant working since 2012. Result

14 14 Thank you

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